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    I really tried to find a meeting last night. I am new in this area and could not find the one that I was looking for. Amazingly enough, I was able to have just a few glasses of wine that was watered down with pomegranate juice. I went to bed early. I am up early, no hangover, no shakes. I know I should have jumped in Chat. I guess I chose the lesser of two evils. I was supposed to go to a bar and see a band that I have a friend in, but I stayed home. I would have been in REALLY bad shape today had I gone, so I guess that is a tiny bit of progress. Thanks for hearing me out.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


    Progress.. that is key to remember. This is a journey and every step you take is a learning stone. The key is to make sure you note each time what you learned and keep moving forward. Sometimes it is easy for us to use these as excuses, so be diligent in your examination.

    Chat is such a helpful tool... it has saved my ass more than once..


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      I CAVED

      You are doing the right thing! You are choosing to see the positive side of the choice you made. I had a day like that last weekend. I had not started my 30 days, yet, but was trying not to drink. I had a bad day out with my husband and step-son. Emotionally draining and personally frustrating for the step-mom. I knew I had only a bit of wine left in the fridge. I went the grocery store to buy another bottle.

      I poured one hefty glass and sat on the sofa to read. I left that glass sit there for over an hour before I took my first sip. It took me over two hours to finish it. I never opened the other bottle and it is still in my fridge, today on day 7 AF. It is there as a token. If I CHOOSE to drink, it is there. If, not then oh well. It is a psychological game I played with myself when I quit smoking, too. Helps me with the deprivation thing. Is it a little dangerous having it in the house? Yes!!! But, I feel my committment this time is high an I feel confident.
      Good job on moderating last night. Today is a new day! Be proud of yourself for the control that you had. Also, thanks for sharing. I am sure that wasn't exactly easy for you.


        I CAVED

        Thank u

        You gave me "food for thought", and helped me not to be too upset with myself. My kids are grown up, doing there own things. I will have to learn to adjust, and get a life for my self. I could be in trouble today as well. One of my best friends is a very heavy drinker, and he said that he wants to hang out with me today. It's probably won't happen. He is not very reliable, due to his drinking. I will get myself out of this house, take a walk down to the pool, do some reading, try to relax and get some sun. It feels good not to be sick this morning. I must remember this.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          I CAVED

          It feels good not to be sick this morning. I must remember this.

          The hangover lasts a lot longer than the buzz.


            I CAVED

            That is much more than a Tiny bit of progress........You should be very PROUD....I am proud of you,thats for sure...I think you are getting ready to get ready to Quite(right)?Gather all the tools that you can and then make a plan.You can do this....I know you can !!!! Evie
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              I CAVED

              So true Florida. Was hard to moderate, but somehow, I did it. Thank u evielou. Getting my toolbox.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                I CAVED

                SEA...keep trying...a little is better than a large amount! See You Around! :h


                  I CAVED

                  Good Girl, Sea.... I wish I was with you. I like your plan! I would love to go to the pool with you, read, get some sun and hang out with a girlfriend!!! My daughter is grown and lives on the left coast! My friends are 1.5 -24 hrs away in distance. I am looking forward to getting rid of the AL so that I can get OUT, get involved in something and stop hiding at home with AL. I need a friend other than her. (I am always curious why we always call AL a "him") Sea, have a good day, work on that plan while you are at the pool. Sun rays bring positive vibes to me. Here's hoping they do the same for you. PM me if you want. I will be out and about today, but will be here later.


                    I CAVED

                    FloridaBoy;341609 wrote: It feels good not to be sick this morning. I must remember this.

                    The hangover lasts a lot longer than the buzz.

                    So true!!

