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Day 1 under my belt!

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    Day 1 under my belt!

    I feel like I have clicked into a different attitude from the other times I've tried to go AF.
    This time I realize that , as I said before the fight is too exhausting. when I finally realized that its like something changed in me. This site is soo great!!! I can't believe how many of you are in the EXACT same place as me.. It seems that the theme is 5pm and wine!
    Right now I feel strong because it is only noon but I plan to log in here much more than I used to when the cravings come.
    I love the authenticity of all here.
    May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise

    Day 1 under my belt!

    Way to go, Cherbear. I made it through last night AF, for the first time in probably 4 months. Of course, I didn't get to sleep until around 4:30AM, but somehow I didn't care because I felt like I was doing something very important and intelligent. Had a bunch of vitamins and a huge V8 this morning. Gonna go for a walk ...

    I love this site, too ... keeps me in the right frame of mind to give this a go; even as I planned to start AF today, not yesterday, like I was excited to try it and couldn't wait or something. We'll see ... last time I made it about 7 days, then went MOD for a few weeks, and then back to the bottom.



      Day 1 under my belt!

      Way to go Cherbear and Sam! I have made it thru the weekend (so far anyway) and I have been a crabby bitch, which has not been good for me or hubby...but I know I would have drank had I not confided in hubby my plan to do a 30 -- or least longer than a day or 2 AF. Glad you are both posting and making other healthy choices. Let's all stick together!


        Day 1 under my belt!

        YEAHHHHHH for you.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Day 1 under my belt!

          Great work you are very strong.It will feel great to wake up Monday morning with a clear head to start the new week with.Just keep putting one AF day next to the other and before you know it life will feel good again......Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Day 1 under my belt!

            Way to go Cherbear, Sam and CS!


              Day 1 under my belt!


              Why not make yourself something really special at 5 - maybe a tall, frosty glass of iced tea with some mint or a wedge of lemon perhaps. Maybe make 5 pm a great time for a different reason. Indulge yourself in a nice healthy activity.


                Day 1 under my belt!

                Cherbear;342462 wrote: I feel like I have clicked into a different attitude from the other times I've tried to go AF.
                This time I realize that , as I said before the fight is too exhausting. when I finally realized that its like something changed in me.
                This site is soo great!!! I can't believe how many of you are in the EXACT same place as me.. It seems that the theme is 5pm and wine! Right now I feel strong because it is only noon but I plan to log in here much more than I used to when the cravings come. I love the authenticity of all here. THANKS

                We have been re-programming you via remote control through your keyboard. Your fingers are oily and if you pick up a bottle of wine you will drop don't even think about it. :H :H :H


                  Day 1 under my belt!

                  Yay!! Way to go. Feeling proud for you!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Day 1 under my belt!

                    Hi :goodjob:
                    I had read your posts and related to you so. I am AF 2 days and yesterday had to experience the horrific withdrawls and it made me realize how much of what is poisin to me I had been dumping into my self. I kept someone close and dumped out what was left. I went to my place of employement with terrible shakes and confusion, I had to just hide it and keep busy. I have done it many times before and I know what to expect and when it hit I had such grief and regret.
                    Today was much better and for me, any hour is the bewitching hour. It could be 6AM just waking up from the night before where I passed out to be amazed at how much I drank isolated in my cave.
                    I am with you in spirit as well.
                    I am so grateful for this place to be me, the me I pray 2 be without what I am now considering my enemy ~Alcohol. I wanted to find a way to moderated and when the TOPA failed to be the kick I had wished for, I feel into a place of dispair as I blame myself that I did something wrong.
                    I am keeping up on the supps and have the CD's and plan to keep coming here for sometimes one word, or one sentence just takes ahold of me and it is a renewed hope.
                    I believe . I reach into every word here, listening and watching as my visions horizon expands


                    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                      Day 1 under my belt!

                      The first day has been okay for me somehow, probably because I'm eating better, getting more protein, taking vitamins and supplements; we'll see how the evening goes! :ranger

                      But, yesterday, I had to start out around 2PM (after mowing the lawn) with a beer, and then a glass of wine to alleviate the shaking (keep in mind that I was drinking 6-8 beers per night with a shot - more of a gulp actually - with every beer for 4-5 months!). Anyway, the beer and wine worked and I cruised through the rest of the night shake-free and AF and haven't had any since. Drinking some Rice Milk, took some Milk Thistle, and I have L-Glut and Kudzu arriving tomorrow. I think I was beaten up enough by AL that I actually have kinda of a serious calm feeling right now (the witching hour!!!!).

                      Anyway ... hang in there. I'll try to post if I have any profound thoughts on mood-swings, coping, or urges.

                      Best to all!



                        Day 1 under my belt!

                        You guys are all doing so well keep it up. Not so very long ago some of us were newbies too like you and struggling to get a kick start onto being AF - we were encouraged by those who were ahead of us and now here we are encouraging you - soon you will be the ones encouraging others from a better place. Focus, plan, read and post and you too will soon be able to say "if I can do it anyone can".


                          Day 1 under my belt!

                          :cheering: for Cherbear, Sam, CS and Theme2B. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Congratulations on taking the first steps to a better life.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Day 1 under my belt!

                            Rotten, rotten week

                            I've made a new deal with myself, not to complain anymore to anyone in family or friends. Complaining is just self poisoning. So, I've still got you guys.:H My second new plan is ODAT. I might even try OHAT. ODAT #! OHAT #21.
                            I have a plan: a realistic one for the rest of my life and continuing to poison myself with AL and discontent is not a part of it. If I could only get the booze out of the house, it could possibly be easier. Course, if I could get hubbie out of the house too..... Big:sigh:
                            I have been thinking about getting the excerise CDs, but, I am so not happy with the hypno CDs. "Hummuck" for hammock, I think, was so distracting that I totally lost it. If the voice had a consistent, discernable foreign accent, the odd grammer and pronunciations would not be so annoying. I may wander the world looking for a" very pleasant eshkaleter". If it helps me stay sober, then what am I complaining about Wine, wine wine. Oops!, I meant whine. xxxxxxx g.


                              Day 1 under my belt!

                              Way to go Cherbear!! The first day is the turning point!! :goodjob:

                              gelgit - keep on hon - the desire is the very first step!!
                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")

