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    Good Morning All; Well day five and I hope I make it through the 2 hours after work (My witching hours as far as staying AF). It's a very grey day here, bad thunderstorms last night and intermittent rain this morning, but I feel great as I'm clear headed and thank God my mood has improved.

    Sheepish, Thanks, I quit for 6 weeks from Jan 1 - Feb 15, '08 and I found when I ran into casual drinking "friends" some of them actually tried to get me to drink. I guess to make themselves feel better. However I don't think they're real friends. The real ones who truly care about you will support you I think.

    Louise, Thanks for the BD wishes. As per my message to Sheepish above, I'm in total agreement with you about the "friend" thing. In a way maybe going AF is a great way to weed out the not so good from the good friends.....

    Boozehag, Now THAT'S laying it on the line! Isn't it funny how we fret so much about some things that really are so not an issue?

    Doggy Girl, Thanks for kudos. LOL - I think I will start going in reverse now re: birthdays and then do a holding pattern when I get back to 29 too. Your "I want ALL the drinks" line is priceless! :H

    Hope Everyone in this community has a smashing good AF day! :h

    Canis Lupus Dreamer



      [QUOTE=Wolf Dreamer;342692]She doesn't know I'm trying to stop AL and she is a fairly heavy drinker. I know if she comes she will want to go out and get plastered (or at least tipsy) and I don't know what to do.
      This will be a test whether she's a true friend or not. When we're recovering some people will choose to leave our lives because our recovery forces them to look at their own behavior and if they're problem drinkers as well they may not want to be reminded of that and may not want to be a part of your life anymore.
      I would be honest with this friend and tell her that you feel you have drinking issues that you need to work on and going AF is something you need to do right now. You can explain you're not imposing this on her...if you can handle it...tell her she is free to drink her choice of beverages when with you but you'll be choosing al-free stuff.
      I did have a very dear friend who was an alcoholic out and out. When I started going to AA and was totally AF she didn't want to visit me anymore when she came to town. The last time I saw her was when she came to town for 2 weeks and stayed with another drinking buddy and had the audacity to call me for a ride to the airport when she was going home. It was a sad but true realization that as we recover some people need to be left behind. She eventually died of alcohol poisening.
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

