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New and nervous...but doing it anyway

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    New and nervous...but doing it anyway

    Hello Everyone
    This is my first post- will be brief. I have been lurking and reading the boards for the last 3 months or so- and at the risk of sounding like a nut case, I feel like I know some of you. Many of your posts have been very inspiring to me- Cindi, Greeneyes, Tlrgs, Noelle, Doggy Girl (who left and came back!) Meditation Mama, Accountable for Me, Betty Boop- the list goes on. I just want to thank all of you for having the courage to 'put it out there' for those of us who are struggling. Although I am not a daily drinker I know that alcohol plays a part in my life that is not healthy. (wine certainly makes the evening a little easier.. or does it?)
    So- am trying to take a look at this before it gets really out of hand... I have downloaded and read the book, have not taken any supplements or anything like that yet...
    Enough about me for now
    Thank you for listening and again thank all of you for your generous and honest postings that I have been reading and thinking about...

    New and nervous...but doing it anyway

    Hi Sheepish!

    Welcome! I find I learn tons from reading also! But post away - it helps to put your feelings out there - and it's amazing when you go back a few months and read what your wrote - you can watch your growth and changes in a whole new way!

    Best to you!
    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")


      New and nervous...but doing it anyway

      Hi Sheepish,
      Welcome from me also!!:welcome:
      Great to hear that you have spent quite some time here already familiarising yourself with the boards....
      there is so much to read, think about and to absorb.
      Having read the book you are now in a perfect position to decide what action to take.
      If you are going to go completely AF, then the supps etc will help your body adjust to time without wine...if you want to go mods, then the initial 30 days AF would be greatly help by those too.
      Looking forward to hearing how you are going to approach this. Let us know how you get on.:thumbsup

      Sober since 30/06/10


        New and nervous...but doing it anyway

        Hi Sheepish! I too hope you will post and share and reach out for help once you determine your goals. The book is definitely the right place to start IMO. Glad you find some of my babbling useful LOL! Also, good for you tackling AL before you become a daily drinker and things get further out of hand.

        No matter how hard it seems some times, life without AL is worth it. Each time I have fallen just proves that to me more and more.

        Come join us!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          New and nervous...but doing it anyway

          :welcome: sheepish!

          Good for you to get a handle on this now. Because it can get WAY out of control. I thought I was a strong willed person and perhaps I still am, but alcohol threw a blanket over my will. So jump up and take control! Good luck!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            New and nervous...but doing it anyway


            I was new and nervous almost a week ago. I've managed to get through the weekend and onto day 7 (had 6 nights). I do go through periods when I give up for considerable amounts of time but this time it has been easier because of this site. Friday was worst but if I'm honest I don't know why because I still drank a bottle of wine most days of the week prior to Friday but my aim is 30 days . . . . good luck to you and thanks to all who have supported me during the last seven days. Px
            Short term goal 7 days AF


              New and nervous...but doing it anyway

              Thanks Dolphin

              Means a great deal to hear from you!
              Short term goal 7 days AF


                New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                Hi Sheepish,
                That's exactly how I felt when I realized AL had me in it's tentacles...sheepish. Thought it could never happen to me...and still sometimes and totally irrationally thinks so. So don't feel sheepish, you are on the right track.
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                  New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                  It seems universal

                  Well now that I have been here (a second time) for a grand total of 12 days, I guess I can start throwing around generalizations. It does seem that most everyone who starts out feels totally ground down by AL.
                  You will feel better soon Sheepish. Just put one little hoof in front of the other!


                    New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                    wow- thank you all for taking the time to reply... As my name would suggest, I am somewhat shy and reserved about talking about my (yuk) feelings/innermost fears/dreams etc.... Somehow I think the alcohol plays a part in that. It kind of numbs it all so I can put them in an unlabeled shoe box in the closet. The problem is- that shoe box keeps falling on my head when I open the closet door.
                    thanks for listening


                      New and nervous...but doing it anyway


                      Hi and another :welcome:.

                      Yes, I think lots of us are shy, reserved, etc, and the drink helps "overcome" that but you are so right. The shoebox always hits me on the head when I drink.

                      You can use this website anyway you want. You can tell us what you want and keep anything to yourself you want.

                      In any case, we will try to help you in anyway we can.

                      I do hope that reading the book and looking at adding the supplements is where you will start besides posting. The supplements really help you physically, which in turn helps you mentally.

                      Glad you are here.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                        Sheepish, yep, I reckon we all have our own 'shoeboxes' where we hide stuff so that we don't have to deal with it..........................Mine's HUGE!!

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                          Welcome Sheepish , you're in the right place !

                          Way to Go ! Patricia, brilliant start. :goodjob:

                          Mary x


                            New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                            Hi all
                            Patricia- would love to hear from you as to how it is going today.

                            RW, Sasha, Jessie, Greeneyes, Liv, DG and Dolphin- a BIG Hello and thanks for your kind welcome. (Dolphin- may have to nick that jump roping sheep....)

                            Cindi- thank you for the reply. I am going to try the L Glutamine first I think- just bought some. Helps with cravings right? I don't drink during the day- but around 6P it seems like a nice time for a glass of wine. I need to do something else at that time instead I think.

                            And Amelia- my shoebox is going to need its own closet if I don't clean it out soon!

                            Onward and upward-


                              New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                              Hi Sheepish, I've been bonked in the head by that shoebox so many times I think I have a permanent concussion. :H Stick around, I was nervous at the start too.:l

