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New and nervous...but doing it anyway

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    New and nervous...but doing it anyway

    Hi all-
    Just reporting in- AF today, although day is not over on West Coast- I feel a bubble bath and the next episode of The Mole in my future.
    I have to say that the thought of this site today was really helpful in deciding to have an AF evening. It could have so easily gone the other way- as usually if it is a night in with the TV I say to mysedlf, wine- why not?
    Tonight I actually said wine- why? Small moments...
    Hope you all have a great night-


      New and nervous...but doing it anyway

      :welcome: Sheepish! It was nice getting to know you a bit on chat last night.

      So glad you are here! It sounds like you are ready to make some positive changes in your life.

      This is a wonderful place! Post lots, read lots, and chat lots!


        New and nervous...but doing it anyway

        Thank you AFM!
        I only meant to go 'look' at chat to see how it worked. I had no idea that you all could 'see' me! :H It moves fast...
        I will try it again though.
        Have been writing a few posts- getting my feet wet... It is still scary!
        I feel like the new girl in school... who showed up in the middle of the school year. Although everyone here has been very welcoming.. it takes a lot for me to jump in...
        Thank you for the encouragement.


          New and nervous...but doing it anyway

          Hello everybody

          Hi all

          Well I don't believe this myself - have now done a week - 8th day - before I'd always given up because I had panicked myself into doing it but this time wanted help without feeling scared (my husband once said wish you'd do it because you are sensible and not because you were scared!) he meant it in a nice way because he doesn't like me being scared - well anyway I found this site and have managed it because I wanted to be sensible - but I don't think I would have been able to maintain it for this long otherwise without all your help. Still not sure what the future holds in terms of alchol free/moderation etc. but we'll see. Sheepish - its so nice to hear that you're interested in how I'm doing. Hope you're doing okay as well.

          Speak soon. (I think when you're all on chat I'm in bed!)
          Short term goal 7 days AF


            New and nervous...but doing it anyway

            :cheering: Sheepish, congrats on your AF day yesterday - love your description of "wine? why not?" v. "wine? why?" LURVE LURVE LURVE it!! Changin' that stinkin' drinkin' thinkin'!!! (I stole that line from somebody here..Mary maybe? just want to give credit!!)

            :cheering: Patricia, Day 8 ROCKS!!! That first week can be tough, and YOU DID IT!!!!

            Onward and forward because WE CAN DO THIS!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              New and nervous...but doing it anyway

              Dear sheep,I am personally so glad when new people join our family.There is so much power in numbers so the more people that are here to beat the Beast the better our odds are.I am grateful for all the new wishdom that comes in from the new people and they help me stay on track.....You will find that this site is quite addicting,at least for me it is.You can come here 24/7 so there is never a need to feel alone again.....LOL...Evie
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                Thanks Patricia (8 days!), Doggy Girl and EvieLou-
                Am going to dinner soon with my friends- I offered to drive all in hopes of shoring up my 'diet Coke defense'. Of course we are going to Italian which just begs a lovely glass of red. While these kinds of situations are not usually a huge problem for me (the drinking a lot at home alone is the thing) I would feel so much stronger if I can stay AF tonight. So...
                Fingers crossed.
                Thanks for your support


                  New and nervous...but doing it anyway

                  Welcome. Keep coming. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012

