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Supplement Question

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    Supplement Question

    Hello All -

    I quit drinking for 84 days about two years ago with MWO. Then I fell off the wagon and have been struggling ever since. Now I am back and trying to get in the fight again.

    I have a question regarding the supplements. I try to take them at the same time each day, but I am not always good at it. So is it better to just make sure you get all the supplements in every day or is the timing of them very important to success.

    The last time if I missed some, I did not make them up, just went to the next scheduled round.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!


    Supplement Question


    So that I dont forget, I take some with every meal. I also took a stash to put in my desk drawer at work so I would aways have them handy.

    Good Luck
    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


      Supplement Question

      Julie, welcome to MWO.....knowing that you've achieved 80+ days in the past must give you lots of encouragement to know that you can do this again!!!! Personally, I didn't worry too much about the timing of the vits....I tried to take them at breakfast but if I forgot, I took it asap that day.

      Lots of luck to you this time round!

      love Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

