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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning lovelies!

    Hope you all have a good day today. Get it off to a flying start and stay with it (easy to say I know!) Got another busy day today - when are they not?! :H

    I'm just kicking this off quickly as I have to get going. Hope to check in later. Got a potentially difficult evening but will stay strong. I must have a plan in place for it by about lunchtime or else I tend to waiver and dither. Dithering is not good!! ODAT - a dither free zone!

    Love to all to come. Really looking forward to reading how everyone is.

    Walnut xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    hello walnut
    i was really confused with the name change but i worked through it yeah!!!!!!!! glad to see you
    100+ degrees today staying cool in my head is a priority
    have a great day all


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi all ODAT'rs

      Was away for the week-end so I have a lot of catching up to do. Like your phrase of not dithering Walnut, that's exactly what happens to me. Cant dither have to be firm!!! Today is going to be another AF day for me.

      Will catch you all later.



        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi ODATers

        I'm a bit lost - Walnut did you used to be Bessie?? I am a bear of very small brains so finding it hard to cope:H

        Hope to catch up again later.

        Luv Bx


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi everyone,

          Had another AF day last night (this AF weekday and mods weekend thing is working great for me, I love it!) I have been hangover free every morning in June and am at the point where I am sleeping now too! Feeling great except for this massive back pain that I am having - my BF and I were building a deck this weekend and apparently my neck did not enjoy the angle I had it bent at as I was bending over deck boards.........I think I will have to hit a massage therapist at lunch today. Luckily I have a cool boss that way.

          Hope everyone has a great day whatever your goals! I will remain AF today - no AL for me!

          Love and Hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Happy Tuesday my Freinds!
            I feel good. I feel proud for AF Monday. I try not to think about problems right now as they make me sad, worried and make me want to reach out to AL for comfort. That is why I am not going to think about my problems today. Today is my day and today nothing will make week. I deserve a happy today and I will get it.

            All, have a fab day! ...catch you later!



              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hello Everyone...

              For all to come that are going to inquire...

              Dither: To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing

              Hmmm...pretty much sums up my entire life.

              My big challenge for the day is to go running outside for the first time in years. I have been working out really hard in my home on my Stairmaster and have recently got back to where I was 13 years ago. I am really jazzed about that accomplishment! With the weather warming up I thought that it would be great to get out doors. It will be interesting to see if my old body can handle it. My mind still thinks that my body is in the same shape it was when I played college (American style) football even though I am in my 40's. Damn aging process! Wish me luck!

              Other than that heading to the office to get ready for a client pitch tomorrow. Pretty excited for that as it is an old friend in the business and hopefully I can bring in a much needed assignment. Anyone have any ideas for decorating my office? Four white walls at the moment and pretty bland!

              Good wishes to all to come!

              One last thing...Walnut...please don't make anymore flies, eggs, larvae, maggot comments...nearly had nightmares about that!


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Good morning ODATers,

                Today is a good day. I am working from home and enjoying being here.

                Walnut, no dithering today for you!! Make a plan and stick with it, girl!!

                Rudemama, hot here, too, but hopefully not 100+. Ick.

                RU, glad you are back and well.

                Mad Mummy, It took me a while to figure out Walnut was Bessie, too.

                Uni, You are doing so well with AF during the week and mods on the weekend. Keep it up!!

                MyChoice, Please have a great day. I agree, staying AF today is my priority #1. Otherwise, nothing else matters anyway.

                Everyone else, have a wonderful ODAT Tuesday and I hope all of us attain our goals, no matter what they are!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  ODAT - Tuesday


                  Cross posted. You are into your second 30 days! Whoop Whoop!!

                  Have a great day!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hi Cindi!

                    Have a great day!


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Hi everyone!
                      You all sound pretty upbeat, thats good! I didn't want to post today as I slipped last night after a day of feeling very low and stuck. Felt very poorly and so back to day1 again.
                      Why do I do it? Really thought I could just have 1 glass wine but no, had to be the whole bottle. Can't believe how stupid I am.
                      Anyway today is another day and I'll give it another go.
                      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Hi All, On to day 5. Hope everyone a bit down perks up today and everyone up does the holding pattern thingy.

                        Evie - Not stupid, just in a learning curve.

                        We are NOT ruled by Al.

                        Best AF wishes to All!


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          good morning everyone!

                          Hi all, I am going to chime in on a positive note, I am going on 7 days today and feeling great! Feeling fit and losing weight already, so that is a MAJOR plus for me.

                          Everyone here sounds pretty positive, Evie, get back in the saddle, you can do it.............I have been right where you are MANY times in the past...........YOU CAN DO IT! I am rooting for you.

                          To everyone to come have a TERIFFIC TUESDAY!!!
                          love and hugs,:h:l:h:l

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            :baaah:Good Day Odat-ites
                            I am on to Day 3 AF- although I am having dinner tonight with friends and will be tricky. And for some reason Day 3 has always been hard for me. Must make plan.
                            Umm, ok. - PLAN: order diet coke. Seems easy yet- will those words come out of my mouth? I must make it so.
                            Have a great AF day all


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              Gack! I am the bummer here. Cried at work yesterday. Hubby insisted on tranq in middle of the night when the anxiety hit. Now I'm a fuzz head. I only have less than a week to get to Lenair. I don't want to be taking pills. Pants! I am so off track I distress myself. I guess I tumbled down the mountain. Well.... BGP and onward. I am NOT going backward. It is summer and green beans grow in the summer.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

