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Hello future friends

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    Hello future friends

    You sound a lot like me! I own my own business and was making enought money the first 5 days of the month to drink the rest of it away. Pretty cool right...wrong! Just lead to a whole bunch of trouble. Although the work was always outstanding, my desire and enthusiasm faded day by day and the new biz pipeline began to dwindle. My clients and vendors new that something was wrong but really didnt reach out to ask any questions because they were busy leading their own lives. It is really a slippery slope.

    Glad you have realized where you are and are addressing the situation. It is really very simple. If you continue to drink you will lose your business, then your home, then your career, then your family, then your life. Or you can simply kick AL's butt and be wildly successful in the Big Apple and end up on the front page of the NY Times Business Section. Hmmm....I wonder which one you should choose.

    Wish I still lived on 42nd and 10th as we could get together for a chat but I guess for now you can just PM me here if you would like. Best of luck.


      Hello future friends

      Coco...Glad that you found us!!!!! It sounds like you have gathered a lot of tools to help you beat the BEAST...This site is the best tool that I know of.I to am a functioning alcoholic,but let me assure you that I am functioning at a much higher level now that I have a month AF.Have you considered taking antabuse?If I ever really feel like I am about to blow my soberiety that is where I will turn.It takes your choice to drink away for long enough for you to come to your sences and make a different choice.Think about getting some as a back up.At least for me it is a safe feeling to have a plan,just in case....Evie
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Hello future friends

        Hi coco... :welcome: AL can ruin your business. Good for you to get a grip on it. Everyone here will help you. Good luck.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Hello future friends

          you are all truly amazing...

          i took my first topa last night. Took a dance class which felt great. Doing the whole program so far today...have already been on the kudzu and l-glut. Now I need to start the tapes.

          Any thoughts about the Adrafinil? e.g. will it help me focus more on work and stop thinking about this process?



            Hello future friends


            Good luck - you're in the right place.

            Short term goal 7 days AF


              Hello future friends

              Hello Coco... just wanted to chime in about what a great place MWO is. There's always help, insight, advice and support available exactly when you need it right here. Best wishes g.:h


                Hello future friends

                thanks all -- i'm feeling pretty good. feel like I've overdosed on vitamins! Don't really feel any cravings. It's more the habitual stuff I miss and will miss. I've decided I'm not cold-turkeying but weaning down for the next 5 days. I want to experience the "dis-interest" in wine - esp while on topa and kudzu - and therefore remember that long term (as opposed to missing the taste and rush.)

                I'll keep in touch. thanks for listening


                  Hello future friends

                  Welcome and stay close to MWO!
                  "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                    Hello future friends

                    Welcome Coco, nothing and no-one scary here, just remember we were all newbies once upon a time. Good to hear from you, you will just love it here.

                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                      Hello future friends

                      dolphin;345113 wrote: i dont know tea,that Boozhag can be quite scary at times..:H....I'll get PM from her now tellin me about gay rabbits or somethin!!
                      :funnypost: :funnypost: She sends me rabbit rated (R) videos of them and they are a scream! :H


                        Hello future friends

                        so if you guys aren't drinking, what are you on and can I have some? Boozhag...that's a new one for me -- as most of the jargon and acronyms here...It really is a community where we all get to know each other pretty quickly over time. only challenge is that we can't see in the whites of folks eyes, we can only read between the anonymous lines... This is much better than AA best I can tell. And to date myself, I had a boyfriend 20 years ago who I helped into AA and I just couldn't stand the smell of coffee and cigs at the meetings...Dolphin - I'm not going into anything about the gay rabbits.

                        nite all


                          Hello future friends

                          OOps yes - was too scared to mention Boozhag - lol. Coco, we are 'high on sobriety'... well, that's MY excuse...

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                            Hello future friends

                            coco45;345256 wrote: so if you guys aren't drinking, what are you on and can I have some? Boozhag...that's a new one for me -- as most of the jargon and acronyms here...It really is a community where we all get to know each other pretty quickly over time. only challenge is that we can't see in the whites of folks eyes, we can only read between the anonymous lines... This is much better than AA best I can tell. And to date myself, I had a boyfriend 20 years ago who I helped into AA and I just couldn't stand the smell of coffee and cigs at the meetings...Dolphin - I'm not going into anything about the gay rabbits.

                            nite all
                            Through this site I realized that I do not have an AL off switch and that I was not the only one like that. Accepting this fact made the decision to become a non-drinker and disregard the social pressure to imbibe the only rational option. It is a serious yet fun site.

