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maybe later

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    maybe later

    feeling better?

    Hey Judie,

    Hey, Wish you were feeling better! Sorry if I sounded cranky eariler. Just having a tough day today. I guess we all have our up and down days. Maybe I will go and do my cleansing CD...

    Anyway... I think that it is a good thing, not a bad thing that your beer tasted bad yesterday! You should be very happy about that And you mind and body will be back to nomal in a few days, just keep moving...

    Have a good day.



      maybe later

      Hey Tammy, I didn't think you sounded cranky earlier(B---h!)lol that's how out of it I am, didn't even notice, when someone's ribbi'n me! At this point I wish I could "give" you my doctor... I shouldv'e known after the last script he "tried on me !!

      HUgs Judie aka guinui pig


        maybe later

        I ordered the topa from a website called NPD (no prescription drugs); and it does come from oversees. Nowadays, it's pretty easy to get stuff like this. I don't have any problem skipping days (...dont drink Mon-Thurs), but when I start, I can't quit, so I knew I had to do something. I had a real bad drinking episode in December, that's when I bought the book and everything and got started last Thursday. I guess I am experiencing one minor side affect, my mouth tastes mediciny -- no big deal to me.



          maybe later

          Hi Guys

          Forced myself to work out on the treadmill for 30 minutes today - what a difference! We had a winter storm so I couldn't walk outside or I would have done it there. I think the exercise thing really makes a diff. Sorry to sound like a trainer, but I got my spreading ass off the couch and it worked! The treadmill squeaked and I did it! I got moving and the rest fell into place. I am still resisting the CD's, so please help me there. I have stuff with my my marriage - it's so bad - I don't love my husband. No trust, no love, all that crap. I want out, but I have two beautiful boys and I am too weak to make the move. Can anyone help me? I think this is the root of my drinking. Thanks.


            maybe later

            Good for you getting on that treadmill. I found with the CDs, after I got through the first 2 (clearing and hypnotic), I really enjoyed the subliminal, so effortless. Just pop it in while working on computer. Have you tried the CDs at all?

            Unhappy marriage is a complicated matter and I feel for you. I went through that, tried to stay in a marriage that wasn't working. I eventually got up the strength to leave, but it was VERY hard. I drank too - numb all the time. Think it's a means of coping. But I am very happily married now and still have a drinking problem. Don't have any answers for you, but it's usually tough on everyone if you're not happy unless you can find a way to somehow manage until your boys are older. There's no easy answer to this one. You deserve to be happy though!



              maybe later

              Hi Marie,
              Great Job on the Exercising! That is one part of the program I can't get my but moving on! Just plain lazyness on my part. I know it is suppose to really help....maybe tomorrow I will try it during Regis & Kelly, I love that show, just plain sillyness.
              I do like the CD's. I think they do really help. They do take a few times to get going, exspecially the clearing and the hypno like Gracie said, but the other two you just have on...
              Anyway my Husband and I will be celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary in Feb. I wish I could say that they were all wonderful but many of them were not. We have two wonderful children and decided to stick it out for them. I am glad we did. We are now working on our marriage very hard and I am working on my drinking problem very hard....However I do know many marriages do not work because:
              Just like this program, everyone's marriage is different. I wish you luck and happiness. We are here when you want to chat and or vent. Wish I could help more.

              Take Care, Tammie


                maybe later

                I'm feeling real tired during the day and really look forward to exersize in the afternoon. I'm struggling with at least one drink at night but I"m increasing my dosage (2nd week) today hope the cravings are less in the weeks to come. But the exersize really is the part that helps me think clearly. I know it is hard to start. But start none the less.


                  maybe later


                  Good for you! You've already come a long way...




                    maybe later

                    Hi everyone, I thought I would share my experience on the Topa. It is hard though because there are so many other factors included for everyone.

                    So for me:
                    I am not taking any other medication
                    I am taking Kudzu, L Glut and All in One (struggle to fit in exercise and tapes on a regular basis).
                    I started taking the Topa in November started offshore but my doctor agreed to help me, the brand is Johnson and Johnson. I topped up very slowly. Started at 25mg and moved up every 10 days by 25mg. I am now at 300mg. I have the slight tingling which is no problem. Someone mentioned the body odour earlier and I have experienced that it is horrible, the tinny taste is there but I don't mind that. It has made me mellow but it hasn't helped in reducing cravings for me so that is disappointing.

                    I am going to start coming down slowly (if that is the right terminology). I have felt spaced out, people have asked me if I am okay. My mental functions are poor. The way I have got around that is I have been able to delegate work to people but that has been a stretch. My spelling and grammar have gone to the dogs. I feel like I am one minute behind everyone else and I have just been lucky that I can take time to plan around it but I work for myself and I am pushing my luck at the minute because of my reaction.

                    I know the reaction is personal, my doctor has been great and the positive that is coming from this is that my hormones are not all over the place. I have been trying to tell my doctor for some time that my issues are hormoe related and I think that has more credibility at the minute. Still a long path but one he is willing to discuss with me.

                    For me Topa is not a solution. Campral may be one but that forces me to being sober. Another decision I have to make.



                      maybe later

                      Hey Yvonne,

                      Sorry that topa is not the solution for you. However, I must say that you are handling the realization and finding a resolution with dignity, and I respect you for that. Topa is not for everyone. It seems to be working okay for me so far, as long as things are relatively even in my life. I am facing a period of stress for about two weeks now sewing flags for my daughter's color guard (I can feel an all-nighter coming on (which is not good for me at my age), and I can feel my grip slipping a little bit. I will write more about that in another post. I'm not having time to do my hypno tapes and such and my drinking is going up a little, altho not like before. I'm looking forward to having my time in order again and getting back 100% on the program. Back in control. Good luck on the Campral. It's a good medication, from what I've heard!

                      I have a good friend who took topa, and it made her so spacey, even at about 50 mg., that she had to discontinue it, it just wasn't working for her. For her, it was to counter the weight gain that she had experienced on Zoloft (70 lbs) for depression. She had a massive topa dopa effect. She had to switch to Lexapro. I feel so badly for her, because now she is dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome, as well, and still hasn't lost any weight.

                      At any rate, Yvonne, you do as you have to do, and I am supportive of you.

                      Back to the salt mines (the sewing machine!) for me!

                      Lots of Love LOL!


                        maybe later

                        My advice on this I'm a health care professional & have also I've been on Topamax personally for a mood disorder & for supression of a migraine headaches (preventative regimen)for almost 2 yrs now would be: just take 24 - 36 hrs off from the dosing. The drug has a very long half life (23 hrs to be exact) This will allow most of the excess to be excreted & then restart it. Only very slowly this time. This is what I did: 25 mg @ night only for 1 -2 weeks. If you have any side effects wait the full 2 weeks @ least. Then add 25 mg in the am. And so on. I very gradually increased my dose that way to 75 mg (50 @ bedtime & 25 in the morning)effects over a month until both my headaches & mood disorder were well contrlled. They remained so @ that 75 mg dose until I was injured in an auto accident (head /neck) & my Migraines came roaring back . I had absolutely no side effects by utilizing this method. Esentially I had to go thru the same process again after my MVA but ended up on 175 mg in order to control my headaches. But I never increased my dose by more than 25 @ a time or in intervals closer than once a week A very wise collegue, who had a great deal of experince in successfully prescibing this medication advised me of this.


                          maybe later


                          Hey Kimber, Thanks for the info on Topa.
                          Since starting the Topa @100mg daily right off the bat,(@ my Dr's orders) & more or less "tweekin' out. I've decreased my dosage to 50 mg and I think I can live w/this.
                          I've been on vacation for the past week, so, I've been doing some drinking...but nothing like I know I'm capable of!
                          My Honey even mentioned tonite that he felt bad, cause he's drinking more than me...that's a first!
                          I've by no means quit, but I've cut way back. Been getting up @ 6 or 7 AM to go bike ride around the golf course(it's really a better bike trail, they just don't know it ), before they start chasing their little "balls " around! Been really enjoying the sunrise, and all the critters b-for everyone else is up...Sand Hill Cranes, Cute Little Bunnies, But Ugly Wild Turkeys,Egrets, even a couple of construction workers!Ha!
                          Seriously it does feel really good to get up & feel good! What a concept. I used to do that all
                          the time... some how I lost track of a part of me along the way, I know I've got a loooonng way to go, but I've got a start, and I'm feeling hopeful. That's a real
                          nice change.
                          Wanna hear a good one? I'm gonna' try puttin for my Honey tommorro. That should be interesting! The hardest part is you have to be quiet when someone else is "up to bat" or whatever you call it!
                          Bring on the Duct tape! Wish me luck.
                          Hugs & Prayers Judie


                            maybe later

                            Hey Judie,

                            It's good to hear you sounding so relaxed and refreshed. You really deserved a good two weeks away from it all! It's also great to hear that you're not drinking that much compared to the past. Keep up the good work!

                            Have a great time "Puttin'" !


                            Also, thanks for the good topa info, Kimber!

