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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all!

    Bit of a grey-ish one here and I am feeling a bit worn out already but I'll get showered and crack on with the day. Had a good evening last night with only one glass of wine and didn't really want that so no cravings for any more. Another AF night planned tonight. Then got a friend coming to stay so I'll have to watch it over the weekend. But that's then, this is now and today is what counts. ODAT is the way we do it!! How is your day going?

    Love to all :h


    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi ODATs
    Seem to be really steaming through June - can't believe it's almost longest day! Wishing I hadn't had the glass of wine last night as feeling not as awake and rested as I've gotten used to with the AF days. Live and learn I guess. Seem to have hit that season where the kids are off in all directions on trips/induction days at Secondary/sports tournaments etc so must dash. Hope to check in later.



      ODAT - Thursday

      Hi all ODAT'rs

      Yes Mad Mummy it certainly is that time of year. Hard to keep in a routine which I feel really helps me. Exams over today that means another one under my feet!! Daughter Number 2 has been offered the loan of a connemara pony and I think we are going to take them up on it. One way to keep her occupied other than with boys!!

      Have had my lovely walk and now getting my MWO fix so I am set up for the day. Trying to play catch up in the house, its never ending. Am on Day 4 and feeling better emotionally and physically. Had cravings last night but had an AF Becks and that seemed to take care of it. Am out of routine with supplements, cd's etc. so that does not help. However, am taking it ODAT and just trying to get as many AF days under my belt as I can. No obsessing on number's etc. I have done 30 a few times and then really beat myself up when I slipped, sometimes after 40+ days. ODAT seems to be the only way for me.

      Have a great day everyone.



        ODAT - Thursday

        Good Morning ODATers!!

        Walnut, I haven't heard much about your B&B lately. Are you keeping it rented out? I agree, ODAT is the only thing that works.

        Mad Mummy, Feast or famine. Now that my children are grown, I really miss those mad days of rushing around. Thank Heavens I have the grandkids to come over at times and keep me inspired about life!!

        RU, Ah, young girls becoming interested in young men. They seem to lose all sense of direction when that happens. Hope the pony helps keep her centered.

        Everyone else to come, have a lovely day!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Thursday


          Hi all

          On day 11 - tonight is my 10 night AF and my aim is 30 days (ideally I'd like to do longer) lots of reasons for it but feeling good and positive. Have been so taken up and focused with the threads of new people like me that haven't had time to look properly at site - it really is fabulous - one comment said that you don't have to look into the whites of peoples' eyes - this is true - you share thoughts and experiences but you can still remain anon - I've never known anything like it - it genuinely does keep you going. Think I've also lost some weight which is absolutely brilliant (but I'll check this weekend and probably throw scales out of window 'cos they won't say what I want). Other benefits, no bloatedness, no puffiness, not nervy, no guilty conscience, am happy. ODAT is absolutely fine for the time being . . . I'm not the most sensible person in the world . . . but 30 days is my aim - I know there are one or two members out there at about my stage - are there any more? (History is usually a bottle of wine a night 7 days a week, no benders, okay, reliable person to outside world but my inner world is sometimes guilt ridden and in turmoil.)

          Good wishes to you all Px
          Short term goal 7 days AF


            ODAT - Thursday


            You are 1/3 of the way to your goal!!

            The thing about ODAT is that all of us on here are at the same "stage." We are sober today!!

            Suddenly, those days pile up and there you are.

            I was a 2 - 3 bottles of wine a night drinker. You are dealing with yours much sooner than me. Good on you!!

            Have a great day.

            AF April 9, 2016


              ODAT - Thursday


              It doesn't feel like I'm at the same stage as lots of other people even if it is ODAT because 10 days doesn't seem much compared to what some people have achieved - but I take your point - and thanks for your encouragement . . . .

              Short term goal 7 days AF


                ODAT - Thursday

                Morning everybody.

                Had a massage yesterday evening. We always have a beer and chat first as I am his last appointment. It's like a ritual - for over 20 years. But when I had lunch with him and his wife earlier, I told them about going to Vermont. My last massage appointment a month ago I could not get there and had to call them and tell them I had to stop at a friend's house because I realized I should not be driving. Instead of being annoyed, they were thrilled that someone had the sense to do that. Anyway he asked did I want a beer. I accepted. He always has interesting beers. But I told him that would be my last one there. These little realizations are sort of odd to me. His wife makes really good iced tea though.

                I got some flies for Vermont yesterday. OMG. They are like gnats. I hope I can get the line through the eye in less than an hour so I can actually fish. Maybe I can find a little kid who can see to help me. Hire a fishing caddy. :H

                Today I reluctantly go to MD for something for anxiety. I made it through the night without the pill hubby gave me (broken in half since the last one kicked my arse). But sometimes it overtakes me.

                The hilight of my day is that I get a haircut. I need perking up. In addition to that, the woman is as perky as you can get. I thoroughly enjoy our chats. I usually cut my own hair, but it is nice to be pampered once in a while and she is very good but I am particularly drawn to her energy.

                So, what a ramble! Guess I'll shut up now and get on with it.

                Have a great day everyone and good luck with your goals.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  good morning

                  Hey all, happy Thursday!! I am on day 9, feeling great!

                  Everyone sounds cheerful and chipper this morning, I have a busy one as I have a patient in 1 min, then 2 more, w/ hour visits each, then the paperwork, will be able to get on here lots though as once the actual patient is seen and out the door, I am free, but just have busy-work to do................

                  talk to you all later,

                  lots of love,:l:h:l:h

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    I'm going to try to make this day 1 AF for me. I have to go to an outpatient rehab meeting tonight, and I am so sick of being the only one who has to say they've been drinking. I either have to stop drinking or quit going, because it makes me feel so bad. I've been down to 1-2 drinks a day, but even that makes me feel like a failure. I hope the supplements kick in soon--I feel better, but still have cravings every day at 5PM. I haven't done any hypno yet, and wonder if that would help. Thanks for listening!


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Hi everyone,

                      I'm on day 9 this month - AF during the week, mods weekends, and am feeling great! Last night was the first tough night I've had - went to a GF's house (we have always been drinking buddies). I knew it was going to be tough so I stopped and got a bottle of AF wine for myself first. When she asked what it was I told her I was on really strong painkillers for my back (this is true actually) and that I couldn't drink on them. So we sat outside, I enjoyed my Af wine, and she enjoyed her real wine and we had a nice night. But it was funny, all the way there I was craving a glass of white wine, rationalizing with myself that just one won't hurt - yada yada yada.........lets face it, we all know I wouldn't have had just one. Obviously I know it too cause my car just kinda drove me to the grocery store to buy that AF bottle! But that has been the first real battle with AL that I've had this month. And I won. So her I am, day 9 for June and feeling pretty damn good!

                      Have a great day everyone!
                      Love and Hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - Thursday


                        You SHOULD feel pretty darned good!!

                        Good on you.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          So proud uni! :goodjob:
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Hello Everyone
                            Wasnt going to post here but thought maybe some public embarrassment (confession) might be cleansing
                            I last posted saying I was going to dinner with friends- and did not want to drink. Well- I had one glass of wine. Which was not my goal but was ok I guess. But the perfectionist part of me was annoyed with myself. So instead of pulling myself up- I drank 3/4 bottle last night at home alone. So obviously ODAT is an acronym I don;t understand. Anyway- pretty irritated with myself.
                            Sorry to be a downer. You guys seem to be doing well. Uni you are fabulous.
                            Also- Greeneyes wrote something on another thread about flat tires and starting over which I am going to try and take to heart. I am going away for the weekend and unable to check in. Hope you all have a healthy one.
                            A Sheepish Sheep


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Sheepish... at least you didn't finish the bottle. That counts. Put air in the tire and keep going.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

