So far no real noticeable side effects, but perhaps those are more associated with the higher level dosages. Also haven't noticed any decreased apetite (darn it) as yet. I know it is too soon to really tell, but I feel so encouraged by this amount of progress. I just seem to have stopped obsessing about getting home to my bottle of wine (or bottle and a half, or two). This past week I've been perfectly happy to have one glass of wine at a restaurant, or even two, and not want more when I got home. I haven't woken up in the night. I haven't woken up hung over. I haven't felt angry with myself for losing control. For a whole week and a half. I really never thought I could do this, and honestly this program sounded way too good to be true. I guess time will tell, but I'm certainly going to follow it through to the end and find out.
I feel really hopeful. For the very first time. Bless you all.