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I won't give up, today is a new day

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    I won't give up, today is a new day

    In my year or so effort of trying to quit, I typically don't make it to day two, regardless of the circumstances. Usually, by the second, or third day, I feel good and start convincing myself of all those "beast lies" I've been reading about. Yesterday was no exception and I'd like to post what happened to me yesterday so I can make some sense of it all and possibly get some feedback on how I can handle it differently next time.

    Tuesday was a great day, AF, I ate low carb and healthy and got in a good work out. I woke up Wednesday feeling AMAZING, clear head, motivated, happy, etc... Spent most of the day with my girls, at the mall, at Lowe's picking out paint and other home improvement projects I plan on working on this summer, visiting a friend with a new litter of puppies (we're thinking of adopting one),and I had a good workout. At 4:00 I began to feel irritable, frustrated, bored, generally yuck. I felt like I was ready to crawl out of my skin. I didn't know what to do with myself. I agreed to let my older daughter spend the night at her friend's house, and basically it was then and there that I decided to give in and and buy beer on my way back. I rationalized that I needed it, I felt awful, and that I would only have my younger daughter so I wouldn't have to "hide" buying or drinking it. Isn't that sad?
    I had my first beer around 5:00 and literally sat on the couch, and watched TV for a couple of hours. By about 8:00, I was buzzed, accomplished nothing, considered stopping, but didn't. By 9:00 I put my daughter to bed and began to feel sad, reminisce about old times, old friends, my hometown (thankfully I didn't call or email anyone). My BF came home at 10:00 and somehow I successfully hid all of this, including the drinking from him. I went to bed 11ish but when my dog woke me up to go out around 4, I remembered that I had drank (my throbbing head and dry mouth were gentle reminders) and I began the self-loathing, guilty, regretful thoughts and banter in my head. Bottom line - it wasn't worth it one bit. Drinking alone (which is basically all I do right now) is lonely and pathetic- not fun. It's not good for me, my daughters, my BF, so why do I allow myself to continue? I am educated (I have a psychology degree for goodness sakes), I am a hard working professional, and I have a great life. AL is pulling me down in everyway imaginable - despite every diet I try, I fail, because I drink. I have to lose over 75 lbs - who is this person? Yet every time I try to quit, within a day or two I convince myself that I can drink, that I deserve to drink, blah blah blah. Please, help. What can I do just at those weak moments were I have the power to make a choice, to make the right one, for me, my girls and my life?

    Thank you for reading this long post. It was theraputic for me but now I need to do something with it.

    I won't give up, today is a new day

    You have come to a great place. You will find a lot of support here. You may want to get and read the book from this site. I was in your shoes not very long ago and because of this site I can say that it has been 45 days AF for me today. With other stretches before that. I can honestly say if i can do this so can you.

    I would also suggest printing out this post and reading it on those times you feel that you can drink without consequences. Good Luck and stick around, many will be here to help and give great advice.


      I won't give up, today is a new day


      I only joined this site 11 days ago but it's worked for me. The thing that helped the most was what the others called the witchin hour. Once I realise that other people had exactly this same thing in their head then it kind of clarified it for me and I became aware that I could change it - otherwise I used to wake up in the morning and say not today and then accept that at the witchin hour a switch came on in my head that I could go home and buy a bottle of wine - also total acceptance that this was okay - I'm going for 30 days (I have given up for significant chunks of time before (a year or more) but this time I've got like-minded people who KNOW the way my mind works because theirs has also worked like it - I'm not under any illusion that I'll go AF permanently but just for today I'm going for ODAT and this is how I'm going to get to my goal - I think drinkers beat themselves up more than most - they also have very low estime so my thinking is that if I can make this goal then it will make me feel good about myself and give me confidence - I come from family of drinkers (one or two acute alcholics) including at the moment a very close relative whom I suspect might not get there . . . . Good luck to you . . . . P
      Short term goal 7 days AF


        I won't give up, today is a new day

        jls--you are not alone. I still tend to over indulge if my kids aren't going to be home. I think it goes back to when they were younger the only time I went out and had fun was when someone else was watching over them.

        Do you take any of the supplements? My first thought reading your post was--she needs some L-Glutamine---helps with the cravings as does Kudzu. I also had to force myself to drink something else or eat when those strong urges hit. I learned these were big triggers for me--Hunger, thirst, and tired. Take care of these, maybe try a relaxation cd, instead of reaching for that 6 pack!

        Hope this helps!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          I won't give up, today is a new day

          WOW!!!!! I am so glad that you are here.This place saved my life.I felt like a fat pig(AL had piled extra weight on me).I tried to do low carb but AL always did me in.The good news is as soon as I got AF the pounds just started falling off.I had to change my priorities.Soberiety had to come first and then regaining my health was quit easy.Get a plan together(gather your tools)and then let us help you reach your goals.....Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            I won't give up, today is a new day

            patricia;345503 wrote: Hi

            I only joined this site 11 days ago but it's worked for me. The thing that helped the most was what the others called the witchin hour. Once I realise that other people had exactly this same thing in their head then it kind of clarified it for me and I became aware that I could change it - otherwise I used to wake up in the morning and say not today and then accept that at the witchin hour a switch came on in my head that I could go home and buy a bottle of wine - also total acceptance that this was okay - I'm going for 30 days (I have given up for significant chunks of time before (a year or more) but this time I've got like-minded people who KNOW the way my mind works because theirs has also worked like it - I'm not under any illusion that I'll go AF permanently but just for today I'm going for ODAT and this is how I'm going to get to my goal - I think drinkers beat themselves up more than most - they also have very low estime so my thinking is that if I can make this goal then it will make me feel good about myself and give me confidence - I come from family of drinkers (one or two acute alcholics) including at the moment a very close relative whom I suspect might not get there . . . . Good luck to you . . . . P

            In my year or so effort of trying to quit, I typically don't make it to day two, regardless of the circumstances. Usually, by the second, or third day, I feel good and start convincing myself of all those "beast lies" I've been reading about. Yesterday was no exception and I'd like to post what happened to me yesterday so I can make some sense of it all and possibly get some feedback on how I can handle it differently next time.


            My thought patterns mirrored the above. After finding this site and some introspection I decided I had to become a non-drinker because I have no AL off switch. I am happy with the person I am becoming w/o AL in my life. Get the supplements LVT suggested.



              I won't give up, today is a new day

              Hi again jls. I can certainly relate to the viscious cycle you describe. I can also relate to those frustrating feelings - AL having a grip on your life even though from the outside looking in, your life probably looks normal or even enviable to others. Dying on the inside.

              Have you read the book yet? (downloadable from the health food store) If not, that is THE place to start. This isn't just a psychological addition, but a physical one too - our brain chemistry is a mess and it needs to heal. That contributes to these early AF days being so challenging. I haven't yet found any magic that makes this easy.

              Use all the tools that MWO has to offer (well, I don't do the prescription meds but all the other ones - and the meds are very important and effective for many). Then put those Big Girl Pants on (as Greenie would say!) and be prepared to not drink - no matter how hard it is.

              I personally am trying to avoid situations that will be difficult if I can, and find other things to do at the "witching hour" which for me, comes at a rather early time of the day after years of self abuse.

              The supplements I am finding most useful are:

              All One - for general healing
              B Comblex
              L-Tryptophan (I like this better than either SAMe or GABA for mood stabilization and craving control)
              L-Glutamine and Kudzu are on hand for intense cravings, although I don't find myself needing those as much with the L-Tryptophan
              Calcium / Magnesium combined supplement in the correct ratio

              There are a couple other things I take for reasons outside of the booze. These are the main ones that seem to work for me. All of us are different, so I really suggest starting with the MWO baseline program - with supplements purchased here at MWO if you can, and going from there.

              Again - none of the above are magic bullets. You have to love yourself enough to deal with the difficult moments and the pull of your addicted mind.

              WE CAN DO THIS. It takes a lot of work. But it's rewarding. I've been here at MWO off and on for almost a year. 60 days AF was my longest stretch, then I had fantasies of moderation and subsequent fiddle farting around. I am now on Day 22 AF hopefully for the last time. Keep trying - and most importantly learning from each and every mistake.

              Sorry this is so long...I can really relate. Best wishes. Dust off those britches and let's get going!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I won't give up, today is a new day

                Wow guys, thanks. The support here is just what I need.
                I actually did purchase many of the supplements months back, but have not been taking them with any consistency. I would for a few days, then go back to my old ways. I need to work on my persistance. Anyway, Ihave the L-glut and the kudzu, but they are from walgreens, not the MWO website, does that matter? I will order them from here if it really makes a difference, I just didn't want to wait for the shipping.
                I do believe that if I follow RJ"s regime diligently, it will help with my cravings. I just need to do it. I have read the book, months ago also, when I was gung-ho (for all of a week or two). My determination just doesn't seem to last.
                But like Doggy said, I need to put on my Big Girl Pants and get through the hard times.
                I have this dull, nagging headache today, and part of me just wants to drink to relieve it.
                But I'm not going to.
                Thanks for all of the warm welcomes - I plan to stick around


                  I won't give up, today is a new day

                  Hi jls

                  Reading your post was amazing. I felt exactly like you and would do the same thing. One day without alcohol i would be okay mostly because i was still recovering from the night before but by early morning the second day i wanted a drink so badly. I would be lucky if i got to lunch time without one. I would start to get a headache and jumpy and extremely anxious.

                  i have been drinking pretty much every day for the last ten years and really heavily in the last 3 to 4. Same as you i would hide what i had done. I would even use my pregnancy for being so tired when really i was drunk and couldn't stay awake in the afternoon.

                  I admitted my problem to myself and told my hubby i was going to get help. He was so pleased.

                  I found this site and the support here is amazing. This is the end of Day 3 AF for me, the first in ten years.

                  My advise is when witchin hour hits or the craving is so strong try do do something to distract yourself. Mine distraction today was to have a bath with my 2 year old and play in it with her, then i got out and did my hair and make up. I looked better, felt great and enjoyed my baby. Perhaps you could do something with your girls.

                  The other thing i have started to do is suck lolly pops, looks strange for my age but who cares better then being drunk.

                  Please stick around.



                    I won't give up, today is a new day

                    Wow, so many, probably all of us could've written this! You found the best place ever, and all the advice is right on! The "witchin" hour is the worst, if you can talk yourself thru it, you'll feel so powerful, just do anything except pop the tab, cork, whatever...set yourself up to get thru it, and yes, take the supplements like religiously! I'd get them here, but use what you have in the meantime, the L-glut brand of MetRx, is a powder, and if you'll dump a tsp. in water, juice, etc., before you hit the beer, and give it 30 mins., do anything while it kicks should do better....GABA helps with the skin crawling, Source Naturals makes a sublingual one, its a calming agent...we own a pharmacy, so I'm here to tell you it does matter the quality of the supplements, otherwise you can most likely spend a tad of money, and may as well flush them down the toliet, esp. lots of the Wal-Mart brands..generic brands... You found the best site, great folks, go to chat in the afternoon, and get support....there's always someone here that understands! Find a buddy, I have several that we all have each others numbers, and can call, this support really helps! You can do this, its just a bumpy road, but lots of us are here going down the same path, and we all need to link up hands, and hang on!
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                      I won't give up, today is a new day

                      A question about your low carb jls

                      I wanted to mention that I find going low carb is harder emotionally than giving up AL. Would it be helpful to just eat normal portions of healthy, lovely meals and try low carb some other time? I fell off the wagon yesterday too so I am just trying to figure all of this out too but I do know that a LC diet makes me feel like throwing dishes! (Really)
                      I think that I cut my calories too much yesterday - that made the idea of wine so appealing. This evening at 5, I plan on mixing up a fabbo protein shake and throw in some bananas and berries.
                      Take care.

