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So happy to have found you!

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    So happy to have found you!

    This site is just what I need. I've been trying to moderate with camporal and will power.....good days and bad. I've been scared to death after reading all kinds of information that reports possible fatality and horrible side effects ( like stroke, heart attack) if you stop drinking cold turkey. I'd love to hear what others have experienced for the first week when the became AF. I've been a bottle a day + chardonnay drinker for the last year. I've also been on Klonopin and Lexapro ( both for anxiety) for years...feel like my poor liver must be a mess. Thank you for this safe harbor!

    So happy to have found you!


    I joined 11 days ago - like you I was a bottle a night drinker - trouble was it was 7 days a week so no let up. Guilt, anxiety played a big part. Gave up every morning and by witchin hour was planning to buy my bottle of wine. It was the clarification of witchin hour by others on this site that helped me plus the instant response and support I received the minute I logged on and said hello. This is a brilliant place to be . . . . . P
    Short term goal 7 days AF


      So happy to have found you!

      For me the biggest problem the first week was not sleeping. I think everyon is different depending on how much you drink and what. But I would like to welcome you and tell you that there are many here that will be able to give you advice. You will receive tons of support as well. Good luck in your journey.


        So happy to have found you!

        Hi jubilee and :welcome:

        This site is full of helpful information and tons of support. I'm not sure if one bottle of wine per day would be enough to cause problems going cold turkey, but I'm no doctor. I was drinking 8-10 beers per night and had no physical withdrawal symptoms to speak of when i stiopped. A lot of people work with their doctors and counselors while giving up the booze.
        This program (MWO) and the forums are great tools to help with the emotional and psychological aspects of quitting.
        Keep coming here, change your habits, drink lots of water, read My Way Out---and you'll be off to a great start!!!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          So happy to have found you!

          Welcome Jubilee,SOOO Glad to have you with us.I am 32 days AF and my liver is starting to heal already.I take alot of milk thisle and liver aid from the health food store.If you start by reading the MWO book and making a plan their will be tons of people here to help you reach your goals...It has really worked for me.We can beat this TOGETHER....Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            So happy to have found you!

            Jubilee......just wanted to say welcome aboard!!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              So happy to have found you!

              :colorwelcome: Jubilee! What a positive sounding screen name...LURVE IT!!

              I second the suggestion to download and read the My Way Out Book to get started. You can get it through the Health Store. Best $12.95(US) I ever spent!

              Look forward to getting to know you better. WE CAN DO THIS!!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                So happy to have found you!

                Wow, what a welcome! Thank you.


                  So happy to have found you!

                  I'm glad you found us too!!
                  I am not a doctor, but I wouldn't worry about withdrawl. I am a 5'3", 130 pound woman, and at my worst could drink 17 beers (God, did I just say that)? The worst withdrawl symptoms I have had was being so irritable that I wanted to chew people's arms off. If you are ok with that, I say go for it!!!!!!!
                  Goal 1: Today
                  Goal 2: Tomorrow


                    So happy to have found you!


                    I didn't get any withdrawal either but have been sleeping well and feeling relaxed when I wake up . . . . let's hope the same is for you . . . .
                    Short term goal 7 days AF


                      So happy to have found you!

                      Welcome to the Board. You'll find all the support you need here; this is a great group of people all with lots of knowledge to help you out.


                        So happy to have found you!

                        Hi Jubilee and welcome
                        i was a bottle a night drinker as well, some nights more. My worst withdrawal has been some headaches, tired and unable to sleep besides some cravings but distraction and lolly pops have worked well. I am now end Day 3 AF and am starting to feel much better.
                        The support here is amazing and has really helped me get thru.


