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Scary results from doctor

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    Scary results from doctor

    if my wife saw me snorting lines of B12 I can only imagine .........hahahahahahaha.

    Gelgit, good Idea on the oil of mag. also the mineral foot baths will put mag in your system independant of the digestive system just reminded me

    I'm just learning about essential oils. I have a couple from Young Living.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Scary results from doctor

      Wow Anne,
      Thanks for sharing. Really scary staff. None of it is new though, it just hits you from a different angle when you see it on the paper. You got a good doc - she is a keeper!

      D - you know meds for sure

      Wish you all streanth to overcome the weakness!


        Scary results from doctor

        Thanks Gelgit,but the big problem is they took out of alot of my intestins to keep me from absorbing calories.I take subligual b12 and liquid vitiams and minerals.Most Doctors do not even want to talk to me,they say that they are not trained to treat me and that I must see the doctor that did it.He has moved away and i am not sure that he is even a Doctor anymore(to many people died)law suites etc.It was the stupidist thing that I ever did.I was trying to look better after a bad divorce....Now there is no fix to it....Evie
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Scary results from doctor

          to Shaking

          Up the GABA, I would say, if that's all you've got.

          Kat20- when you get your blood work results, be sure you get a copy. Let's compare, and see if the same markers of boozing are there.

          My 'doc' is a ND, not an MD, hence the woowoo stuff. Every town has Naturopathic doctors by now...check the yellow pages. Expensive, though.

          I don't believe a MD would help me at all, except give me antidepressants, which I know are helpful to others but that's another forum.

          I'm mostly concerned about the calcium issue, which I will start another thread on and strongly suggest women drinkers read.


            Scary results from doctor

            Thanks for the info Anne. It is scary stuff.

            And I did not know that about l-glutamine Det. Thanks for telling us. You have turned into quite the fountain of information these days!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Scary results from doctor

              Thanks Anne for sharing your info with us! And all others that have given input. Velllly Interesting!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Scary results from doctor

                Very informative thread -- thanks Anne! I need to break it down and not get overwhelmed!!! That is usually when I want wine!!!! Det. you do know your stuff!
                Thanks everyone for you input!


                  Scary results from doctor

                  Anyone else used the liquid magnesium, and if so did it make a difference? I noticed a big difference after I started taking supplements in pill form. I wondered about rubbing it into your skin? I read that here in a few places--what does it do for you?


                    Scary results from doctor


                    I got anxious reading your post, very heavy... Are all those meds really helpful and
                    where can I read more about them


                      Scary results from doctor

                      You mentioned hormones out of control. Did they mentiona anything about estrogen patches? Lack of estrogen can relate to osteoporosis.
                      Goal 1: Today
                      Goal 2: Tomorrow


                        Scary results from doctor

                        I'm sorry the news wasn't good Anne, but thanks so much for sharing. I had no idea about the time-release supps, either. Hang in there--even if the damage can't be totally reversed, it's never too late to make a difference.


                          Scary results from doctor

                          Nurseindistress: I admit to being a magnesium junkie. I get nervous, antsy and have an irregular heartbeat when my Mg level is low. You can introduce a lot of magnesium into a deprived body without getting the runs by rubbing it into your skin. I use it on the sole of my feet for very fast uptake, my armpits, neck breastbone and groin also for quick relief. It's a bit sticky for a moment but dries quickly. It might sting a little on broken skin but that goes away fast and it's very good for any skin condition. There's a lot more info online. Liquid Magnesium or Oil of Magnesium, it also contains trace minerals. I hope I'm making converts!! g.


                            Scary results from doctor

                            YES GELGIT-- YOU GOT A CONVERT HERE (WELL, I WAS ALREADY ONTO MAGNESIUM, BUT IN AN AMATEUR WAY.) ooops! Sorry for all those CAPS... I just noticed the caps lock was on.

                            Anne, thank you for sharing this info and for posting on Holistic Healing telling us about this post, as I don't visit this Starting Out forum too often. I really appreciate it.

                            Anne, one question: Why are tablets hard on your organs? I know that capsules and powdered and liquid forms dissolve faster and easier, and probably are absorbed better, so I can see that tablets might be less effective, but I don't understand why the tablets are hard on the system.

                            Det-- I am just starting to get into the essential oils. We should share info. I'll probably post something on the Holistic forum after I have some more experience with them.

                            A question about Phosphatidyl Choline. I have a bottle of capsules (from Natural Factors)-- it says each softgel contains 1,200mg Lecithin and 420mg Phosphatidyl Choline. Which one was your dosage referring to? And how much would you suggest taking of these?
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Scary results from doctor

                              Beatle, that's a great supp you have there. mine has only 140mg of P C within the overall 400mg of Lecithin. I take 4 of these per day for a total of 560mg of P Choline. I'd probably take one of your capsules in the morn and once in the evening. no hard and fast rules though that i am aware of.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                Scary results from doctor

                                Thanks Det. I got this stuff on a visit to the U.S. (in New York). I don't think it was too expensive, either. I have been taking it 1-2 times per day. I also take Evening Primrose oil (but plan to replace that with borage oil soon).
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

