hormone results out of control, blood tests showing severe dehydration, damage to pancreas, osteoporosis due to body being unable to absorb calcium; this dr. I had never met or spoken to said- "Are you an alcoholic?"
She said that after years of drinking the stomach lining is unable to absorb nutrients as it should. She felt I could not absorb any tablets, and needed all liquids and powders only.
She loved the All One powder I showed her. SO- she said women drinkers must be careful about calcium 'cause we're all being told we have to take it, but the drinker's body doesn't absorb it in to the bones, it calcifies in to little chunks in the organs. I have them in my pancreas and spleen. She said I have the bones of an 80 yr. old. (I'm 49).
She said drinkers must take sub-lingual B-12, and drink apple cider vinegar before meals and w/ supps to help the stomach absorb. She also gave me a homeopath called "coro-calm" which makes me feel like I've taken a Valium. Great for anxiety. Expensive visit, hope this helps anyone, respond with questions. Oh, and she said to not take all the All One at once as it has too much calcium, to spread it out over 3 doses/day.