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Scary results from doctor

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    Scary results from doctor

    Mostly this addresses women, but...
    hormone results out of control, blood tests showing severe dehydration, damage to pancreas, osteoporosis due to body being unable to absorb calcium; this dr. I had never met or spoken to said- "Are you an alcoholic?"
    She said that after years of drinking the stomach lining is unable to absorb nutrients as it should. She felt I could not absorb any tablets, and needed all liquids and powders only.
    She loved the All One powder I showed her. SO- she said women drinkers must be careful about calcium 'cause we're all being told we have to take it, but the drinker's body doesn't absorb it in to the bones, it calcifies in to little chunks in the organs. I have them in my pancreas and spleen. She said I have the bones of an 80 yr. old. (I'm 49).
    She said drinkers must take sub-lingual B-12, and drink apple cider vinegar before meals and w/ supps to help the stomach absorb. She also gave me a homeopath called "coro-calm" which makes me feel like I've taken a Valium. Great for anxiety. Expensive visit, hope this helps anyone, respond with questions. Oh, and she said to not take all the All One at once as it has too much calcium, to spread it out over 3 doses/day.

    Scary results from doctor

    Thanks for passing along the info.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Scary results from doctor

      Hi Anne, and Welcome!
      Thank you for sharing this information with us. Very interesting information. Did your doctor say anything about digestian improving after drinking stops? Does the stomach regenerate?

      I hope that you are able to stop drinking and regain your health!!

      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Scary results from doctor

        Yikes, thank you so much for sharing this helpful information.

        Is the "coro-calm" suppose to help with the quiting of drinking...anxiety of it, cravings?

        Take care &Hugs,
        "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


          Scary results from doctor

          Anne1232, Thanks for the info. I had blood work a week ago and will see my doctor to discuss results next week. I will be sure to ask her all the important things you mentioned. Hope you get healthier every day.


            Scary results from doctor

            WOW, it really hits hard, to see in writing, confirmation of what we sort of knew anyhow. No, wonder I'm so pro liquid supplements as they have always seemed so much more effective. THEY ARE!! Thanks for the post. :wow: Whoa, I need a couple of deep breathes.


              Scary results from doctor


              She said the stomach lining is permanently altered but that the apple cider vinegar will
              'boost' absorbtion of nutrients.
              The hormone deal is this- we have stress, the adrenal glands respond with "fight or flight" reactions which causes the adrenals to push out cortisol. Cortisol makes us feel anxiety. Anxiety makes us drink and round it goes. My saliva tests showed this:
              cortisol low in the morning (when I feel the best and least anxious), then at noon, 4 pm and 9pm the levels went up and up, highest at 9pm. Drinking time. No surprise. So she gave me a liquid cortisol suppressant called "Ribes Nigrum" weird homeopathic stuff. For the alcoholism she prescribed: Milk Thistle, double the GABA I was taking, 1000mcg sublingual B12, and at noon, 4, and 9 the coro-calm, GABA, and Ribes Nigrum.
              She said to open all pills that are powder, stir them in a drink, chew tablets before swallowing, and NEVER take 'time released' supps as those are really hard on the organs, esp. those of a drinker.


                Scary results from doctor

                Anne, L glutamine (which is great for fighting cravings) is also excellent for repairing the battered and porous intestines of heavy drinkers.

                glad she recommended the sublingual B12. sounds like you've got a good doc!

                I've never heard that tablets were hard on the body but really that does makes sense.....
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Scary results from doctor

                  Wow, I wish I could find a doctor like her. I tried to get my internist to listen to my worries about my drinking habits and he blew me off, because other than high blood pressure (which runs in the fam) I am in good health and don't appear to have a drinking issue.

                  I laid in bed last night and had an anxiety attack, I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. I looked up coro-CALM, but you need a script to order it on-line. My traditional physician will most like scoff at the idea of a homeopath drug.

                  Any suggestions????



                    Scary results from doctor

                    additional note: the importance of intestinal health is quite critical in another way as well: when the intestines are porous from abuse, they allow toxins to be released incorrectly and directly into the blood stream where they can (and do) cause brain damage etc. Take your L Glutamine and beware the booze beast everyone!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Scary results from doctor

                      Shaking, there is a great product from Twinlabs called 'Gaba Plus". give that a go. works for me for calming and sleep.

                      also very important for nerve health are these two:

                      -Lecithin (phosphatidyl choline) I take 800mg twice per day

                      -Magnesium I take an extra 100mg before bed but if you are detoxing or having
                      anxiety I'd take up to 400mg of it (or more after your body gets used to it) doses of mag over 300mg can give you the runs FYI
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Scary results from doctor

                        D. thanks for reminding me about lecithin, I used to add it to my am smoothie. Did you know about oil of magnesium? A liquid that isn't an oil at all but does feel sort of oily. You apply it externally. Armpits, soles of feet, chest (for instant heart calming) or over sore muscles. Besides being great for the skin, it's absorbed thru the skin and gets to work without passing through the digestive system and causing the runs. Yes, you're so right, garlic is great too!


                          Scary results from doctor

                          Thanks for all the info.
                          My mom died in her early 70s of osteoporosis. I always figured it was because she had so many kids (7). But she was a very heavy drinker up until her death.
                          Scary stuff. Glad you have a great doctor!
                          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                            Scary results from doctor

                            WoW...That really scares me...I had stomach stapleing years ago for weight lose(did not work,beer streched it out),so I have very little stomach left to absorb nutreinents anyway....I guess there is no fix for me...Evie
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Scary results from doctor

                              Evielou, It's not so bad as a lot is absorbed in the intestines... especially minerals. I'll rusty here, but you can take B12 sublingually, liquid Bs, EmergenC or other liquid Cs, liquid calcium, with zinc and other mins and liquid magnesium too. The liquids are taken into your system much easier and faster than anything in solid form. There's even a B12 you can snort:H. Hot mineral bath soaks get O2 and minerals into your system too. Essential oils can be rubbed into the soles of your feet!

