Thought I would throw this out there. I was sort of pleased that I havent had much in the way of side effects so far, I am 5 weeks into this program and just increased to 150 mg. My side effects are pretty minimal I can still even drink sodas and soda water out of a can with no problem So Far.
Anyway, I work one morning per week in my son's class helping with math, and I was showing them how to set up certain equations. Suddenly my mind went blank and I got "stuck" in the middle of an operation. I dont know how else to explain it other than sort of like my brain froze. It was so bizarre. Later I had trouble doing simple decimal division !!!! . I had to breathe, look around the room, ..... I almost wanted to thump my head like winnie the pooh and say THINK THINK THINK. Frankly it was embarrassing with all these kids eyes on me! I redeemed myself by saying see how difficult your work is these days, its even hard for me!! I knew it had to be the topomax. I didnt like it at all.
Has anyone else experienced this? I am going to assume it will pass as I get used to the increase in dose...