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Brand New, Just This Minute!

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    Brand New, Just This Minute!


    Hi everyone. I just registered and thought I'd jump right in. Fourth day for me, after years of a bottle of wine most nights. After accidentally finding this site, four days in and wondering if I will ever sleep normally again or not have to fight back the anxious feelings (that I'm just beginning to realize are what always got me right back in the cycle again, when I'd tried to quit before), I felt I'd been given some kind of miracle.

    I don't know names yet to attach to all the brilliant insights on this site, but thank you so much for the insights so far. I didn't know about the witchin' hour, or the 5-9 temptation time, all of which I have experienced but for some bizarre reason thought I was the only one on the planet with these challenges. It was so amazing to find out that I'm not the only one driving home from work saying over and over, "You don't need to stop at the store. Yes you do, no you don't yes you do no you don't ... "

    I'm finding I have all this time on my hands that used to be taken up with drinking. That's the hardest thing, and I'm trying to work on what to do with that. Any ideas are much appreciated.

    Thank you for everything I've learned from everyone so far. I had to have medical tests recently for something entirely different,and learned that my liver and kidney function is normal and good. So, grateful for that blessing, I am trying to move forward, ODAT as you all like to say, and keep on keepin'' on. Thank you again for being here.

    Brand New, Just This Minute!

    Welcome to the Board! And good for you for jumping right in. You will find lots of helpful information here, and the people are wonderful. All the best to you.


      Brand New, Just This Minute!

      Welcome Astraia....glad to have you with us.We will help keep you busy.There is tons of great stuff that has been posted in the past that you can go back and read.I have 32days AF and I am having trouble with all the extra time that has been freed up,as well.I quit one of my jobs at the same time so I really needed something to keep me busy...This is it and it is working for me.You never will feel alone in your battle to beat the beast again...I look forward to getting to know you....Evie
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Brand New, Just This Minute!

        Hey Astraia,
        Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
        You sound upbeat and determined. Good for you... and liver and kidneys healthy even better - keep them that way! You will feel good and maybe strange at the same time. Perhaps because a lot of new feelings, associations and new thoughts will be coming to you a bit foreign to the mind.
        Take your time. Keep reading. Keep posting.
        Be strong.


          Brand New, Just This Minute!

          Welcome to MWO. I used to feel like i would never sleep again also. Today is 45 days AF for me and I am sleeping again. I remember the countless times I have tried to stop before whe I got to day 4 or 5 I could not take the lack of sleep and used it as an excuse to drink again. I agree that there is alot of time on my hands. I come here often and have made alot of good friends. You may try the live chat when you are bored. Reading is something that I also like to do. Anyway, stick around I'm sure you will be glad you did.


            Brand New, Just This Minute!

            Thanks for the quick rely and support

            Wow it feels so good to have such great support so soon. Here in the sunny (finally!) pacific northwest it is almost 5:00, and I will be going into the evening time with your kind thoughts to get me through. Thanks again.


              Brand New, Just This Minute!

              Check out the live chat if you like that kind of thing.


                Brand New, Just This Minute!

                Welcome to the forum Astraia and good for you for jumping in and sharing a bit about yourself. I was, up until a year ago, a binge drinking party animal and through coming here I have managed 11 out of 12 months sober. It was only through getting to know people here and digging deep and being honest with myself and others that I've been able to do that. Glad your hear too and taking steps to resolve you problems. No on here as the answers mind due!! That's down to you and you alone. But plenty of wise people on this forum to share their own story's and impart such useful knowledge.

                Again, Welcome!

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Brand New, Just This Minute!

                  Welcome, Astraia!!!
                  I am fairly new here, too. I Joined in March, but wasn't totally ready to commit because I knew I had a vacation coming up and I wanted to drink. So, I did, and it took me a while to get back. I started June 1st and am going for 30 days AF. After that, I will decide if I want to remain AF or try to moderate.

                  I have had some days with some cravings and I have managed it with a glass of AF wine. It tastes very sweet to me, so I add seltzer water and it tastes better.

                  I am 12 days AF. I really haven't had too bad of a time. My sleep has been ok, but this week, I have been extremely tired. I hope to start working out more next week, hopefully, that will help.

                  I am tired and rambling. Anyway, it is good to have you here. You can send me a private message anytime. I hear my own story in yours. Bottle or more of wine each night. The same argument daily on my drive home from work.... man, the wasted mental energy!!!!!!

                  Good luck. Keep coming back! You will find excellent support and great friends here.


                    Brand New, Just This Minute!


                    Hi Astraia

                    I'm new here as well and am also Day 4 AF.
                    The suppot here is amazing.

                    Welcome again.



                      Brand New, Just This Minute!

                      Welcome,this site with all these kind people is exacly what all newbie needs. I am 5 days AF. I woke up today with alot of anxiety it is friday my biggest drinking day of the week.
                      After reading some post I have clam down a bit. You will find great support hear.


                        Brand New, Just This Minute!

                        Hi, Welcome, I'm new as well and can relate to almost everything you (and a lot of other people) have said. I struggled with the witchin hour and the 5-9 bit, and to be honest if I didn't have anxiety and guilt the next day I'd go on drinking a bottle of wine a night forever. Your sleep will come alright and if probably won't take long. I'm aiming for 30 days and loss of weight!! Have done 10 consecutive days and am now on day 11 so as one kind person said yesterday - I'm a third of the way there! Wish you lots and lots of luck . . . . . Px:welcome:
                        Short term goal 7 days AF

