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another day 1

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    another day 1

    how many day ones are you allowed i can not believe i could not even make it to day 2, how crap am i

    another day 1

    You are allowed as many as it takes. It is good that you keep trying. Don't give up. Keep coming here. Read the book, get the supps and basically do whatever it takes to make it to day 2 and beyond. You will receive alot of support here.


      another day 1

      You can not be a failure as long as you keep takes as many times as it of these times it will work.I used to use the saying that mel fisher,the treasure hunter would say every is the is the is the day...then guess what happened???one day it really was the day and i can toooo
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        another day 1

        The quote at the bottom of my reply is what I adhere to everyday, rather I got to day 2 or not. It took me a time to learn how to walk, so I had to crawl a bit longer than others.
        I had to lean on others, but, always there was in view ,inspiration from another that was dancing their way through. Thats what this is like for me , being here at MWO.
        Some are skipping, some are roller skating, some are tip toeing , but the beauty is that if you should stumble and even fall, that there are as many kind souls as there are stars in the sky here to help you dust off , take a deep breath and carry on.
        You are here, so there you are.
        This is a bit of heaven in my world here on earth and I am grateful you are here.

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


          another day 1

          i still can not believe i could not survive a day - i need to stop now otherwise i will lose my family - i love them so much it is killing me that i upset them so much i just wish i had started 30 days ago and had done it day one seems so crap as i havent actually done anything yet


            another day 1

            China, I know how you feel but like others have said, the most important thing is that we don't give up. I keep telling myself that I'm not "that bad", but then I read about all of these people that are weeks, months, and years AF, and I can barely make it to day 2 or 3But it is what it is, and I'm going to keep trying for longer and longer stretches. you can too.


              another day 1

              You're allowed

              I don't know how many you're allowed, but you're allowed to be human with the rest of us. I do know that I had to do several "day ones" until I got to day four, and then today on day four, I found this site. I posted on it, and various people responded that they had also been in the same boat, and now, about to go to bed and start day five. It's hard, that's all there is to it.
              But people keep telling me that if you can get past the first few days, you start to see some ways to keep going that you didn't see the first week. I don't see those ways yet, but I already feel a BIT better. So, keep trying. I think some people can go "cold turkey" but others on this site seem to have multiple starts before they get there, as far as I've figured out so far -- the important thing is, whatever your path, you can get there.


                another day 1

                you are a very poetic writer! Quite lovely!


                  another day 1

                  china its not quittin its livin in society and understand you can moderate you dont drive your car ahundred miles an hour all the time dont drink like tht Moderate or like me you mt end up some where yu dont want to lots of help here gyco


                    another day 1

                    Dont give up. It took me weeks of trying to move beyond my one day AF, but once I was able to conquer that, I started the battle of remaining AF two days in a row. I'm close to mastering that, and then I will move onto the challenge of three consecutive days AF. I figure it's a process, like becoming an alcoholic. You did automatically become a raging alcoholic with that very sip of whatever cheap beer or wine you were drinking at the time.So undoing all the damage has be be a gradual process as well, with slips perhaps, but get up, dust off yourself off, and try again. Don't give up!



                      another day 1

                      Day 1 for me too. 11.37am and Im already getting 'twitchy'.
                      Hang in there... Let's do this.
                      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                        another day 1

                        ChinaAA;346021 wrote: i still can not believe i could not survive a day - i need to stop now otherwise i will lose my family - i love them so much it is killing me that i upset them so much i just wish i had started 30 days ago and had done it day one seems so crap as i havent actually done anything yet
                        Read this post as often as necessary until you 'get it'.


                          another day 1

                          Today is a new day....A whole new chance to kick ALs butt
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            another day 1

                            I am AGAIN on day 2 - went two weeks then moderated, but I realize I am an all-or-nothing. 3-4 glasses of wine or nothing. And 3-4 is 3-4 too many for me. I feel great today an dreally look forward to getting AL out of my life.
                            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                              another day 1

                              one2many;361084 wrote: In the same boat here! I even STUPIDLY posted here asking what nice non-alcoholic drink did the guys suggest I drank on my AF night.

                              Ha ha what a gobshite...well I ended up caving...had one vodka and poured another, was halfway thru that one when I got up and threw it down the sink, brushed my teeth and went to bed.
                              It is very unlike me to have 1 and a half drinks on one night and unheard of for me to throw one down the sink, so for me it's not all's a step in the right direction..and one thing I have to say is that I feel...sooooooooooo much better this norning...I didn't have my six vodka head on me!!!
                              So here's to trying again tonight!!
                              GREAT JOB POURING IT DOWN THE SINK! I have done that and it really feels GREAT. Good for you - that is a step in the right direction. Now get yourself some sparkling water with is delish!!
                              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

