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Not another wine walk!!

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    Not another wine walk!!

    Hey all,

    This is my first post on this site. I have been looky looing for about a year while toying with the idea of acknowledging I have a drinking problem and finally 18 days ago admitted to close friends and family that I DO have a drinking problem.
    4 Years of blackouts and deciet I have pretty much gotten sick of myself. Nobody wants to be the drunkerd at the party and I have worn that hat for sometime and now I am ready for someone else to be that person.
    So, the last 18 days AF have not been so bad/hard but this weekend is the first Wine Walk in our little town and for some reason I started letting myself think that I was going to partake in the festivities. HALT!!! What the hell?? I really came close to giving myself permission to do this. Instead I will not even go down there and maybe take my kids to a flick instead.

    Life feels good...I do not want to wake-up Sunday morn with a hangover...again.
    One drink, Ten drinks. One cookie, Ten cookies. That's how I roll. All or nothing baby!!!!

    Not another wine walk!!

    way to go rinse... boy I can relate that would be VERY tempting.. I would have to stay clear too.
    good for you on 18 days, I'm working on my 6th day, today was my worst for cravings so far. I hope it gets better. I'm tired of the battle.:welcome:
    May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


      Not another wine walk!!

      I don't know what helps you to not take a drink but for me all I have to do is think about how I would feel the next day to instantly put a kabosh on my craving. It may only help for 5 minutes but I just keep telling myself over and over that I do not want to wake-up trying to piece the previous evening together in my hurting head. Who did I call, what did I eat, how much wine did I drink, did I bathe the kids and the worse yet did I have sex with my husband???
      EHHHHHHHH!!!!! Enough already and get on with REAL living. Easy to say today maybe not so easy tomorrow...
      One drink, Ten drinks. One cookie, Ten cookies. That's how I roll. All or nothing baby!!!!


        Not another wine walk!!

        you have come to the right place!

        WOW Rinseandrepeat, welcome aboard, well done on 18days :goodjob:

        I think there comes a time when we just get sick of how selfs and say enough is enough no more. you sound determined to do this. sometimes it takes time after a year im glad you made your mind up. There are 30days threads you can join on. which will help you get to 30days, there is lots of support here. Keep reading and posting.

        Best of luck your way.x


        family is everything to me


          Not another wine walk!!

          Hi Rinse and welcome

          As has been said before we all know what you're saying and how you're feeling! Well done on 18 days. Keep on posting and reading you'll find everyone is soooo supportive.



            Not another wine walk!!

            Hi Rinse!! GOOD JOB on 18 AF days, and for your resolve not to throw it away over the Wine Walk. Excellent choice to do something else this year instead of participating if you don't think you are ready. If you keep putting your sobriety as your #1 priority, you will git 'er done!!

            Welcome to MWO!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Not another wine walk!!

              R&R, Welcome.
              I too am on 18 days af, what keeps me motivated to stay af is an image of a drunk stupid me at a memorial day picnic......
              you are doing great:goodjob:
              walk your walk not the wine walk


                Not another wine walk!!

                This is a rough road we are on, but each sober day is better.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Not another wine walk!!

                  Welcome! Glad to meet you!

                  Good Morning, Rinse! Welcome! Good Job on 18 days AF!!! :goodjob:
                  Did you have supplements from here or did you just go Cold Turkey? I have been here for a while mostly reading and learning and trying to moderate. I started my 30 days AF June 1st. So, today is day 13.
                  I am struggling today with some anxiety. It is Friday and my husband and I usually go out to sing karaoke. Which typically involves a lot of beer. During the week, or around the house, I drink wine. But, when we go out to sing I drink beer. More bang for the buck, I guess.
                  I don't intend on drinking, I don't want to drink, I don't want to ruin my commitment to 30 days, but at the same time I am anxious that I am going to falter. My head is playing weird tricks on me today. :teeter:

                  Luckily, I have an afternoon planned with my co-workers for some outdoor fun. That will keep me busy and keep my mind busy.
                  Rinse, good choice on staying clear of the Wine-Walk. They have one in the town I live in and I can imagine the temptation. Movie with the kids sounds so much more fulfilling. Welcome to MWO. Look forward to hearing from you more and getting to know you.



                    Not another wine walk!!

                    Hi Rinse and Welcome,
                    Good going on 18 Days AF! Glad that you recognize in advance that these "festivities" would not end up quite so festive for you and you have a plan! More than anything else that helped me get and stay sober was always having a plan!

                    Best wishes and keep going!!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Not another wine walk!!

                      Hey Rinse, Welcome from me too. It is great that you have managed to talk to your family honestly about your drinking problem. It will help a lot over the next coming keep you on the straight and narrow (so to speak).
                      Well done on your 18 days!!
                      Keep us posted.

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        Not another wine walk!!

                        Thank You to all who gave a warm welcome!! I am actually sitting here with goosebumps on my arms!! Another moment of truth I guess with a the dose of reality that yes, I do have a drinking problem and yes, I am doing something about it with some awesome support!!

                        57Shelby...I do not know if you are still planning on going out tonite with the hubs but PLEASE be careful. I'm pretty sure if I went to the Wine Walk I would either be too uncomfortable to enjoy myself or actually give into temptation. I will be thinking of ya and hope you stay sane tonite.

                        I have not been taking any supplements other then my regular multi+iron, b complex, calcium and occasionaly green tea extract. In the last 4 months though I have totally changed my eating habits and lost 30 lbs. I had already detoxed alot of junk out of my body with food so I didn't really feel the need for any other supplements. Basically the only thing that had been making me feel like crap everyday was my "wine fuzz" I woke up with every morning.

                        Thanks again to all ... it has made my day!!
                        One drink, Ten drinks. One cookie, Ten cookies. That's how I roll. All or nothing baby!!!!


                          Not another wine walk!!

                          Sorry, I am late...but, welcome to the Board! You will get lots of support here. And congrats on the 18 days!


                            Not another wine walk!!

                            R&R :welcome: and great job on 18 days AF! I can't believe you have lurked for a year and are now posting. You will have to teach Lushy that kind of restraint :H

                            Anyway, welcome again and hope you post often!
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Not another wine walk!!

                              I can SO relate

                              I really saw myself in your comments about being tired of the blackouts. It's awful waking up wondering how you even got yourself to bed. Like you I'm new, just posted for the first time yesterday. I'm on day five AF. My challenge will be the coming weekend also, not because we have a wine walk nearby, but because I could be my very own "wine walk" if I choose to. And it would be so easy to choose to, because the weather's going to be great, what the heck it's Friday, etc. Wow, it sure is easy to justify it, isn't it?

                              For me picturing the waking up in the morning is what is keeping me going AF. I can't sleep well right now, I get anxiety when I stop drinking, so it has to be something real, immediate and very tangible to keep me going this time. Here's to great and "totally aware" weekend!

