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Not another wine walk!!

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    Not another wine walk!!

    Welcome R&R and Astraia. Have a great AF weekend!


      Not another wine walk!!

      Rinse, Thanks for your wishes of sanity for me last night. We ended up not going out after all. My husband's choice. I think I would have been fine, had we gone out though, because I was feeling extremely strong. I had shared on an earlier post that I was also going to an office outing that would involve AL. It went very well, and my not drinking, seemed to set a different tone to the event. I work in a small dental office of 5. When we go out for dinner we start the evening with a "traditional' Cosmo, then move on to another cocktail or two or three, or more and then wine with dinner. When I ordered AF beer, everyone looked at me and I said I had made a pact with a friend who was trying to get sober. They all know I have a girlfriend who was sober for 3 yrs and fell off the wagon. She is coming to visit for the 4th of July weekend and I told them we agreed not to drink till then. (half truth)
      When it came time to order the second round, my boss ordered the same thing I had. He said, I drink this all the time, at home. I think it was a relief for him, that he didn't have to keep drinking (he has a brand new baby at home) and everyone else had to drive at least 30-40 minutes home. So, it was different than most of our gatherings and I felt responsible for that!!!!!! It was great.

      One of the things that keeps me going Rinse, is to be able to go sing Karaoke and not have alcohol ruin my voice. My dream when I was young was to be the next Linda Ronstadt (are you old enough to know who she is??????) At 50, though I don't have the enegy to pursue getting into a band, so I sing karaoke for pleasure. By the end of the night, my control is gone, I think I still sound good, but I am drunk, so what the heck do I know????? Alcohol really affects my vocal chords, so I want to try to repair the damage I have done to them. So, it is challenging to me to stay sober and still be able to go do one of the things I love.



        Not another wine walk!!

        Good job Shelby!!
        Last night my friends daughter who is 18 and a girlfriend of hers came to town to stay for a week for her graduation vacation. She is what I call my "first" child even though I did not give birth to her but I have had her all the time since birth. She was with me three weeks ago when I had my "mental and physical epiphany" about being done with drinking. This was of course out of town at a friends b-day where my young friend had to come pick me up because I had already drank 4 glasses of wine before 5:00 pm. Anyway, knowing that she is going to be here there was NO WAY that I was going to the wine walk and getting drunk because I would not have been able to stand to see the dissapointment in her eyes. She tells me how proud she is of me and now wishes that her mom would stop also. It's a trip to have a grown "daughter" acknowledge my problem and give her encouragement and support. My two children are only 5 and 7 so they do not know what is going on. She is another reason to say sober for today because I so care what she thinks and I want her to be able to feel safe with me again instead of just being my designated driver!!!

        Love to all today and welcome to the new ones here!! It is so nice to finally come out of the shadows and start communicating instead of just reading about everyone elses journey.

        Have an awesome day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        One drink, Ten drinks. One cookie, Ten cookies. That's how I roll. All or nothing baby!!!!

