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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Here we go with another ODAT - a Friday one this time, if I'm not mistaken (I often am!! :H)

    Lots of people on yesterday's ODAT thread - great to see. Even if you're planning on 30 days, 60 days or just getting through the weekend, then ODAT is a good way of doing it. I've got my aims for the month and will try to stick to them but have to take each day at a time. Yesterday was a moderation day instead of AF but that is ok. Tonight should work out AF or mod at the very least. The plan is for AF - I am pretty sure I can do that.

    All well on the 'farm' and with the holiday cottages. :goodjob: Not so well with hubby - he came to bed very drunk last night, brought both the dogs up and proceeded to snore uncontrollably. I went to the spare room. I shall have a few choice words when he wakes up!!! I may go and ride before I see him so I am a bit more chilled Not sure why he got so drunk - that's not really normal for him. He always eats when he is very drunk - you can imagine the mess in the kitchen. Last time he carpeted the house in muesli - this time it's rice cakes!! At least he is a healthy eating drunk!!!

    Have a great day all. I'll try and check back later to see how all my lovely ODAT pals are doing. :l

    Walnut xxx

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi all ODAT'rs

    Just wanted to wish everyone a great week-end. Have lots of things planned to do outside, painting etc. but weather does not look too good so we will see.

    Also want to see the Sex in the City movie.

    Glad all is well on farm Walnut. Our cat stayed out all night last week and split one of his pads in two. Had to bring him to vet. Has elizabethan collar on but managed to escape out window and came back after a day minus collar and paw bleeding again. Back to vets for new collar, follow up visit today!! Feel such a negligent owner but he is quite feral and does not approve of being kept inside. He shredded a full kitchen roll yesterday in temper!! The joys of being an animal owner.

    Have a great week-end everyone.



      ODAT - Friday

      Morning wanut and tustop and all to come.

      Walnut, at least your husband came home. Mine is having issues and didn't want to see me because of a financial argument so I got banned from the office yesterday. He spent the night at the office (I find out later when he comes in a 7 AM) and the massage guy calls before he got home to make sure he is up and moving. I am sick of covering his arse so I say I don't know, he never came home and I don't know where he is. Massage guy is speechless. So be it. He needs to be accountable for himself. I am not his mum (yea, another English term). Lets throw Pants! in there too. He is already so irritable I think I will just lock myself in the hole.

      Rustop, my kitty got out and had to have stitches in his face. Wait, let me clarify got out. Kitty eats at night and stays in. Hubby says he "sneaks out". I blow bullshit whistle and make him pay the bill.

      Dang, I'm the bummer again today!

      I willl probably be AF only because I got drugs from MD yesterday.

      I hope everyone is doing better than me.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Friday

        Hi everyone,

        I must confess, I did have one beer last night at dinner with my BF and a couple of friends. Funny thing is it tasted like crap! And I generally like beer! I think it's probably psychological because I have really altered my thinking when it comes to AL. For all you newbies out there, you will find (and many here will attest to it) once your thinking becomes altered against AL it seems to be so much easier to go AF for longer periods of time!

        So, still on day 9 for the month but not worried about today at all. Have two ball games tonight that won't finish until very late so no one will be going out after and I will have my daughter so makes it easy to go AF. Tomorrow night I have a dinner and am going to mod with a couple of glasses of wine - we have one bottle to share with 3 people and we are not buying more so that will make that an easy task as well. Once dinner is over it's tea and coffee all around. I find it always works better when I have a plan and my plans have been working very well for me lately so I'm happy.

        I probably won't be on this weekend at all, so hope everyone has a great one and reached their goals whatever they may be.

        Love and Hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Friday


          Boy I fit right in here! My hubby has been on a roll of not coming home til I am out and asleep, now, what is up w/ that?? He is always VERY wasted when he comes home, and the fact that I am on a semi-al free stint, that probably makes him uncomfortable!? He just gets so weird when drunk, I am happy not to have him around!! He will be gone ALL weekend, so TOTALLY looking forward to it!! Just me and the kids...............well, if you want to call them kids! 16 and 14, almost "young men"!

          Everyone have a wonderful weekend, don't know how much time I will have to get on, as I am trying to stay busy and gone!

          lots of love,:l:h:l

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            ODAT - Friday

            OK, round two. I tell daddy about Vermont. I was going to lie but I'm just not very good at that. I manage to not cry. He says well, when you come over to the nursing home on Sunday (father's day), bring two mini bottles of Johnny Walker Black and we will have our last drink together. We drank many a scotch together. Instead of worried he was proud. :h
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Friday

              Well, it IS Friday the 13th you know--maybe your hubby's are some form of bad luck!:H:H

              I am pretty blessed in that department. His main problem is his pessimism and negative attitudes. With all the talk about "putting it out there" in the universe (The Secret) I worry about his negative vibes. but, I'm not going to change him, so I just put in my 2 cents and move on. My not drinking is rubbing off a little too. Plus, he has to listen to my subliminal and sleep learning cd's (He thinks they are the non-smoking ones) so maybe they are having an effect on him!:H

              Today I am so saddened by the ravage the tornadoes and storms are causing around the country. Four boyscouts around Omaha killed when a tornado went through their camp.
              Mother nature can be pretty cruel.

              Yesterday I paid bills and worked inside. Today I'm out to the garden and weeds!

              Have a great day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                ODAT - Friday

                Dear MWO's

                Hello Friends! Its god damn Friday again...thinking clearly about the last few dumb slips...i want to be successful and not poison myself. You all sound good! :l

                WALNUT: the name is hysterical! :nutso:
                RUST: going to the vet..keeps me sober! :cat:
                GREENIE: business sucks! :sausages:
                : good weather for you: :rays:
                : throw your man a candy bar! :choc:

                yup, mine has been out 2 nites drinking! such is life being an alcoholic. not me. Have a good friday and we will post you all happy thingies rippy doo.

