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Not yet, but on my way
Not yet, but on my way
Hi - this is my first post. What I've done so far is read the book, purchased the CD's, which I'm waiting on now, and made an appointment for Monday to see an M.D. to discuss all of this and the Topamax. Reading the posts about the side effects makes me anxious because I am a medical transcriptionist by profession and incorrect wording could be a very embarassing thing.Other than that, I am SO excited and ready to roll. I had a particularly heavy-drinking weekend this past weekend and have not had a drop of alcohol since Sunday evening - I am so ready for a complete turnaround - sick and tired of being sick and tired from things I do to myself. Anyway, thought I'd get my "feet wet" on this board in preparation for what is to come next week when I hopefully begin the topa/supplements/hypno.
Not yet, but on my way
Hey girljag! Welcome!
If you titrate up slowly, you might not have many problems. Wording itself shouldn't be much of a problem, but typo's might. If you're doing your transcription on a computer, the spell check feature will be a lifesaver. I don't notice that much of a difference, and I'm up to 200 mg. I'm always having to back up and retype things (I don't use the spell check, myself, very often, unless I'm typing something really long...) Sometimes people will titrate up even more slowly than recommended to really minimize the topa dopa effect. Some people don't have it at all.
I've also found that tinkering with the timing of your dosage and exercise help with any side effects. And there are always the nootropics that RJ discusses in her book if things are tough for you. There are lots of options, so give it a try and see how it goes. I didn't have much problem at all, but I've always been a bit of a strainerbrain, anyway, and I think the fact that I was drinking a lot before the topa was causing me as much "fogginess" anyway. I was in much better shape on the topa than I was when I was drinking a lot!
HOpe this helps!
Not yet, but on my way
Hey Girljag - I'm a medical transciptionist too!! I am doing all aspects of the program except the Topa. My psychiatrist wouldn't write me a script for it yet until she sees how I do on my own.
So far, so good. I am not going for total abstinence and my drinking has gone way down. The doc upped my Zoloft to 150 mgs. and I think that is helping also, along with the Kudzu and all the supps.
I really can't afford to make mistakes with my typing and that worried me too, so for now I think I will stick with what is working. Keeping busy is the best thing for me and with driving my kids all over the place I do stay out of trouble for the most part. Plus my oldest daughter has her learner's permit now and she's very attune to drinking and driving, etc. I have to behave because I know she's watching my every move!!
Good luck with the program. The boards are great and there are some really nice people on here who can help you.
Not yet, but on my way
Hey Girls! This is also my first post. Came to work on Monday sick and and tired of being ME. Tired of the trying to remember what I promised my kids the night before, what program I watched and what I didn't remember of it, you probably are very familiar with the story. Got on line to see if there was some way I could still drink and NOT be an alcoholic and found My Way Out. Ordered the book, the CD's and the download book. Read it throughout. Called my doctor for an appointment for Topa. Believe it or not she had an opening in 20 minutes. God definitely works in mysterious ways. Been sober for two whole nights now. Astounding in my house! Can't wait to ge the CD's. Finally, told my husband what I was doing last night. He seems supportive, but skeptical. Not the first time I've tried to quit. I was very excited to find this online support system today. Can't wait to keep updated with all of you! So far my "craving" for a drink doesn't seem to be there. Is it really the topa????
Not yet, but on my way
Hi Spray,
Welcome, what a wonderful story...God does work in wonderful ways, you are off to a great start. Have you gotten any of the supp's yet? Those help also. The topa works wonderful, along with everything else plus your attitude helps in the beginning while you are stepping up on the topa.
What a great start and welcome again to site. Good Luck. I also am fairly new...just starting my 3rd week of topa.
Not yet, but on my way
Not yet, but on my way
Hi girljag,
I too am waiting for doc appoinment tomorrow and hoping to get started next week.
I am a paralegal, do alot of bookkeeping/data entry and also worry about accuracy & fatigue with the meds. Had one disastrous morning at work after a doc prescribed me an antidepressant last year. (prescribed for insomnia - even after I told him I was drinking to get to sleep, the twit) So I will be very careful before taking anything but vitamins. Looking for as many opinions as possible before I try topa myself.. This website is just the greatest discovery for me!! There is so much to learn and share and discover.. I have a really positive feeling about being able to get free at last!
Let us know how you go.
Great to have you on board.
Not yet, but on my way
Yes Spray it is the topa, but it is also you wanting to make a positive change in your life. This program is great, but the magic bullet to beating the demon is always you. The topa, supps, cds etc are amazing. We are so glad you are here!
If you husband is skeptical invite him to check out the board. Have him do some research into the program. You will be even more successful with him behind you. Keep posting.
Not yet, but on my way
I couldn't wait to get up this morning to chat with ya all! Told my husband about this site last night. While I was mixing my All in One for breakfast, he actually wanted to try some!! Picked up a pizza for dinner last night and while driving home was thinking about how nice it would be to have a glass of wine, but found myself making a big glass of ice water instead and being totally content. However, I find myself feeling very bored (maybe fidgety is the right word) around 7:30pm. Look out cross stitch and crochet!!
Not yet, but on my way
When I first started (now 4 months ago) !! I was so fidgety I actually had a shoelace of beads my 5 year old made me, and when I watched TV I kept sliding the beads from one end to the other. Would not have made the first month without it. I found it in my drawer the other night, so there must have come a time when I didnt need it anymore.
Also passed a lot of nights by listening to the hypno tapes until bedtime.
Then there comes a time when it gets easier, it really is a remarkable program.
Good luck !!
Not yet, but on my way
I find all of your stories encouraging...you make it seem so easy. I've been taking the supplements for about three months and just started Topomax this week. I really believe the supplements have helped with the cravings but I think it's now my habit that's still controlling my behavior. I still drink more than what I believe is moderate. I"ve definitely improved but not as much as I'd like. Any one have a similar experience? Any advice?
Not yet, but on my way
Hi KT,
I am so glad you are just starting the topamax. You now have more amunition. I think you will find that it will help so much!
I am also now dealing with the habit of drinking, but luckily the supps and the topamax have dealt with the physical cravings so at least that monkey is off my back. I think this topic has come up way too much and desearves its own thread.
Look for the new topic!
Not yet, but on my way
Hi KT and everyone,
I have only been doing the program since Jan. 1, and no it is not easy, it is alot of mind over matter. I am doing the whole program...supps, topa, cd's...have not gotten started too much with the excerise, but I figure with two teenagers and all their running around, laundry galore, cleaning house...I get my fair share of excersising; lol. However since I started I have only slipped and drank at home, duing the day which was my problem being a stay at home mom, a small hand full of times. Like right now it is 9:00am here, I would normally be having a beer, scary huh, but that is because I would need to get enough in me before my hubby and kids came home. Now I am drinking coffee and reading posts. The first two weeks were awful. I did not know what to do. I had spent the last 10 years drinking while my kids and hubby were out and I was at home "doing the Housewife thing". Even doing laundry with out my beer was very scary because I hate doing laundry, cleaning house, nope not with out my beer....Anyway, you get my picture. I had to change my whole thinking and I am still changing each and everyday. Today is Monday, they are my hardest days. Today would have been my biggest drinking day because I would have gone Sat-Sun without. So still after a few weeks, most days during the day you will find me popping in and out of this site with coffee cup in hand. Kind of opposite of alot of others on this site whose tough times are the weekends. Anyway I had many days in those first few weeks when I would just have to sit on my hands and cry and cry...what do I do now, I can't do this....But I made it 1 hour, then 1 day, 1 week. I am sorry this was more than you wanted to hear, I guess I was needing to chat.
You said you just started the topa this week. I think you will find that it will help alot. It is not a mircle pill, but it will take the edge off and I am still tirating up but others have said that they can stop and want to stop after 1 or 2. The "Habit" of drinking is the worst to break. There is no pill for that I am finding. I had to switch to coffee and carry that around with me during the day. Also, if you aren't doing the CD's they help me alot. There is a area in the hypno were you give yourself suggestions...anyway I had been doing them for about 2 weeks and read on one of the other threads that some one had worn a bead bracelet and said that when ever she looked at it or felt it she would not want to drink. I took it one step further, had hubby buy me a nice gold bracelet and I use that and haven't taken it off since...lol, great way to get a nice gift, plus seems to be working
I guess my point is...it is not easy, it does take work and dedication. I know others can do it in steps but I have to do it as the "whole" as in the book. But it is worth it. To wake up the morning after the Superbowl with out having a hangover...feels great! I did go to a Superbowl party last night and did drink but I had only 3 beers over the corse of the whole party (6 hours) where as before I would have had 10-12+. Not to bad. That is what I am going for Moderation at social occasions only.
Thanks for listening, sorry to go on and on and on...must be a Monday! laugh out loud.
Have a Great Week all.