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I Don't Know Where To Start

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    I Don't Know Where To Start

    Hello. I am new. This is so difficult for me. I am such a private person and feeling so uncomfortable about saying I am not okay and I need help. My day is spent working hard and successfully among many groups of people. None of whom perceive anything wrong. But at days end I just want to slip down martinis and wine until I'm numb and can fall asleep. I don't want to say my life has been difficult> I don't know how you measure that. I do want to say I should have handled things better. But I am at a point now where I have new insight into how I want to live my life and it does not include alcohol. But even as I sit here writing this I'm having my martini. I'm going to give this my all and I hope you will help. I am just beginning to explore this site and all it has to offer. And I will be accountable and do my part. Thanks for listening.

    I Don't Know Where To Start



    I recommend you read RJ's book. It is a very inexpensive download and has a wealth of information.

    Glad you are here!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      I Don't Know Where To Start

      "I Don't Know Where To Start"
      I think you just did. Welcome!!!
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        I Don't Know Where To Start

        Thank you, Cindi. I don't quite know message boards and such but I will learn. Thanks for the advice. I will take it and download the book. And thanks for caring.


          I Don't Know Where To Start

          I am so glad you are here,,,you sound very wise and you made a good choice coming can do this and there are many here that can share with you along the way.When you feel ready,Chat is a great place to ask questions and get to know people....LOL....Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            I Don't Know Where To Start

            Hi Josie, and Welcome!
            It sounds like you are ready! Congratulations, that is the first big step! As Cindi, said, read the book My Way Out, it really is inspirational, but more than that it is the road map to how this works. You don't have to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. The research has been done for us! Many of us are enjoing life as none drinkers, and I do mean "enjoying"! And, remember, never be shy or embarrased to reach out to us. We are here for you!

            Wishing you much success!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              I Don't Know Where To Start

              Welcome to the Board.
              You will get some really great advice and support here, the people are lovely.


                I Don't Know Where To Start

                "None of whom of whom perceive anything wrong." Hmmm...I used to believe that but I found out over time that it really just wasn't true. Some people don't know that anything is wrong but most people do know that something just isn't quite right but find it easier not to confront or help for a whole host of reasons that are too obvious and too many to mention.

                I was out for dinner last night with a friend of mine that mentioned that when his new girlfriend came to my lake cabin for the first time three years ago she left thinking I had a drinking problem. I was stunned and embarrased.

                I too am a private person and finding this place has been great for me! Read, post and learn. It will really help you out. Ahhh the Martini...I loved them well!

                I have been AF for 35 days and feel really great after 20 years of hard beer drinking. Face isn't as red and puffy, feet aren't swelled, don't sweat much anymore, not paranoid, and I am not as shy an private, etc.

                The benefits of being AF are numerous. How much do you drink? What is your goal?


                  I Don't Know Where To Start

                  I am a prime example of starting out in an extremely private manner. Now my laundry is all over the place. That is because nobody judges. Everyone just tries to nudge you along to meet your goal and keep you on track. You can be safe here. Go ahead and work it out with the support of the wonderful people here. :welcome:
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    I Don't Know Where To Start

                    Welcome, this is a wonderful place and they have helped me go 3 days AF. You can do it too!


                      I Don't Know Where To Start

                      Just a quick reply to all the warm responses. I will order the book right away and begin there as so many of you suggest. And thank you for offering such support. I will be taking advantage of it. Josie


                        I Don't Know Where To Start

                        Hi Josie, welcome to the site and good luck on your endeavor to live your life without alcohol. This site has plenty of people who will help you in the process.


                          I Don't Know Where To Start

                          Hi, I am also new and scared and my story is very similar to yours. I never drink during the day but at least 3 nights a week I come home from work and drink wine until I pass out. Socially I usually drink way too much and I don't like how I act when I'm drunk. I have a lot of responsibility and I've had a pretty horrific childhood. I am also in therapy but I need to talk to people with similiar issues.


                            I Don't Know Where To Start

                            Hi Idyjolea, I'm glad you took the plunge as I did and being so new here I have no advice to give except realizing we have to do something. I'm 59 have been working on some new ventures in my life that are really materializing and I don't want to be experiencing them in a hungover state each morning for the rest of my life. I'm tired of being a hostage to alcohol. I'm going to order whatever material is available and talk to anyone who might be able to influence me for the better and I know this is not going to be easy. My husband introduced me to heavy drinking about 30 years ago. He died and now instead of him, me and alcohol, it's just me and my best friend alcohol spending our nights together and I want to end this friendship so desperately. So thanks for jumping on board and I hope you will share your journey.


                              I Don't Know Where To Start


                              I'm on my 3rd Day AF. Really a trying experience. Stay busy. Exercise and think about your goal. That's the only thing that keeps me going. The people here are really great and supportive. Good luck to you and I hope to hear from you after your week. :goodjob:

