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It's a challenge for me

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    It's a challenge for me

    I just found out about this website today and ordered the book and cd's. I have never tried this method before and look forward to reading and listening. Has anyone had great success? I was also thinking that maybe going to rehab may be a better way to go. I'm finding a pattern in my drinking that is really hard to stop. Drink one night, sober next day, then drink the next evening. Clearly I drink to much and I feel like the alcohol has control over me. Very frustrating and demeaning to say the least.

    It's a challenge for me


    Plenty here have had success. There are a few who have been able to moderate and then there are those who simply cannot and end up abstaining completely.

    I am glad you ordered the book, it is a good read and full of information.

    If you end up needing to go to rehab, though, this site and the people here are still a great source of support and inspiration.

    Welcome to MWO.
    AF April 9, 2016


      It's a challenge for me

      Welcome Anewbeginning, I really like your member name, very positive, reflects a desire to change, and that has already begun because you came here and are reading, getting the book, supps, all tools on the way to a healthier you because you can see you are not alone with a drinking problem, we are many and all here to lend a hand of support.

      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        It's a challenge for me

        I'm new here also. Have been on the supps, and think they are starting to help. I haven't ordered to CD's yet, but am trying to decide if I should. I have been in outpatient rehab, which so far has not been helpful--I feel like more of a failure and more depressed when I go and have to state publicly that I've been drinking. This site , I think, is making the most difference--giving me ideas, and reading other's stories is helping me to "get" that others can and have done it and that I can too (and need to). Rehab is no magic cure--at least outpatient was not for me. Everyone has their own time and way to make it work. Just keep trying--that's what I'm doing.


          It's a challenge for me

          I've had great success with this method; RJ is brilliant. I used to drink from the moment I got up till I went to sleep. Thankfully, I don't do that anymore but I am still not where I want to be. But being here has helped me out a lot. I hope you find what you are looking for here; this is a great place for support and friendship. There is always someone here willing to help anytime of the day as we are from all over the globe. Best of luck to you.

