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ODAT- Saturday

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    ODAT- Saturday

    Morning all.

    I just spent three frustrating hours making my flight reservations on line and on the phone 4 times. I like to think I am an intelligent person. Must have fooled myself. I missed the part where I was supposed to confirm my itinerary. I thought it was confirmed. So I had nothing. Good thing I noticed in my 3 AM wanderings. After this, no more sky miles for me. I'd rather just pay up and avoid the frustration. Plus, they charged me $75 as punishment for making short term reservations sisnce I didn't confirm what I thought was confirmed. and I have to stay an additional day as the last flight out was too early. I hope I can stay another day at Applewood Manor. Pants! I have to change my car reservation too. I was greatful for my new anxiety pills. :H At least I got my fishing license.

    Well I almost went to dinner last night but a friend called and said if you go will you drink martinis? So I stayed home with a cup of soup and a movie that I snored through. Not that it was boring, as I didn't get far enough to even know what it was about. That gingerale sure tastes good when you are are all dried up from snoring.:H

    I have not seen nor heard from hubby for 24 hours and that is getting rather old. But as you have advised me, no major decisions until I come back. I don't have time for them now anyway.

    OK, lets see.... positive note. Doggie is teaching me to know when she wants to go out. Good thing because she appears to have upset tummy for some reason.

    I wish I was uplifting today. I am excited about Lenair. I'm pretty sure I'll be looking for a new career when I come back so I may as well get excited about that too.

    Have a great Saturday be it mod or AF!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT- Saturday

    Greenie you crack me up!!!!! Hubby is the winner here!!!!!! You are simply the most beautiful person I have ever met in a long time!!!!! Tell me he doesnt realise this????? Youre husband needs to open his bloody eyes and see what a soul mate he has!!! sorry none of my bloody buisness.... hope this Lenair thing works anyway" Cap loves you "hope Rhonda helps you too


      ODAT- Saturday

      Hi Greenie, CaptainJ and all to come

      Let it all wash over you Greenie, go and come back renewed. Sorry about doggies upset tummy, all animals in this house suffered from same last week but I know the reason, got left over steaks from BBQ!!

      Have had a productive morning and now off to do more painting. AF last night and plan to be tonight too. Enjoy the rest of the week-end everyone.



        ODAT- Saturday

        Greenie......greener pastures are in your very near future.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          ODAT- Saturday

          Good Morning ODATers,

          Greenie, when one loves another, it is hard not to think about it but you must try to put yourself big time first here. Go to Lenair, catch some fish and get well. :l

          Cap, RU, Lisa and all to come, have a wonderful AF or mod Saturday.

          At least my new pain med works without knocking me off my feet. I am so sensitive to meds. It is amazing I can take the Antabuse without side effects!! Whew.

          Have youngest granddaughter this weekend. She and her Papa are soul mates. I enjoy every minute of her company and he becomes a downright nice person when she is around.

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT- Saturday

            Greenie- We are all wishing you the best and will be anxiously awaiting your return.

            Hope everyone has a great day and weekend and meet their goals.


              ODAT- Saturday

              Eeeeek! Hubby came home. He goes to Dr in another town and when he got there the Dr has had a stroke. They are friends as well as professional associates so he had tx by the son and then he was at the therapy place with the dad for hours and then dinner with the family before making the 3 hour drive home. They are a very nice family. I did make the point that a phone call would have been in order. HUbby is a nice man. He just forgets about me sometimes.

              And shoot, Applewood is booked for Friday night. But they will help me find a place. I feel nervous. But I know things will work out.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT- Saturday

                Good morning all--overslept--worked pretty hard yesterday!

                Greenie sounds like you day isn't off to a great start! It's sure to get better. I am so excited for you!

                Want to wish everyone a great weekend. I managed to get through yesterday on my quest for 30 days af! Worked in garden, and cleaned my "corner" of hubby's shop for father's day. I had my boys helping me (I use that term loosely). It was hot, and a cold beer with a smoke to go with would have sure been nice!!

                Made supper and took a shower instead. Hubby worked in shop welding on a project until after 11 pm.

                So, I'm off to give my wooly dog a haircut, buy some $4.00 gas for my mower and help hubby build fence later.

                Have a great weekend all--and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT- Saturday


                  Awesome on making our 30 day AF goal.


                  AF April 9, 2016


                    ODAT- Saturday

                    on my quest for 30 days af! Not there yet, Cindi-on day 14 though! Thanks all the same!!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      ODAT- Saturday

                      Hello you all sound busy BUSY! Me too. I'm working my summer job and sometimes the hours are erratic but the people are great! Yes, I took my antabuse yesterday morning. Greeneyes, your trip is just plain destiny, so, neither weather nor husbands, messed up reservations or traffic jams can keep you from it! Everyone, enjoy yourselves, love, g.


                        ODAT- Saturday

                        Question for Green Eyes

                        Sorry, I'm still learning this site...are you on 30 days AF?
                        I guess I'm wondering- if you can do that, why Lenair?
                        I'm very interested in hearing about your experience there.
                        I want to go- because I can simply NOT put 30 days together.

