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need to do something before i have a bigger problem

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    need to do something before i have a bigger problem

    Hi Everyone:new:
    I just found this site tonight and it is fantastic.:thanks: Thank you to everyone who has shared their stories - the "witchin hour", the guilts, the mental processes - it is all stuff that I contend with even though I am not a heavy drinker, but I think I am one in the making.

    I am a 32 year old single female. A day when I don't drink at all is a rarity, even if I only have 2 glasses of wine (or half a bottle). Hangovers hit me really hard. I wake up thinking "I wish I didn't drink last night" and I beat myself up about it (catholic guilt), promising to make it through the day or week without drinking - for health and financial reasons. But by late afternoon I have convinced myself to buy wine - if I'm broke, it goes on the credit card. Most of the time it is ok, a couple of glasses with dinner. But then I find myself drinking alone, or in bed drinking and watching tv. I have lost count of the number of times that I have binged, ended up throwing up all over my bed or my floor, cannot remember things, have to cancel appointments for the entire next day because I am too sick to move.
    It is as if I don't have the chip in my brain that says "stop".
    Last year I realised that my bingeing and the fact I couldn't have an alcohol free night were the beginnings of what could have been a bigger problem. I stopped drinking for about 3 months. It was a huge deal especially for my friends who are used to me being the life of the party. It was really hard because people didn't think I had a problem so they weren't supportive.
    But somehow the drinking started again and it's back to not being able to make it through the night without 2 glasses, and a big horrible binge every few months, even though many times I haven't had any intention of drinking at all. Every time I feel so terrible about myself and say it'll be the last time, and then it just happens again.
    When I talk with friends they tell me "everything in moderation"... but I really feel like because of my history (my father is a very heavy drinker, and many alcoholics in my family, as well as brothers who have battled drug addictions), for me, moderation is almost impossible. It is considered normal in Australia to binge drink and I find it hard to get support from friends and family because it is so commonplace that they don't think there is anything wrong. But I do think it is. I don't want to feel this way. I don't want drinking to control my life and I feel like it is.
    So I found this site tonight because I think I need some help to get through. I know in my heart that even though I'm not yet a heavy drinker, that I do have a problem.
    My housemate and I rearranged the kitchen tonight, and we put all the wine glasses away at the back of a cupboard we don't use, to try to stop the mind wandering! I have decided that instead of "going for a drink" to catch up with friends I'm going to go for dinner, or a movie, or coffee instead. And maybe I should avoid scheduling stuff during witching hour when its too hard to say no.
    My mum hasn't drunk for 23 years, so I think I need to take a leaf out of her book. She gets high on life and she looks fantastic. But I think growing up with one wowser and one alcoholic did not teach me about moderation.
    Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and ideas. Reading the posts has confirmed to me that quitting now while I am young is my best option, even if it seems weird to my friends and family.
    the hard part is going to be putting theory into practice!

    good luck to everyone!

    need to do something before i have a bigger problem


    Hi Fish
    I am finally getting some support. For awhile there, it was, "you only drink beer". But how many beers was the question. 15 or more. I also felt that alcohol was ruling my world. I lost numerous jobs. I am not getting any younger, and the alcohol is hitting me alot harder physically and mentally. I finally got so falling down drunk, added shots to the beers, that my family is supporting me. I am glad we both found this site. Perhaps we can catch up in Chat sometime.:l
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      need to do something before i have a bigger problem

      Hey Fish....Welcome:welcome:
      I come from Australasia as well and I do know what you mean about the drinking culture.
      Good on you for finding the site and beginning your journey to a better relationship with the booze (be that none at all if that works for you).

      I really do understand how difficult it can be socializing with people when you have been a big drinker in the past. Some people find it really difficult to have a non drinker in their midst - because they feel worried about their own level of intake.

      I am still learning how to deal with some of my friends (who are very big drinkers).....

      Sounds like you are making good decisions about your drinking behaviour. it now while you are still young.


      Sober since 30/06/10


        need to do something before i have a bigger problem

        Seacailin and Amelia, thank you so much for reading my post and responding. It makes a difference to know that this is not all in my head!!!
        Seacailin, I am not at all surprised that it took so much for your family to finally support you - that is exactly how I feel, like I have to hit the bottom before it is seen as a legitimate concern. I am glad you have their support now though!
        Amelia - g'day! thanks for your words of support.
        Even though I wish no one was going through this stuff, it is an amazing network and I am really happy to have found the site.
        thanks guys!
        fish x


          need to do something before i have a bigger problem


          Hi fish!

          You've made some good plans and some goals to stick to and I admire the fact that you have seen your drinking as a problem and are willing to go to lengths to do something about it. Unfortunately it took me a lot longer to finally admit I am an alcoholic/addict. I was a heavy binge drinker and like you I don't have that chip in the ole noggin that says STOP.

          A big warm welcome to the forum. I hope you get all the love and support here that I've found.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            need to do something before i have a bigger problem


            A big warm :welcome: from me, too.

            If you think you have a problem, chances are close to 100% you do. Great to nip it now rather than later when you have done immeasurable damage to your body and your life.

            Have you read the MWO book? It has some great advice in there. You can download it from this website. I recommend it to all "newbies."

            This site has helped save my life and I hope you find it helps you, too.

            AF April 9, 2016


              need to do something before i have a bigger problem

              Welcome to MWO. You will find the support you are looking for on this site. You have made an important first step in you battle with AL. Stick around.


                need to do something before i have a bigger problem

                Dear Fish,Welcome to your new family...We understand what it is like to be in your shoes.AL is a wicked BEAST who is out to ruin us.As powerful as AL is,he is no match for the power of all of us.Together we have him WAY OUT NUMBERED....I found a way to put the Beast in a grave 6ft. under on this site.I know that you can do the same....Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  need to do something before i have a bigger problem

                  Welcome, fish. I completely relate to the morning guilt (with a morning headache). I just fuond this site last month and have found the support to make all the difference in getting this problem under control. I have had slips, but have not returned to the daily 3/4 to full bottle of wine+ that was my practice before. But the great thing about this site is even when there is a slip there is support to start again without judgement.


                    need to do something before i have a bigger problem

                    Hi Fish! I believe that if you think you have a substance abuse problem; you do..for your comfort level. It's your body and your life and you know what is good for you. This site is truly wonderful and the people are really great. You'll enjoy your time spent on here with everyone. If you need a laugh, a cyber hug or a kick in the butt you will find it all here. Welcome to the board.


                      need to do something before i have a bigger problem

                      Hey guys! Oh my gosh, thank you all so much for your support and words of wisdom. I was beginning to feel really alone and swamped, as if no one could understand the way I am feeling and that i would never fight the beast. Thank you thank you thank you! Gia, you're right - it is my body and my life, and I need to remember that and be strong. It's not up to anyone else to tell me that it's ok - maybe they aren't a greedy b****** without the stop chip (ha ha) - but I need to recognise that I am different to them.
                      If you guys can do it, so can I! I want to be AF, and devote my time and resources to great stuff
                      Thank you again all of you so much. This forum is truly amazing!!!!
                      Fish xxxxx

