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Feeling a Bit Down

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    Feeling a Bit Down

    First ... Today is my 7 AF weekaversary! But I'm feeling a bit down on myself right now. I've been on vacation all week and haven't touched a drop. We (my SO and I) took the kids to some water parks and it was fun. That is, until we had our pictures taken. I was horrified when I saw myself! I've let myself go so bad. I need to lose at least 20 lbs, get a haircut and hopefully the bruises on my legs will heal from the last time I drank. (BTW, I don't even know HOW I got the bruises!) I know it took me 2 years to gain the weight, and it's going to take a while to lose it again. But right now, I feel like crying over how I look. My SO always calls me gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, but I just don't see it.

    How can I make myself feel better so that I don't go back to the bottle and stop caring again? It was so easy to get drunk and make excuses to myself (like I'm 44 so who cares?, etc.).

    I think reality smacked me in the face this week. :upset:

    Feeling a Bit Down

    I know the feeling. It seems overwhelming. All I can say is " A year from now you'll wish you had started today"


      Feeling a Bit Down

      Yes..... hubby looked at me the the other day and said "I don't think you realize how much this has aged your appearance". He's just so full of encouragement. I should have said "I don't think you realize how much that statement affected your sex life". :H

      On a better note. Once you become AF, eat properly, rehydrate, etc. it will come back. Satori talked about that in one of his posts. I wish he would come back.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Feeling a Bit Down

        well be happy and proud of yourself right now you have 7 weeks af and that is awesome ..
        everything happen in thing at a time. so stay strong and think positive .things are just getting started.
        peace , love and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Feeling a Bit Down

          Dear OneToo,Last time that I got sober it took months before I started looking like myself again.I am sure that it will take even longer this time because I am 55yrs. old.Right now I just try to do the best that I can with what AL did not completely distroy.I pay extra attention to the clothes that I wear,my make up,jewelery,my hair etc.i also focus on the feelings of peace that I feel now that AL is out of my life.I guess this will sound HOOKEY but I do feel an inner beauty that shines thru now that I am Sober.For now,my number one rule is NO PICTURES OR I WILL BREAK YOUR CAMERA !!!!! I do not want them to come back and haunt me once I recover....LOL..Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Feeling a Bit Down

            OneToo, congratulations on 7 weeks of being AF. That is a huge accomplishment and you should take great pride in it. With not drinking I think after a while the weight should start coming off if you throw a little exercise into your routine. I started walking 15 minutes a day and now I'm up to an hour and have lost quite a bit of weight. In fact, I started a thread yesterday that I just received a glowing report from my doctor. He had been after me to lose weight and he is very happy with my weight now. Please don't give up because of your age either. I'm 53. Just start walking everyday until it becomes a habit. Your energy will improve too. Good luck, onetoo. I'm rooting for you.


              Feeling a Bit Down

              Having a picture done at a water park (bathing suit and all) is never a good thing for us ladies. You know what you need to do and it sounds to me like you are making progress. 7 weeks is awesome and like dolphin said "believe it and I'm sure you'll feel better". Stick around here too. It will help to know you are not alone.


                Feeling a Bit Down

                I think you should give yourself a big hug for 7 weeks AF; and then take that money that you would have spent on AL and buy yourself something you've been wanting for a while. You would have spent it anyway! Why not on something you earned, and you definetely earned it. I think you are doing an excellent job, seven days is a huge one for me. It is hard when you look back and remember, but it will all get better. The calories in alcohol is horrible! Smile love, you're fabulous.


                  Feeling a Bit Down

                  Yes..... hubby looked at me the the other day and said "I don't think you realize how much this has aged your appearance". He's just so full of encouragement. I should have said "I don't think you realize how much that statement affected your sex life". :H

                  :H So well said Greeneyes, I am in complete agreement


                    Feeling a Bit Down

                    Hi OneTooMany,

                    Well.......we care.

                    So you`re not feeling very attractive at the moment........not to worry!!! Sure, the booze doesn`t do us girls any favours, especially where weight gain is concerned. But, think about it like this.......when we quit drinking, any improvements in our lives happen slowly but surely, and that`s how it will all happen for you also......every little improvement in any area of our lives is actually huge.

                    It`s far from easy to quit drinking, but you`ve already made great progress.......shows you can do it. The most powerful tool any of us have in the battle against the booze is "the self".

                    Since quitting drinking, I have lost 33 lbs and would like to lose a further 9 lbs (always did aspire to being a skinny bitch lol). Certainly, the weight loss has been`s 10 mths since I quit drinking. However, it`s been better for me to lose the weight slowly.......almost guarantees the weight will stay off, just as long as we don`t revert back to our old ways of drinking and eating fat fodder.

                    Stick with it.......don`t allow yourself to become disheartened......reward yourself for every little bit of AF progress and lb of weight you lipstick, new know the kind of thing. Then go out and buy yourself an outfit to die for in the size you want to be......that will certainly spur you on.

                    Never lose site of your goal and remember........every tiny little success is actually huge. Yes, weight loss is a fabulous benefit of quitting drinking and one which makes us feel like a million dollars, but weight loss is really only the tip of the iceberg........personally speaking, life is the peachiest peach these days.

                    My best to you,

                    Darling x
                    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                      Feeling a Bit Down

                      Dear one,

                      I recently went to a woterpark with a group of teenagers, and I can tell you if anyone would have pointed their little camara at me I'm afraid I there might have been a drowning!! I don't really like the way I look in clothes, let alone a swim suit! :H:H

                      It is nice though, that when we do give up the booze and take better care of ourselves, our bodies seem to appreciate it, and it shows!

                      Hang in there, you're doing great!!

                      Greeneyes---thanks for the :H:H:H :h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        Feeling a Bit Down

                        7 weeks what a huge accomplishment. I can understand exactly what you are saying, I feel the same
                        way however I realize drinking will not make this any better. Keep at it, you are inspiring many
                        of us newbies here. I agree with Gia go buy yourself something you deserve a reward.


                          Feeling a Bit Down


                          I feel so much better today. All of your kind words kept going thru my head yesterday and lifted me up. It was a tough day! I fought cravings all day and realized that if I went back to drinking, I would feel even worse about myself. I'm taking all of the advice. First, I'm buying a nice swimsuit in a size that I want to be. Next, a haircut and maybe some color too .. hmmmmmm ... And then exercise. Not sure about walking tho. I work in restaurant and that's what I do all day. So maybe some weight lifting and stretching exercises.

                          :thanks: again everybody. Y'all are tops!


                            Feeling a Bit Down

                            Weight training is a great way for a woman to lose weight; I did that all the time. Combine that with some cardio and a proper diet and you can't go wrong. I had great success with Taekwondo, as well as the weights, some swimming, plus walking almost everywhere and I dropped down to a size 4. It took a year but well worth the pain and the sometime bruises (Taekwondo). Having a great haircut always makes me feel better too.. Have fun! You deserve it very much.


                              Feeling a Bit Down

                              Hi OneTooMany! First off, :cheering: congrats on 7 weeks AF. THAT IS AWESOME!!

                              Count me in as another person who can relate 100% to your feelings. I let myself go horribly in the last few years of sticking my head in the bottle. You are right - drinking again certainly won't help the problem - will make it worse!

                              I'm now AF for 25 days. In this time I did some of the things you are already thinking about, and some that others have mentioned (with more yet to come!!). I got a new hair cut, and started coloring over my grays again (I'm 50). I am sadly over 40 pounds over weight right now. I'm working at that but it won't be fixed over night. So I spent a little $$ on some new clothes that at least fit me properly and that feel comfortable. I also made my Mary Kay lady friend happy with some purchases there. I like to have a bit of a tan, so I started tanning which makes me feel better about how I look. (a shame about vanity...but it's realtity at some level!!).

                              I also got back to working out at Curves. I really like the atmosphere there - all women and at 50, I'm probably in the middle of the pack age wise. I like the circuit style of workout than combines aerobics and strength training. Just something to check out if you are interested, and there is a Curves in your area. They have a great promotion going on right now - they are conducting a fitness study and if you participate, the cost is only $30 which includes access to the facilities for a month, and also access to their on-line program for diet and overall weight loss management. A great way to check it out at low cost.

                              The other thing that can be at play for many of us mid 40's and beyond is hormonal changes related to peri menopause or menopause. Don't discount the nasty things these hormone changes can do to your body!! I got tested recently, and will get the results this Friday, with a doc who specializes in bio-identical hormone therapy. Will be posting somewhere around here as the results of that unfold. Those problems PLUS the toll booze takes on us sucks.

                              OK - now I'm babbling on WAY too much!! I do understand, and the steps above are what I'm trying to do about it. I DO feel so much better just knowing I'm taking positive action each and every day to improve my overall health and vitality - and that will improve my appearance for vanity sake!!

                              Best wishes and congrats again on your AF success!!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

