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Feeling a Bit Down

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    Feeling a Bit Down

    One Too Many,

    I too was overweight and it was directly related to AL because I was pretty reasonable with my diet. My last AF stint (which lasted 29 days and I am on a new one now) I joined Weight Watchers online. I knew I had to do something because without the AL I wanted to eat everything in sight! Check it out online. It is cheap and I have lost 15 lbs. I just knew I needed some type of diet so that I could control the eating. I use the core plan and LOVE it.

    Also, take care of your skin. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Use a good quality face lotion, night cream, etc. and drink a lot of water. Take your vitamins too! Within two weeks of being AF you will start looking like yourself again and the weight will start coming off. I think our bodies go through some type of "shock" when we go AL and it takes some time for to regulate. Good luck and let us know what happens.

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


      Feeling a Bit Down

      i have to laugh when i look in the mirror and see my mom !

      oops and AL gets you there that much faster - lucky my mom is not toooo bad at 74

      well done on 7 weeks - i have great respect ! the reality that smacked you i hope was that you are so strong for getting through a vacation with no AL ***** 5 stars to you !

      and greeneyes what you said here "I don't think you realize how much that statement affected your sex life". priceless ...



        Feeling a Bit Down

        I looked at some photos taken a year ago and I just about flipped! Who was that old woman!!!???? Today I look and feel so much younger and better than I have in many years! It takes a bit of time. Alcohol robs us of our "Vitality", which robs us of our youthful, strong appearance. AL robs us of our self esteem and our self respect. All of these things show in our appearance.

        I agree with everyone here, give yourself a big atta girl for 7 Days! Begin working out, "just a little each day" healthy, take your supps and most of all begin to change the "drinking mind set" will be amazed just a few weeks from now, how differenct you begin to look and feel!

        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Feeling a Bit Down

          just the swap from AL to tea herbal or regular (not for you Dolphin) or WATER can make a significant differance in days to your face to start with... that puffy 80 year old does go away lol
          but just one night chugging and shes back looking at you...

          i stopped ciggies about 8 years ago - didnt feel any great change as the effects FADED ...till after a month i started smoking again - back to pack a day - wholly shit within a day i felt like i weighed a ton and soooo unhealthy. was easier to feel the other way round....

