i did order the book from amazon and loved reading it. there are sooo many things said in the book & here on the site that could have come from my own mouth and thoughts. and i love the fact that everyone seems to have good humor about it. i have been drinking (mostly beer) since 2 days before my 16th birthday (i will be 41 this year) its nice to hear others who don't believe they are a "stereotypical alcoholic". ive had periods in my life where i've just not drank and it never bothered me. ive also had frequent periods where i drink every evening for months and months and months. i never thought about researching for some help and feel like it was a God thing that i somehow??? found this site. in my world it was either admit you are an alcoholic and go to AA or just stop period--no other options. and to me those weren't options. i do so hope that with the help of MWO that i could be someone who could drink in moderation (haha what a term) no seriously as previously stated somewhere on here, it would be neat to have the great buzz of those first few beers before you screw it up and can't stop urself. im all about beer like that potato chip commercial-you can't just drink one.
anyways, sorry for the long post. im excited about the supps. i hope someone can steer me in the right direction. im also going to get the all one, just don't have the money right now.
thanks for anyone's help
