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Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

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    Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

    Thanks to all for all the well wishes and welcomes. Sure wish I wasn't getting off to such a shaky start though. It's like I'm trying to hold on to this thing as long as I can without losing my wife. Dangerous game. Has anyone got anything meaningful to say about that Kudzo? Feel a little bit like I'm caught up in a telemarketing scheme here. All kinds of stuff for sale. I don't know, maybe not the place for me, cynic that I am.


      Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

      Hi Geronimo

      I'm from the UK and along with Dolphin haven't bought anything - my tummy is easily irritated (may be something to do with many years of pouring alcohol down it...) so I just stick with loads of water and the mega support from people on this site.

      Stay strong - on your terms!!


        Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself


        If you choose to go without the supplements, that is fine. Many do.

        However, good vitamins, especially B-vits are important. You can get most of the stuff in your own drug store or health food store.

        I would read the book. It explains a lot about what we are dealing with physically.

        Best of luck either way!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

          Hi geronimolong!:welcome:
          Great name! Glad you have found this site, there really are lots of genuine, kind and supportive people here who will help you. I find I feel less 'alone ' with the problem and knowing others are there fighting the same battle gives me more energy to keep going.I agree that you don't have to have supplements etc.
          I do find the kudzu and l glutamine help with my cravings, but the biggest help is determination and a desire to beat this addiction.
          Wishing you all the best
          Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
          Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
          For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


            Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

            As we all know, admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery. I also used Campral with success. It sounds as well, Geronimo, as if you are definitely on your way to hitting bottom. Some of us were lucky enough to recognize when that happened.... get help. Sobriety rocks.


              Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

              Hi there

              Hello Geronimo my name is Poppie and Ive just joined this site a few minutes ago, im a bit stuck cos i dont know how to use it fully yet, I need to write my first post but dont know how, I will figure it out at some point.
              I decided to reply to your post because I have been on a binge myself, I didnt go to work on Thursday, Friday and Today being Monday. Ive been slowly heading to this point for for a year now and here I am. Ive been drinking for 8 years now and went to a rehab in 2006 for 2 weeks.. I thought I was ok since then but obviously not cos LOL Im still drinking. Both my parents are dead because of alcohol and Im 37 years old. I also have a good life and good boyfriend but like you Im trying to get my fix from a can. I looked up THIQ which we learned about at the rehab I went to and I recommend it to you. Cant say I was happy about the animal testing BUT it's helped me to understand myself more and confrimed my obsession to drink and like you drink till I drop.
              Im hoping to pull back now and think about my dead parents, I have 3 children ages 15/17/18 and one of them might end up with the same disease if Im not careful.
              Like you I had a horrific childhood BUT Ive finished using that as an excuse to have another drink. If I stop it needs to be because Im allergic to alcohol and I am powerless after just one drink.
              Ive done the AA and learned alot but I thought LOL that i had it under control, isn't that funny, the truth is the can is controlling again and always will unless I STOP.

              I hope to hear from you and I don't know what time zone to choose if Im in the Uk , can you explain to me?

              Kind regards


                Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                Just wanted to say this is not a telemarketing type scheme, and welcome! I know it's easy to be skeptical, but really, what have you got to lose?? I figured I'd spent plenty on beer, I could afford a book and I did also order the cds which I love.

                Have a good day.
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                  Hi Geronimo

                  I'm pretty new and am about to embark on my 14th evening with no alcohol. Like Katesm says, we all drink different amounts - I'm one of those people who drank a bottle a night - and ended up hating myself for it - so like she says, it doesn't matter because if you have difficulty in stopping then I reckon we're probably all in the same boat. What I've found good is how much easier it is with this site than without out. I usually don't find it too difficult to stop once I've made the decision to give myself a break but it's making the decision is difficult - I must have made the decision to stop every morning for something like the past 10 months - this time this site helped me stick to it for the first evening and the second and the third and I'm beginning to think that I might make the 30 days - good luck to you - haven't much more to add other than the very best of luck to you and look forward to seeing how you get on. Px
                  Short term goal 7 days AF


                    Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                    OK, I'll bite!

                    It's like I'm trying to hold on to this thing as long as I can without losing my wife. Dangerous game.
                    I suspect that is an important statement - really worth giving a lot of thought to. How much ARE you willing to give up for Booze? I think all of us reach a point where we have to seriously think about that question. Myself, I came sqarely upon that cross road of addiction when I finally quit smoking cigarettes in Feb '07. I literally found myself choosing smoking over my husband. You are right - dangerous and scary too. A never smoker might look at what I just said and think GEEZ - is she CRAZY???? Trade a rockin' great husband in for a NICOTINE ADDICTION??? But that's how crazy far our addictions will take us. I hope you don't let it go that far.

                    Has anyone got anything meaningful to say about that Kudzo? Feel a little bit like I'm caught up in a telemarketing scheme here. All kinds of stuff for sale.
                    I second the motion to spend the $12.95 to download the book, at a minimum. And RJ is not presenting info just from her own opinion. There is lots of research out there on the connection between alcohol addiction and nutritional deficiencies. The Bood Seven Weeks to Sobriety makes this connection and presents the research as well. There are others.

                    Personally I went 60 days AF last year with the help of the supplements here (the whole recommended program) and also the CD's. I did not opt for the prescription drugs. I know that program made a difference. I think several things contributed to my fall off the wagon at 60 days, but I had cut back on Kudzu and L-Glut at that stage, and that didn't help the situation any.

                    After a bunch of fits and starts thinking I could moderate when I clearly can't, I'm back AF now - Day 26. Things are going MUCH MUCH more smoothly this time. I believe part of it is that even when I went back to drinking, I kept up the All One, B-vitamins and some of the other supplements. I think my body being in a healthier state in terms of deficiencies might be making this first 30 days much easier. So yes...I do believe there is merit to the argument. Personally I like L-Tryptophan (there is a thread on this in the Holistic section) for keeping my moods stable during the day - and I don't have a lot of strong cravings. So I am on all the other recommended supplements now EXCEPT Kudzu and L-Glut, with L-Trytophan subbed in. My suggestion is to start the program AS RECOMMENDED - then as you see how it works for you, tweak it. What works for one is not always the exact best solution for another.

                    Oh. And add up what you spend on booze in a month, then calculate the cost for a one month supply of the supplements. I doubt you will find yourself going much out of pocket.

                    The MWO program isn't magic, any more than a stick is a magic wand. But if just saying no - without any additional aids has not worked, then what have you got to lose?? But of course nothing will work if not combined with strong personal determination.

                    I don't know, maybe not the place for me, cynic that I am.
                    The cool thing about this site is the very diverse crowd. Nobody judges and there are a VERY wide variety of quit methods underway. But of course only you can decide if it's the right fit for you.

                    Best wishes!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

