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Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

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    Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

    Hello all. Getting to be a chronic, binge drinker and feel I have to make a big change. I'm regularly blacking out. Start out having a couple of beers and then can't usually stop until I am just wasted. Had a really really shitty early life but things have turned around so much for the better for me due to no small effort on my part and I just can't figure out what it is that seems to make me want to hide in a can all the time. I do keep fairly responsible in my daily life but more and more I am worrying my wife and losing things and forgetting almost everything that happens shortly after I start drinking and, oh yes, did I mention I've destroyed a couple of vehicles and barely escaped death on at least two occasions. I'm going to be looking through all the posts as I find the time but if anyone has anything at all constructive to say to me, feel free to respond or email.

    Given my position and relative honesty with the people around me in my life, I am not so worried about my anonymity. So, if you want to know more about me, you can visit my new blog at my blog although it has nothing to do with addiction except, I suppose, to movies and English.

    Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

    Hullo Ger,
    A very big hug and welcome to you. As Dolphin said, you've come to the right place. Keep reading and posting - it really helps.
    About you: Wow, a couple of car accidents and frequent blackouts. Very, very scary. Seeing that you have no confidentiality problem I would be waiting at the doctor's rooms first thing Monday if I were you. Many of us had been helped through the early days by taking Antabuse, That is just a suggestion if you're serious about beating this monster.
    But you've taken the first and most important step and you realize that you have a problem with alcohol.
    Please keep posting, I would like to hear how you are doing.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

      After years of seemingly heavy but semi-normal drinking, I too became a binge drinker. Started drinking around the clock, blacking out, offending everyone around me, and oh yeah one wreaked vehicle. Then I'd stop for a couple of weeks and then go at it again. Sounds like a definition of insanity to me.
      Am new to this site as of yesterday. Best of luck, stay in touch.


        Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

        Welcome to the site. This is a great place to be for wanting to be on the road to recovery and kick this in the arse. The people are wonderful and the support you receive will be amazing. All the best to you.


          Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

          Hi Geronimo and welcome. Glad you found us, and good for you recognizing that they way things are right now - you've got a problem you need to fix. We can all relate - we're all here for the same reason.

          I would suggest starting by downloading the My Way Out book if you haven't already. It's available through the Health Store on the top of page menu. IMO, an excellent value at $12.95(US)! The book will give you a great baseline from which to develop your own program to get your drinking under control - whether that's moderation or alcohol free (AF). I personally don't take any of the prescription med options, but many here do with great success. I DO follow the supplement plan with only minor variation, and I do have the CD hypnosis series. I dont' follow that as closely as I should, but I find the subliminal CD and the sleep learning CD to be helpful - and I DO use those daily. This is just to give you an example of how people tailor the My Way Out plan to suit their needs. Whatever works to keep you from drinking is the "right" way to do it!

          I was a daily drinker for many, many years (am 50 now). I was caught for a very long time in the "hate yourself in the morning and vow to quit" then "pour a drink by noon somewhere" cycle. I've been here at MWO off and on for a year. I've had some AF time (the longest 60 days) and I've made some bad decisions. This time I am determined to become permanently AF. I'm now at 25 days.

          Read and post lots. This is an outstanding community to help support your success.

          Best wishes - hope this babbling is helpful in some way. (LOL - if not, just ignore me!!) I'm like you - not very anonymous!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

            Hi Ger :welcome:

            This is a fabulous forum with so much nonjudgmental support. So many have report fab results with Antabuse. Personally, I'm on Campral. Whenever I tried to quit drinking, I had trouble with anxiety and depression. Campral works a different way than Antabuse. For me, it actually takes the craving away. It also keeps the depression and anxiety under control. Whatever path you wish to try, just do it! Don't wait another day. We're all here to support and help you. :l


              Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

              Hi Ger and Welcome!
              I Ditto, what doggygirl said! If becoming a non-drinker is your goal, this is the place to be, this is the way out of drinking!

              Best Wishes to You!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself


                Just wanted to welcome you. Seems that those before me have covered the important things, just want to say again how much support you will find here.


                  Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                  Hi Spedteach,
                  All the big welcomes are for you as well!
                  Jessie .
                  make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                    Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                    So glad that you are still alive to find us.Please....stay out of cars for awhile...Two wrecks is two,two many.....Dont tempt fate.You will get tons of help here...There is great power in having a large group of people working together to bury the Beast,AL doesnt stand a chance here....we have him way out numbered....PM me if I can help.I am 35days sober and I know that I could not have done it with out this site....Evie
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                      Huge welcome to you, just jump right in, whatever you have done, whatever you wish to post, someone will be right there with you. This place changed my life - no doubt, hope it does the same for you.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                        Welcome. Hope this site and the support are helpful. I too spent time wondering why I drank. I don't think there is an answer, just luck of the draw that you get to deal with this. But you can deal with it!


                          Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                            Hi Geronimo,
                            Welcome. I am fairly new as well but have been here enough to see what these people do for each other. I am just sick and tired of being sick and tired (hung over.)


                              Not sure whether or not to start out a whole new thread just to introduce myself

                              Welcome Geronimo!! I like your user name! It makes me smile! Good luck and post often!!
                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")

