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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Excuse me! Just what is going on here? It's nearly 2pm here and no ODAT thread? I hope you're not all just waiting on me?!:H

    Been my first chance to get on since Friday. Friend staying and PC is in the main part of the house and cannot be used privately. Got the house to myself again now so time to catch up - I've missed you all! And because I've been away and with the friend being a drinking buddy, I've rather overdone it the last two nights. Another couple of dog days and that's blown my aim for June. Sheesh. Never mind. Move on. ODAT. Yes, I overdid it. Yes, my head hurt this morning and I'm pissed off at having to log dog days BUT I really do feel genuinely very positive and certain about returning to a run of AF days. It is what I want to do and not just what I feel I should do. I am going to change my mood to calm. No I',m not, there isn't a calm. I'll go for happy!

    Hope you are all too. Looking forward to catching up and I'll be up bright and early for the ODAT Monday thread!! :H


    Walnut xxx

    ODAT - Sunday

    Can't believe I am Second to post on ODAT Sunday

    Yikes, can't believe I am up so early (9:00 am US eastern is early?) as to be the number 2 poster on ODAT Sunday edition. Walnut (don't worry , I'll get used to calling you Walnut) sorry for the sore head feeling but today is a whole another day and after all, we are the ODAT Gang. Hope you get your wishes. So when do we get some more piggish, er.........I mean pig and horse stories?

    So I did tell you all that I got through Spain AF and am now still on a roll. Caseaday, is counting for both of us since he seems to be able to count and I seem not to be able to count. We started out on this journey the same day. The only difference is that he is going at it cold turkey and I am using antabuse -- which for me is great. I take a low dosage each morning and it simply rules out the possibility of a drink for the day. The Beast doesn't even try to flirt too much with me because he knows that I always fear antabuse even if I don't fear the Beast at that moment.

    Right now I am spending the weekend in a small town on the eastern sea coast of the US, Rehoboth Beach Delaware. Nice place. My Cocker Spaniel dog, McKenzie who I like loads, is snoozing here beside me on the sofa as I type. That is McKenzie and I (or McWacky as she is sometimes known) in my Aardvark (or Anatolia or avatar or whatever you call those little boxes). McKenzie is a rescue dog -- she was 6 y.o. when I got her -- and after living with her for 4 years I am beginning to understand why she got thrown out of her last home:H. She has a few quirks that are sometimes funny but sometimes not -- like the time she snapped at my very elderly neighbor --- or the times she gets nervous and pees on someone's friends carpet. But she is here to stay with me so I guess I will have to grin and bear ( it.

    So I know that this is more than enough info about nothing this morning. Just feeling a bit chatty I guess. Love to all my ODAT pals and thank you for being here. Without you I would be horribly drunk or hung over today this morning because, before I met you, that is what I ALWAYS did when I came to Rehoboth Beach. Love ya,


      ODAT - Sunday

      I can't believe I'm the 3rd. instead of the usual last!

      You sound great (even with a headache) This is ODAT #8....and stressfree thanks to antabuse. I'm working my summer job so time is tight and I am tired which makes things much easier. I am SO afraid of antabuse even though the thought of a little nippy here and there strikes me about as often as a 20 year old male thinks about sex, I don't have a problem with the urges. Hiho Hiho off I go. Be well . xxxx g.


        ODAT - Sunday

        Its ME!

        Stayed up all nite Friday...sneaked out to drinking, just playtime. One week for me today and i plan to stay clean and work on sleep patterns! Yes, we miss you WALNUT! This ANGEL plans to STAND tall and not FALL anymore*


          ODAT - Sunday


          I actually thought about starting the thread but it just isn't the same without your name attached to it.

          I, too, am getting used to the new moniker.

          Sorry you had to add a couple of days to the dog days but it is the ODAT thread and we do this ODAT. I cannot do it any other way.


          I loved your post!! You do sound wonderful and I too have a rescue dog that is quirky. So I know the feeling. However, quirks and all, he has taken my heart.

          I lose count, too, Matthen. I think when I start counting, I start obsessing. That is why ODAT is so important for me.


          You sound pretty darned good yourself!! Have a wonderful day.


          Glad you are back on track and doing so well. One week out of the hole is great. It feels so much better than being in the hole, doesn't it? I am glad you played last night. Just because we are being sober doesn't mean we shouldn't have fun. We should have a lot more fun!!

          Everyone else to come, have a happy day and to all dads out there - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Sunday

            Good Morning!

            Happy Fathers Day to any fathers out there. I am 14 days AF, but I did have three beers last night - sipped them and did not want any more. I did not crave them at all, but do feel bad that I had anything. Sigh. No wine though - that I shall stay away from since I like it so much. No hangover or anything, just guilt....

            Matt - I live in Philly and we have a friend who let us stay in his condo in Rehoboth - BEAUTIFUL! The whole town is wonderful. We need to go down there again - the kids loved it and being a displaced Southern California Girl, I am jonesing for the salt air. Enjoy the glorious beach and know that I am REALLY JEALOUS!

            Thanks for all the support and have a wonderful week all!

            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


              ODAT - Sunday

              Today I will have my last drink with my daddy. He has been AF since his stroke a year and a half ago. I told him of Lenair and that I would never drink again. He said to bring Johnny Walker Black and he would share my last drink on Father's Day. So... that's a fine finishing touch.

              My last doggie was a rescue. He died suddenly at six years of age. Then the idiot dog showed up and adopted us. Nothing like a stray. She is in toddler mode. Every single toy and bone has been pressed upon every part of my body. She screams "PLAY". And it is good for me. My guardian angel sent her to me. I'm not sure if it was for pleasure or punishment. :H She is very vervallly expressive. She likes to put front paws on me and get petted and I spin her around in the chair and she has to run faster and faster. Quite funny. . Maybe my next job will be in a circus with her. Or maybe at the car wash place up the street with a tin cup for tips. :H

              So... Off to Lenair tomorrow, so I'll catch you on ODAT in a week. Best wishes to all and thank you foryour support.

              :h:l greenie
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Sunday

                Bye Greenie! Have a fabulous time. :bye: We'll all be here waiting for you when you get back. You won't be needing the tin cup I am certain. You'll thrive after Lenair. I've just Googled it - looks amazing.

                I'm glad we've gone rescue doggy on today's thread. My two are both rescue and my big boy (26" high at the shoulder) lurcher is just the love of my life. Yes, many quirks but such a character. I just adore him. He will hold my gaze any time. Never feels the need to look away. Probably that just means he thinks he is boss. But we know that anyway!! :H When he puts his paws on your shoulders you know about it because he is so long!! And he smiles at you by just parting his lips at the front to show his teeth, totally different to a snarl. And he has strops and is greedy and pushy and can be very aloof and also nuts. Love him!! Big fan of rescue dogs. Can't take it when people breed from their pooches without giving any thought to finding the pups homes. That in itself takes a potential home away from a rescue dog. The centres here are full and overflowing. Anyone with a heart who wants a dog should at least try looking in the rescue. Even if they want a particular breed, most of the breed societies have a breed specific rescue. (hops down off soapbox and walks away quickly in case anyone starts heckling!! :H)

                Been feeding the pigs fresh grass cuttings today. It bloats them up and produces a lot of gas!! One of the holiday cottage guests came over for a chat while I was in the pig yard and we watched them burping and farting. It is really nice when people take an interest in the stock as well as the holiday cottage. We have had some really lovely people to stay. Some chat a lot, others like to keep themselves to themselves. Fine either way. Everyone has left very positive comments in the guest book though so that is really gratifying.

                Walnut xxx (who may well change back to Bessie. The reason I changed seems a bit superflous now.)


                  ODAT - Sunday


                  You made me laugh. I think the last thing I would consider doing while on holiday is going out to watch pigs bloating and farting. :H:H

                  I would be fun, though, as long as I was upwind.


                  I am thinking of you.... You are the next one to go to Lenair and with Lorisunshine's post, my heart is bursting to the brim with hope for you and Luv. :h

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    WALNUT~Bessie, doncha just love animals! I miss our moo-moo's. I think grand-daddy and sonny boy may get some roam and graze. All we have are a few kittens left some big cats, 2 dogs and the chickens.. enjoy your poop! :H


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      I vote that you go back to is a warm and fuzzy name that just seems to fit you.What is this Walnut all about...walnut..hard shell, delicious, nutricious inside...guess that fits as well. Just not Coconut....Hard shell and empty you no matter what the name.To quote Shakspere...A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet...Now I am getting HOOKEY...TA TA...Evie
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

