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Hip Hip Hooray

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    Hip Hip Hooray

    Good morning, I am so excited I am 7 days AF I made it through the weekend and not a drop of AL. I was driven to my friends house Saturday at 10:30 am signing and I thought to myself, It has been a long long time since I have even been out of my house in the morning on Saturday after Friday night, the biggest night of the week drinking.I drank all week but this night well ,it was ok to drink, after all I worked all week.
    My husband and I went to the movies on Friday. I am surprise my husband was a great support to me all weekend. 4 years ago when I gave up drinking he was drinking twice as much.

    I met with my girlfriend Saturday morning. She had been with my sister at her house till 1 am Friday drinking she said they had a great time. I got jealous a bit, but she was so hung over and my sister said it was a lost day for her.Boy can I relate to those days. The funny thing is that these two women are my support group and the first weekend in they screw themselves up.I know it is only up to me to fix me.
    When the bad craving came this weekend I would come to this site and just read for a while all the post. Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories.

    I can't believe how much stuff I got done this weekend.I am liken it!!!!!!!!!!
    The next couple of weeks there is a party ever Saturday.It will be a challenge.

    I also lost 5 lbs. this week. I tell people I am not going to drink till I lost a certain amount of weight.
    Its is easy to say that, because I need to lose 65 lbs all gained from drinking well now I down to 60 lbs

    Everyone have a great Monday.

    Hip Hip Hooray

    Win, good for you! You have every reason to be proud of yourself, 7 days is excellent!
    And congrats on the 5lbs lost. Woo hoo!


      Hip Hip Hooray

      Great Job WIN,You are well on your way to becoming a healthy,happy,thin none drinker.You can be the leader of your support group and maybe they will want what you are getting....soberiety....Evie
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Hip Hip Hooray


        Win---the hardest part is over! You've proved to yourself you CAN do it, and the rewards are so great!!! Just keep remembering how good you feel next time "Uncle Id" :teeter: tries to convince you to have "just one!"
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Hip Hip Hooray

          CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Win123, sounds like you are coming off the starting line with a lot of energy and enthusiasm! Keep it up! The journey ahead is going to have it's challenges but the REWARDS are amazing!!!


            Hip Hip Hooray

            WAY TO GO WIN!!!! :clapclap: I'm so happy for you!

