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Knew I wasn't going to make it

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    Knew I wasn't going to make it

    I used to justify spending money on AL in alsorts of ways and of course just a few ??s for the bus fare to AA or other form of help was out of the Q. Of course the fact I was going bankrupt was nothing to do with the money I was spending on drink - oh no, that was because I was always in low paid jobs which was nothing to do with the fact I was drinking and couldn't perform, motivate myself properly.Oh no, of course not.

    Right now........well I had a problem with Sundays which meant Monday-Tuesday were a write off. So I was determined to change that and, well I drank last Saturday instead. Which was OK since I had nothing planned Sunday. Apart from vomiting and missing seeing my family.

    What an illness.


      Knew I wasn't going to make it

      Old Post

      That was an old post. I am now 6 days AF. Was kind of good for me to see it though
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Knew I wasn't going to make it

        How are you feeling today?
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          Knew I wasn't going to make it

          Feeling pretty good. How are u feeling? It has finally cooled down here a bit so that I can get out and do things. Have to face the music with the boss, but the doctor is backing me up. I will go to my first AA meeting in years this evening. I need sober friends.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Knew I wasn't going to make it

            You had me scared...I have you on my private pray list and as i did my mornin prayers I felt sucess coming from you....Great job,keep up the good work.It keeps getting better and
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Knew I wasn't going to make it

              How Do I Get Rid of this Thread

              Someone responded to it today which brought it to the top. Ugg. Was good for me to read though, but now I want it gone. How are u doing evielou?
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Knew I wasn't going to make it

                Hi Seacalin,
                I too fell off the wagon, and pretty hard havent been to work for two days, made up some bullshit story about being really sick, now i have to go back to work and hope no one can see the bull in my eyes. I feel so ashamed, that i could convice myself once again that i could just have a couple, but what I do know is that I am a good person without the AL and so are you we would not be here if we didnt know it was not good for us, keep trying because i do believe that it one day will sink in, i keep coming back here too, its nice to talk with someone that knows what it is like to keep doing something you dont want to do, hang in there, we can do this.


                  Knew I wasn't going to make it

                  Hi Sea I feel for you and can relate to you. Drinking is a physical, mental and spiritual obsession. Similiar to what Doggygirl said, try to treat Saturday as if it were any other day. Try to occupy yourself with fun things to do. Come to this site for support. If you are willing, try going back to AA. You need to surround yourself with as much support as possible. Drinking is a vicious cycle. The consequences of drinking are so severe. The momentary high you get on Saturday's is just not worth your emotions in the end. Drinking is beating you up. As time goes on, and the more your resist alcohol cravings, you are going to feel mentally and emotionally better. I keep reminding myself, drinking gets old! There are so many other things you can be doing to better you mental, emotional and physical being. Support, Support, Support is what you need! It is so hard to beat this demon alone. - Reenie
                  September 23, 2011


                    Knew I wasn't going to make it

                    How Do I Get Rid of this Thread

                    That post is old. I am 7 days alcohol free, but this thread won't go away. With the weekend coming and the drinking buddies calling I am nervous about this weekend, but I have plans. I plan to go to an AA meeting tonight. I have plans with my sis tomorrow. She hardly ever drinks. I am giving it my all.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Knew I wasn't going to make it

                      May be a old thread but a GOODIE non the sameGreat job staying AF...Hope you have a good meet up tonight.Your are sure to find a friend.I am TONS stronger.I posted in natural healing about the new GREEN STUFF that has breathed new energy into this old GAL.Leaving for travels to the UK next week and my safe guard ANATBUSE hasn't arrived.It's gonna be tough staying out of the pubs....
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Knew I wasn't going to make it

                        Thanks Evielou
                        I hope your medicine arrives. My doctor put me on Celexa until I can get some insurance and buy Campral. She is a big advocate of that, and I will try anything. My phone has been ringing since yesterday with the drinking buddies calling. I woke up sick to my stomach this morning. It happened the Friday before last too. Think my brain is trying to tell me something. I feel bad ignoring their calls, but I don't know what else to do. I will check out your post on the Green
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Knew I wasn't going to make it

                          Seacallin - you are doing great - maybe this post came up to remind you that you REALLY CAN DO THIS! Don't feel bad ignoring calls - you have to do what you have to do. I am kind of doing the same thing - my neighbor keeps wanting to come over to see the baby, but every time she comes over she brings a ginormous bottle of wine. I think I may be able to handle not drinking it, but right now I don't want to tempt fate. I am 3 days right now and want to go at least 30.

                          Hope all is well and know that you should be very proud of yourself - we are

                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            Knew I wasn't going to make it

                            Oh Sea,

                            I was reading the posts and didn't realize there was an old thread - congrats on your 7 days!!!! I, too, am on Celexa and Campral. The Celexa is a very mild antidepressant, and it's been helpful. The Campral takes care of my physical cravings. What got me, though, was the old drinking mind that kept beckoning me to the old ways. It was sneaky - felt very much in control at first, then little by little the number of glasses of wine increased. That's when I found MWO, and have found great comfort in the hypnotherapy cd's. I know they're about $100, but my experience has been good. Perhaps you could ask your sister for an early birthday present and have her buy you RJ's book and cd set (total about $108) to help you along. She just might be in a generous mood - especialy if it helps you maintain control. Stay strong - we're all pulling for you. God bless.



                              Knew I wasn't going to make it

                              Thanks Vera
                              I'm not so sure I like the celexa. I am clenching my jaw, having muscle tension, and sleep probs. Could still be my body adjusting to being AF. I will continue to take it for now. I have only had two doses. That's why I think maybe it's just my body freaking out without the alcohol. I do have the book, and have been reading it.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

