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checking in

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    checking in

    been lurking on the boards. AF but feeling a little down today. I have a friend who
    moved away and she got her 2nd DUI and is facing jail time. I did not know what
    to say except I'm sorry you are going through this. I feel like I want to be supportive
    but this is my time and I want to guard my baby sobriety. Then I feel guilty for thinking
    that. Oh dear.


    checking in

    Hey biscuit! It's only human/e to want to supportive of friends especially in times of trouble. On the other hand YES your sobriety should come first. What kind of support could you show anyway if you were drunk etc.? Your just being human like the rest of us kind souls here. I'm sure your friend will understand if you can't give her 100% right now.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      checking in

      I agree with Hippie. You need to put your sobriety first. It is the most important thing right now. You're friend is going through a tough time and you will be there her with a clear head. Maybe you being sober will help her realize how important her sobriety is too.


        checking in

        You have already gotten wonderful advise and I guess the only thing that I could add would be that your Soberiety can be the greatest gift that you can give yourself and then through your example others can follow in your footsteps.It sounds like your friend could use a good example of what sober living is like before she ends up killing herself or others because of driving Drunk.I am amazed that I am already seeing my soberiety starting to rub off on my baby brother.Remember that you have to come first,then others can follow.....Evie
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          checking in

          You guys are right, thank you so much it is just hard to put yourself first.



            checking in


            I have felt the same way about guarding this little jewel I have found in MWO. I only recently shared it with one friend and she turned it down. OH, I wish she knew what she was turning down. If only she knew what gift I was trying to give her!

            Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


              checking in

              A healthy mind and body, is a happy one. Look after yourself, don't forget how important you are.
              I'm sorry you're friend is facing jail time, but imagine if she killed someone behind the wheel. There is no excuse for that, no reasoning...


                checking in

                SunDaisy and Gia thank you 2 for you encouraging words. I am now on day 9 and feel stronger.
                The further I get from AL the more clear thinking I have. Yeah!!



                  checking in

                  It's a wonderful feeling Is your friend on here? I just don't want you to stay away from us b/c of this.


                    checking in

                    Hi Biscuit!

                    By the way... that is cutest name! I love it.

                    Its completely normal to feel a little down... I felt a LOT down. I think you might be above average! Glad you are sticking it out and plugging through those emotions despite how uncomfortable they are. You are exercising a weak muscle, and in no time, you will be showing it off!

                    Hope you feel better soon, and remember that the roller coaster of emotions you are on now is NOT how things will be for long. Hang in there!

                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                      checking in

                      Dolly Sunshine, No she does not have a computor. Even so I would not stay away I need this. P42
                      thanks it helps alot to know that my emotions are normal. That would be the only time normal
                      would be applied to me. lol Thanks u 2 for your support.


                        checking in

                        biscuit;350536 wrote: SunDaisy and Gia thank you 2 for you encouraging words. I am now on day 9 and feel stronger.
                        The further I get from AL the more clear thinking I have. Yeah!!

                        That's wonderful Biscuit! 9 days is great, I'm really happy for you. You can start to feel your body begin to heal, I bet you're sleeping better now. Keep it up my friend. :l


                          checking in

                          Biscuit my dearest,9 days without AL is so wonderful !!!! That is about when I really started to feel healthy again.I bet that you look so much better too.Focus on how it feels to be in recovery and let friends work out their own problems.The only times that I start thinking about drinking is when I start trying to fix someone elses problem.SOBERIETY COMES BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE...Evie
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            checking in

                            Evie, you are so right I am starting to feel good and I look way better, no puffiness, no little pig
                            eyes, skin clear (pounding water everyday)my joints don't hurt and liver pain, what liver pain. I was reading some old post and you told someone
                            to go treat themselves to something new. Well I went first and cut all my hair off, kinda
                            symbolic a new me. I had hubby take me and I bought 4 new chubby outfits for the time being.
                            Then I bought all new Bobby Brown make-up and threw out the old. Instead of AL convincing
                            me I am a victim, I am setting small goals everyday of something I can do without hurting
                            myself. Also even though I am going no where and having no visitors I get ready as if I
                            were having royalty.
                            Gia, I am sleeping better thanks to my friend Mr. Melatonin. I think I love him.. lol
                            I am so grateful for the people here who who had the courage to post their incredible stories here it has
                            made me laugh and cry and inspired me to change and not let AL control my life. I will be forever grateful to each and everyone of you!

                            My 80 year old father who had the lobectomy is doing good, I got news on Friday that work/comp
                            approved my visit to the surgeon (thank the Lord) after one year. So even though I know that
                            surgery is still not scheduled I am one step closer and building a strong mind and body to
                            do what needs to be done so that I can go back to work. Wow sorry for the ramble..



                              checking in

                              Not a ramble...very uplifting. Good for you!! Even if we aren't where we want to be anything we can do to make us happier with where we are now is a step in the right direction! If the melatonin starts to stop working for you I found valerian tea and CalmesForte(I got mine at GNC) worked like a charm.

                              I hated buying "chubby clothes" but honestly buying some decent clothes that I looked good in while I went AF helped a TON. I made myself do my hair and makeup everyday at first, not just b/c I was going to work and trying to hide the ravages of AL. In time taking care of yourself becomes natural again.

