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Help - I have to stop!

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    Help - I have to stop!

    Hi all - I feel really bad cos you all gave me such a warm welcome when I came on here last week. Again I feel I have let people down - but that is what I do so well at the moment in particular to myself.

    I only managed 2 nights without last week - rubbish! Back to 2 bottles of wine a night and I am harming myself and my relationships.

    I need to come on here more often but struggle getting on sometimes - not least because I have my head in a bottle.

    I am going to try again - so here goes - wish me luck lease: lease:

    The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Molier

    Help - I have to stop!

    Hi Foxypoxy,

    Please dont feel you have let anyone down and dont be hard on yourself give yourself a chance. This is not easy, but when i first come here i found it really hard but the more af days i had under my belt the more you will startl thinking strong, so hang in there and dont STOP trying thats the main thing. keep reading it helps me a lot.

    All the best of luck you can do this.x

    Take care

    family is everything to me


      Help - I have to stop!

      Hi Foxy. What dolphin and Teardrop said!! Keep coming back. Keep trying. You don't have to prove anything to us - we are here to help and support you and vice versa. Have you had a chance to download the My Way Out book from the Health Store and give it a read? I found the information in the book really helpful in understanding this crazy addiction. (or whatever word one likes to use for it)

      Best wishes to you - dust off your britches and decide not to drink today.


      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Help - I have to stop!

        Hi Foxypoxy

        Don't beat yourself up - just keep on trying - you can do it. Sending you lots of positive thoughts.

        Short term goal 7 days AF


          Help - I have to stop!

          just the few times i have spilled i noticed changes in my living..the house is a mess, i want to sleep and i do stoopid things...i'm NUTS!@*&*^%&*%&^*%) completely!


            Help - I have to stop!

            Hi Foxy,
            It's not about letting anyone down , not even yourself. If you beat yourself up, you may just go down the route of "F it all, I'll just drink then!" - I used to do this so much to avoid the guilt the next day...or for the entire week...

            If you are not physically addicted - I mean needing meds to stop- you might want to try a while with nothing to drink at all to kickstart better habits. It is easier to just say you're not drinking for 2 weeks or a month or whatever and just straight not do it, than it is to try and work out which days you will drink, how much you'll be allowed etc. It takes the pressure off.

            Totally up to you, but I tried what you are now trying hundreds of times and despite some successes, I wasn't able to stick to my plan very often. If taking a break from all alcohol for a bit is not for you, then of course I support whatever way you choose, as will everyone here. Good luck!
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              Help - I have to stop!

              Thank you

              ........all so much for you kind words of support. I do know this wont be easy but hey still worth a shot. I will download the book and have a read and will get on here whenever I can thanks again :thanks:xx

              The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Molier


                Help - I have to stop!

                Instead of beating yourself up over the days you did drink, be proud of yourself over the days you didn't. Two days AF was a real celebration for me. I drank every day irregardless. I was reading a post the other day, and another member put it like this: if you were going on vacation and got a flat tire, would you drive all the way home to change it? No, you would change it and keep going. Come here when you feel like drinking and read thru the posts. Or see if anyone is in the chat and go in chat. We are all here for you. Don't ever give up trying. :l


                  Help - I have to stop!

                  We are here for you.You did not let us down.The only way that you can fail is if you stop trying.I started by saying to myself(I think I can,I think I can and that soon turned into I KNOW I CAN...I KNOW I CAN).I KNOW YOU CAN TOOOOO !!!!! Evie
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Help - I have to stop!


                    well I got through the 1st night AF free! I must say it was my worst night sleep ever but I assume that gets better over time.

                    My biggest worry at the moment is that the thought of a glass of wine occupies my every thought - it is even distracting my work. I tried keeping really busy last night - did loads of houseowrk but the thoughts never went away - will it get better?

                    The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Molier


                      Help - I have to stop!

                      Yes! It will. It won't be easy at first but push on through it - make sure you read the book, come on here often to read and post, maybe think about the supplements? L-Glut reduces the cravings a lot for me.

                      Plan ahead to your key drinking time. When is drink o'clock for you? What can you do instead? Observe how you are with cravings/triggers etc - sounds like you're doing that already! If you use alcohol as a 'treat' maybe find another treat. Try non alcoholic wine or beer? Not the same I know but it does tick a few boxes and could make you feel like you're having something. When you have a few days AF under your belt I can guarantee you will feel SO much better that it will be a big incentive to continue.

                      Try filling in the drink tracker. Decide on how you are goiing to record your drinks - ie how many drinks or as units. And stick to it. It may help to see a pattern.

                      Above all, keep on keeping on!!

                      Bessie xx


                        Help - I have to stop!

                        Foxypoxy;348914 wrote: well I got through the 1st night AF free! I must say it was my worst night sleep ever but I assume that gets better over time.

                        My biggest worry at the moment is that the thought of a glass of wine occupies my every thought - it is even distracting my work. I tried keeping really busy last night - did loads of houseowrk but the thoughts never went away - will it get better?
                        Having trouble sleeping is unfortunately, common when you first stop drinking. Valerian root has helped me in the past, and Melatonin helps some people. Others speak highly of 5HTP to help with sleep. Maybe a hot bubble bath! The good news is that once your sleep settles down - even a little bit - you will probably feel better on 4 hours of sober sleep than you did with 8 hours of drunk sleep. At least that's what has happened to me.

                        Congratulations on pushing through Day 1 AF. I DOES get better. Stick to your guns!! Best wishes for Day 2!!

                        Celebrating 28 Hangover Free Days
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.

