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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Bessie is back!

    Have a fab ODAT everyone. This has to be real quick. Hopefully back again later.

    Much love.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    DEAR BESSIE, lOVE,not like,LOVE the name BESSIE....Love your Animal tales...I raised my kids on a Horse farm and we had goats,pigs,chickens...etc.efc.I miss the sounds and smells of the farm.Thanks for the memories....Evie
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      ODAT - Tuesday


      Love ya girl.......

      Where the heck is everyone today? It's 10:11 in my area and normally by now this thread is full!! I"m confused!

      AF last night, and feeling great! Really liking the month of June, really feeling like I'm getting it now. I've even noticed that when I'm moderating, I drink so much slower, I really notice if I'm starting to feel any effects of the alcohol and then I slow down and drink water. Funny, when I was drinking before, I never could really tell when I would hit that "happy, tipsy stage" and now I really notice when it's time to stop drinking - now it's like, oh, you know what, I am starting to notice that I can feel this alcohol on my brain, no more.........

      God I love this site.........what a difference it has made in my life.

      Hope everyone has a great day,

      Love and Hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi Bessie, Universal and all to come

        It is quite today, everyone must be busy with end of school etc. etc. Glad to see you back Bessie, you had me all confused last week after being away for a few days.

        I agree Universal, thank God for this site, no way would I like to go back to what I was like before I joined it. ODAT and getting there. Catch you all later.



          ODAT - Tuesday

          I am here...yes we love our BESSIE! Keep Coming! Back on track with some serious intentions on becoming officially sober once and for all! No need for Ripples to be having drinks once a week anymore! :thanks:


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Is it something I said? LOL! Hardly any posts today - so I can say hello to everyone in person!

            Hi Rustop! Sorry about the confusion. Feel much better now that I am back in my 'proper' name!
            Uni - really upbeat post. I am feeling more and more like that too about drinking too. Really enjoying my AF time.
            Evielou - glad I can remind you of that time. Sure you want to be reminded of the smells though?! The pig yard is quite niffy tonight! LOL!!
            Ripple - you can do it. Officially Sober Ripple has a great ring to it!

            I'm off to bed now. Just had a wonderous massage and I just know my sleep tonight is going to be deep and long. No al to mess with it. Wake up ready for a new day.

            Love to all.

            Bessie xx

            PS My massage lady gave me some of her duck eggs - going to stick them under a broody hen and see if we get any little quackers!


              ODAT - Tuesday

              yup, time to straighten out and get them Ripples ironed flat...smooth things out for a better ANGEL! Wednesday will be here shortly and that will be the big day 3 again..such is life being a bastard piss head...instead of the ANGEL i am usually..hehe :H


                ODAT - Tuesday

                ...another happy ODATer here. Day 10 and still on my honeymoon with anatabuse. No problems with vinegar or mouthwash either. I'm working a split shift and it's naptime for me!! You'all be well. xxx g.


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hi ODATer's!

                  I have been so busy the past few days! I think I have been AF for nearly 40 days as I have lost count and haven't had time to look on my other computer to see exactly what day I am on. Well, beyond the two holes in the roof in my home in the city due to the tree from the earlier storm, I found out this weekend that the front of my lake home has rotted on the inside due to a window leakage over the years. Thank god that they are under warranty and that I can get them replaced for free! What a year of repairs this will be.


