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New Here- Please Help

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    New Here- Please Help


    Your stories and advice are so inspirational to me. I feel better knowing that I am not alone. I could go on and on about how my DH and I dont get along, I have grown so much since I have had my children and no longer dependent on him and no longer wanting to be controlled. I make an excellent salary as does he, for being self empolyeed. I have grown and want to make positive changes in my life.. I know I have a mountain of changes to make in my life, I hope to be with my DH through out, but it may not be possible


      New Here- Please Help

      Where do I go to download the book? Can I buy it at a bookstore?


        New Here- Please Help

        WMM - I understand. Just don't make any big decisions until you are alcohol free for quite some time. That is the strongest most confident thing you can do right now. You don't need his permission, or his support to do this. You are going to do it for YOU and your KIDS. Thats all that matters at this point. When one partner gains such power in quitting (yes there is power in taking control of yourself in this way) it can be a threat to the other person. So for now just focus on NOT drinking. You can do it NOW. There are millions of boxes of wine left out there to "quit" next week. Do it now. That box will become a symbol of power for you. I can't think of how many times I'd say to myself - "when that bottle is gone ...." . I had 18 bottles unopened when I quit!!! My DH has finally drank most of them when we have friends over - but not me! I have watched them dwindle over the 6 months with a strange satisfaction that I didn't drink them!

        You go girl - NOW!!
        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          New Here- Please Help

          Book Download

          Where do I go to download the book? Or should I just buy it from Barnes And Noble?


            New Here- Please Help

            Hi and welcome WWM!

            Just above this section titled "Just Starting Out" that we are currently in is a section titled "First Time Here? Read Our FAQ!"

            Click on that, and there are four threads listed underneath it. Click on the one that is titled "Jump Start Your Progress With Four Easy Steps". There it will explain and have a link where you can download the book and print it out now from home.

            Hope this helps, and no you are not alone in this at all! Hope you find what you need to get you motivated and successful as so many here have been! Tons of support is here along the way.

            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              New Here- Please Help

              Read your message and feel so connected. My longest periods of sobriety were when I was pregnant; I could quit for the baby but not for myself. Buying wine on the way home from work was always my pattern. I couldn't wait to get out of school (I'm a teacher) so I could hit a grocery or Walgreens. And get this, I always bought the little four packs of wine so I could drink one in the car.
              I've got 3 boys, in their 20's now. I've been sober 55 days. Antabuse helps. Moderate drinking not an option for me. Good luck to you. I'm out here rooting for you.


                New Here- Please Help


                Funny, we both bought the little 4 pks! White Zinfandel is what I always go for. If they dont have that, I go for the Pinot Grigio.. 55 Days Sober is fantastic! Congratulations to you. You have done a wonderful thing for yourself and your family. Keep up the Good Work! I am posting on the Newbies Unite Jun 08 also..:goodjob:


                  New Here- Please Help

                  Hi whitemarshmom (jeez, that's a mouthful)......hey FYI, you asked for my quick's at the end of page one on our new thread...feel free to add yours as well....


                    New Here- Please Help

                    I just wanted to give a quick response to your question about the damage has already been done--is it worth it?

                    The way I look at is is: QUALITY OF LIVE VS QUANTITY

                    My mother wasn't a drinker, but she did smoke (everyone did in the 50's and 60's didn't they?)
                    She quit because she had to, not because she wanted to. She had emphysema--and was on oxygen for the last 10 or so years of her life. Everywhere she went she had to drag that oxygen around. When they retired from farming, it became really hard to travel--they had to haul a machine around that made oxygen--and it was a best for my dad to handle. They hated to get too far away from their doctors, then they both ended up with cancer. I thought it was sad they didn't really get to enjoy their retirement or watch their grandkids and great grandkids grow up. I'm sure it adds years and quality to our lives when we quit dumping poisons into our bodies.

                    Thanks for listening.
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      New Here- Please Help

                      Welcome :welcome: and since everyone has given you great advice, all I can add is that you must be careful to always take your zoloft as prescribed. Do not stop and start and if you do not want to take it you MUST wean VERY SLOWLY. Please surf on this subject, I know, I have weaned from 3 different ADs and I learned the hard way. So either take as prescribed or go slowly off. I am not advocating for either, just how you must proceed to avoid the many pitfalls of AD non-compliance or abruptly stopping.
                      Good Luck


                        New Here- Please Help



                        I'm new here too and am in the exact same postion but my drinking has got alot worse in the last 6 months. I have two young children and was drinking a bottle every night now sometimes more and I hate it for being tired, unhealthy, etc etc. My drinking is habitual like every afternoon aroung 5 I get a bottle head home and do all the regular chores and dinner and reading for the kids and then I'm too stuffed to even watch TV and I go to bed and feel rotten the next day. How can I break this cycle. My husband doesn't drink and came home last night and said that was it i had to do something, so here i am. Do I need to go to a dr as well? I'll look forward to ready the forum from now on, I hope it helps me.



                          New Here- Please Help

                          Hello there; welcome to the site.
                          This is a wonderful place to begin your journey; read the threads as much as you can. The supplements really do help with the cravings. You will find lots of support here.


                            New Here- Please Help


                            Yes go to your Dr for starters, It is really really hard to work full time and have young children. Talk to your Dr and be totally honest about your feelings, chances are you are depressed, and they may perscribe something for you. Come join us on the General discussion board under Newbies June 08


                              New Here- Please Help

                              Welcome MK. Check out "Newbies Unite, June 08'" on "General Discussions" Forum.
                              Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                                New Here- Please Help

                                Hi whitey
                                I agree with Dolpin - that is just your AL voice talking to you telling you that its too late you have done the damage so there is no point in quitting! Rubbish! If you read lots of the posts you will see that quite a lot of people on the 30 day threads find they are bursting with energy (myself included) once they go AF. You will be amazed how quickly the body will heal itself - I am only 2.5 months into my MWO journey and when I started I wasnt long for this world and I feel so freaking healthy its not funny. I will probaby be run over by a bus shortly. I also kicked the AL and the cigs at the same time (as I couldnt have one without the other) with the aid of champix.
                                BH (no more)

