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2nd day

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    2nd day

    HI All,

    I posted yesterday and didn't realize I probably need to start my own thread so I can get support and offer some too. I really feel good about this whole site. It seems everyone supports each other and there is no judgement. I am scared but really want to work on not drinking. Not sure if I can do moderation but it always sounds good. My best would be to stop altogether.

    I have been drinking going on for 8 years and I am really scared for my health. I am tired of the guilt and the things I say and do when I have had too much. I am a binge drinker.

    I am always thinking about drinking and want to get past that so that I can enjoy life. I want to be in a position to give advice about things like I used to do. I just don't feel like I have much wisdom any more.

    I want some good friends and show my family that I can kick this.


    2nd day

    Hi Tina and welcome
    You are right, this site is non judgemental, as we have all been in similar situations. You will find loads of support so keep reading and posting. Only you can/will decide if moderation will work for you. The decisions you choose to make for yourself will speak volumes to friends and family. You can do this!!!
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      2nd day

      Hi Tina....I'm brand new as well...this is my first 'official day'....happy to help you out any way I can. We all need each other in this process....feel free to visit my log anytime. All the best.


        2nd day

        first day

        I'm a newbie, too! I hear what you say about the guilty feelings. I spend way too much time thinking about the stupid things I do when I drink.
        I look forward to helping you and you all helping me.


          2nd day


          Hi I am new to this too, am on day 1 and will reply to you whenever I can. Like you, I long for the day when I do not think constantly about my next drink. I would normally be starting on glass 1 at this time - whilst I cook the family tea. So I am trying to keep busy tonight so that I dont give in

          The Greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Molier


            2nd day

            Ok. Well we can do this together. Just hang in there. It is hard to think of anything else at first. It has been a long time since I have tried to do this and it is very hard in the Summer to try when I live on a lake and others are doing it around me.


              2nd day

              You made a huge step foreward by coming to this site.The people here understand what it feels like to want so much to quite and dont know where to start.AL makes us do things that we would not do sober so it is common to have regrets about our behaviour.Yesterday is over and now we get a new day to work towards being the person that we want to be.....Evie
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                2nd day

                great thought

                "Yesterday is over"...maybe my new mantra..Thanks for that thought evielou.
                Tina, we can absolutely do this. I, too, have tried several times to stop. It is hard to be around others who drink. I read something though that said it's important to tell others that you are quitting and ask for their support. Not that you're asking them to not drink around you, but not to push you to drink. And, know when to walk away from a situation that becomes uncomfortable. I know..easier said than done.


                  2nd day

                  Just a quick observation....seems like there are several of us just starting out fact, today is day 1 for some of us. Let's do all we can to help one another get through these first few days. Sure, the work continues long after that, but I know for me, these first few days are a huge obstacle.


                    2nd day

                    Great idea!! I'm still trying to maneuver my way on this site. Can I tell you what support looks like to me?? Just exactly what we're doing! I need to know I'm not alone in my battle to get and stay AF.
                    Here we go!!!


                      2nd day

                      Sure we can do this

                      Yes that is a great idea, we can do this together. I plan on buying me a new laptop so that I can post at night. I am going to read everything I can and am going to order the cds.


                        2nd day



                        I love your guys' plan!! It's great to have support form each other as you start this program. You will more than likely form a stong bond. I want to welcome all of you to MWO, and I look forward to learning more about you, and watching your progress!

                        I started here over 3 months ago. I was doing pretty good moderating--I went from 8-10 beers almost every night, to that many twice a month or so. But then I got too drunk for my comfort, and decided I need to be AF until I can learn to control it better. So I am on day 17!

                        Have a great day all!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          2nd day

                          Welcome guys! I started this program in November and I have found that the support here has helped immensenly. The entire mindset I have about alcohol has changed. I am now able to have one or two drinks and stop - yes, I still do have moments where I overindulge which is why I keep coming back here but I used to be a bottle or two a night wine drinker and now I hardly ever drink wine at all! I can now feel when I am getting tipsy and stop whereas before I couldn't even notice when the alcohol was starting to impare my judgment.

                          The program really does work, the support is amazing and I am so glad you have found us. Keep posting your progress and good luck!

                          Love and Hugs,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            2nd day

                            I've been just reading and not really posting but I thought I should weigh in on this thread with the other newbies. Yup alcohol is a problem for me. Ready to do something. Actually was ready to start the change by becoming active on this site back at the first of this month. But had a series of AF/moderating day followed by one to two days of making up for it (ooooh discouraging.) Wasn't ready to post about that. Hoping to change from one step forward and two back to something else......

                            I've read the book and I'm taking kudzu. More later - off to a soccer game which it's easy to stay sober for.
                            Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                              2nd day

                              You guys are exactly right - banning together is the BEST way to fight this beast. The one thing I have noticed since being on this site is that people seem to achieve their goals when they team up with someone who is at the same place on the road. It just seems to work. So ban together, PM each other support and start a thread with your way out!

                              Best of Luck!
                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")

