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I dont want to give up,please help!

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    I dont want to give up,please help!

    Dear all, :new:
    I took alot of courage to look up a forum or place where i could get help. After i found this site, i realised that what I've been going thru could be binge drinking.I knew i need help & stop lying to myself its just occasional drinking,or i wont drink again,etc etc. I failed oh so many times that ive lost count with, refrain from drinking after a few days,weeks,months,but eventually drinking more or equivalent. My last drink was a day ago down with 12cans of beer,drinking from midnight to the next day evening at 5pm.(17hours)
    I used to have hard liquor but have since stopped for awhile, i felt the only alcohol that i'm addicted to is beer.I even abused myself from drinking for 6days straight, each time i opened my eyes after an hour nap or 2 ,i continued.(when my bf left after 2 weeks) I even went into tremors like as if i am going into a stroke. I felt so terrible after each episode of drinking session.Wonder why am i doing this to myself.Had lost count of hits by hangover or feeling very very sick.

    My dad once was a very heavy drinker when he was around. He passed away fews years back due to cancer,lymphoma and liver. Is an alcoholic due to genetic? i have brain problems too, my brain wave is not normal when i was 13 years old,and found out i have OCD when i was 26,Im now 32. but it is well controlled now without medication and doesnt affect my daily life. where i used to suffer that for about 4 years and needless to say,lots and lots of drinking that time.

    I dont want to quit trying, i am so glad i found this site,i really hope i wont go into a slip again.And i want to keep coming back to this site, maybe update my posting for the days i am free from alcohol. I want to prove to my family & love one i can do it, i know they are tired of me saying that cos i always went back drinking. My bf went back to America one month ago, and i hope the next time he returned,i can proudly tell him,I have quit drinking. I'm from Asia. And whenever i went out with friends whom are drinking, i cant fight off that urge getting a drink too & cant stop once i had the first or two.Please excuse me if my English is not good.Have a blessed day & thank you so much

    Best Regards
    "I am the Righteousness Of GOD in Christ"

    'PrOblems aRe nOthinG buT wakE-Up caLLs fOr CreativitY'--Gschwandtner

    Boogie Boozin'
    (AF) since 18th June 2008 -(VOID) - Gotta start all over again..[Slipped once after 4 mths AF. Back to heavy drinking again after another 2mths AF...]

    Boogie Boozin'
    (AF) since 7th March 2009


    I dont want to give up,please help!

    :welcome: Sum!

    Thanks for sharing your story. I think this is a great program. I would start out by reading the book "My Way Out", and keep posting here. It takes hard work and determination, but you will learn some great tools for beating this problem. There are many of us.
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      I dont want to give up,please help!

      Hi Sum,
      You have made the first big step by coming here and admitting to yourself that you have a problem with alcohol. The MWO approach has worked for many of us. Many of us have enjoyed several months, even years living happily without alcohol in our lives. It can work for you too!

      I encourage you to download the book by Roberta Jewel called My Way Out. This will give you all the information you will need to create a program for yourself. The Kudzu and L-Glutamine are essentials to curb the cravings for many of us. You also need to committ and be willing to work for your own sobriety. It is well worth the effot!

      Best Wishes,
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        I dont want to give up,please help!

        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          I dont want to give up,please help!

          Welcome Sum,We understand what you are going thru.It is not easy to admit you need help so you have shown that you are brave enough to face the truth.That is a very important step towards soberiety.If you download the MWO book you will get a good understanding about how to use the tools offered here.Keep reading and posting.The help is here for you....Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            I dont want to give up,please help!

            :colorwelcome: Sumobaby! This is a great site for support. Giving up alcohol is not easy, but it surely is possible as many here before us have been successful. I too encourage you to download and read the book as a great starting point, in addition to reading and posting here on the discussion forum.

            I'm glad you found us!! I believe we can get free of booze for good!! It's great to want your family and BF to be proud of you for quitting - but it's MOST important for YOU to be proud of you for quitting.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              I dont want to give up,please help!

              Hi all, thank you so much for the encouragement, i knew its not easy,but i will keep trying..I really dont want to give up.

              Best Wishes
              "I am the Righteousness Of GOD in Christ"

              'PrOblems aRe nOthinG buT wakE-Up caLLs fOr CreativitY'--Gschwandtner

              Boogie Boozin'
              (AF) since 18th June 2008 -(VOID) - Gotta start all over again..[Slipped once after 4 mths AF. Back to heavy drinking again after another 2mths AF...]

              Boogie Boozin'
              (AF) since 7th March 2009



                I dont want to give up,please help!

                Welcome Somobaby

                This is a great site with many wonderful people and lots of great information. It truly is a community of people from all over the world who have one common goal - STOP ABUSING ALCOHOL! For some of us that means NO ALCOHOL EVER, and for others that means MODERATING WITH A VERY CONTROLLED PLAN! So again Welcome!
                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                (from the Movie "Once")


                  I dont want to give up,please help!

                  Hi LivingFree,
                  I did try a few times of moderating alcohol, and the only time i made it was at a wedding dinner with 3 glass of white wine during a 10 course dinner. i want to quit the way of abusing alcohol, but at the same time, i would still like to have occasional one or two drinks on special occasion. but i am so afraid i would lose control. what should i do? please advised me if i should stop altogether. I find it quite enjoyable and comfortable during that dinner,cos that period i had stopped drinking for 2 weeks,and while having the dinner i was enjoying the white wine cos it goes well with the food. Ater i went home,i took shower,and just went to bed.

                  "I am the Righteousness Of GOD in Christ"

                  'PrOblems aRe nOthinG buT wakE-Up caLLs fOr CreativitY'--Gschwandtner

                  Boogie Boozin'
                  (AF) since 18th June 2008 -(VOID) - Gotta start all over again..[Slipped once after 4 mths AF. Back to heavy drinking again after another 2mths AF...]

                  Boogie Boozin'
                  (AF) since 7th March 2009



                    I dont want to give up,please help!

                    Whether you can moderate or need to not drink is something that has to be figured out by each person here themselves. It is recommended that you go at least 30 days with no alcohol before trying to moderate and this program was originally based on using supplements and medication to assist with moderation. Do try to get the book and supplements and then go from there. Welcome! Wishing you success.


                      I dont want to give up,please help!

                      7 days AF

                      Hi all, I'm 7 days AF since the last time i drank on the 17th. i didnt use any medications , i drank green tea,water,coffee,and red tea. when the cravings came, i tell myself i'm just thirsty,and its not me that want to drink,booze brain wanna i watched dramas ,do housework and keep myself busy.I hope i can still stay AF.Not giving up..I will keep posted to monitor how far ive kept myself free from alcohol weekly. Sending my love and regards to everyone.Have a blessed day

                      "I am the Righteousness Of GOD in Christ"

                      'PrOblems aRe nOthinG buT wakE-Up caLLs fOr CreativitY'--Gschwandtner

                      Boogie Boozin'
                      (AF) since 18th June 2008 -(VOID) - Gotta start all over again..[Slipped once after 4 mths AF. Back to heavy drinking again after another 2mths AF...]

                      Boogie Boozin'
                      (AF) since 7th March 2009



                        I dont want to give up,please help!

                        You are doing fantastic sumobaby!!!!! Keep up the great work!


                          I dont want to give up,please help!

                          that's great sumo ! well done !

                          Mary xxx


                            I dont want to give up,please help!

                            Way to go! Keep it up.



                              I dont want to give up,please help!

                              Thank u!

                              Hi Dolphin and all,
                              Thank you so much everyone for your great support and encouragement. I went to the supermarket this evening,and i came across the liquor and spirits department,I was afraid at first & try to avoid it,then... for a minute i walked towards that direction.. & start "browsing". I looked at different types of them and say to myself , "these are all toxic" "dun wanna gain weight" (>
                              "I am the Righteousness Of GOD in Christ"

                              'PrOblems aRe nOthinG buT wakE-Up caLLs fOr CreativitY'--Gschwandtner

                              Boogie Boozin'
                              (AF) since 18th June 2008 -(VOID) - Gotta start all over again..[Slipped once after 4 mths AF. Back to heavy drinking again after another 2mths AF...]

                              Boogie Boozin'
                              (AF) since 7th March 2009


