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About to begin the program

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    About to begin the program

    Hello Everyone, I have just decided to begin the MWO program and I am scared to death. I think I need antibuse or something but I am fearful of going to my Doctor. Fully functioning alcoholic...hugely competent at work, hugely competent in the community, high profile. I get home from work fufill all Motherly and wifely roles and drink wine until I go to bed often with a couple of cigarettes thrown into the mix. This has been such an ingrained habit everyday for so long I don't know how to live any differently. I just know I don't want to live like this any more as I know it is impacting my health. Grew up in a family who did exactly the same thing. Any advice you guys can give would be awesome. I feel so grateful that I found this site.:new:

    About to begin the program

    Hi Rachel....and welcome. I, too am a pretty high functioning guy, but can't seem to get a handle on this...I work evenings, so tonight, at midnight, will be my first true test. I just joined this yesterday. So, let's help each other out, and stop living a lie...all the best to you.


      About to begin the program

      you can both do this ! One day at a time. Sending positive thoughts your way
      Mary x


        About to begin the program

        Welcome and know that you can do this! There is tons of non-judgemental support and advice here from others who really DO understand!

        This is a familiar scenerio! I too, was long-term functioning drinker, from a family who did the same. Thought
        I was being competitive, but have found out since, that the drinking was affecting me on all levels, even at work, and that it was not the well-kept secret that I thought it was.

        Hang in there and come here often. Find the forums that work for you! Good Luck!

        :h Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          About to begin the program

          Welcome Rachel,Your about in the place I was 5 weeks ago.with the help of this site I have been able to stay AF for 36 days now.When I look back,I was not as Functional as I had thought that I was.I get so much more done now in so short a time that I am beside myself with what to do with the extra hours.I feel so much better and you will to.Living a sober life is a great reward for the hard work of beating AL.You will get lots of support here,so stay close....Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            About to begin the program

            Rachel Welcome. You have come to a wonderful and supportive site. I hope you can "hear" how positive evie sounds in her post. I have to agree with her. I have been able to make it to 50 days AF, which is something I don't think I could have done without the support from everyone here. I know you can do it too and you will be so happy you did.


              About to begin the program

              :colorwelcome: Rachel! Just want to add another welcome, and a big "ditto" to at least some of your circumstances. I too had a lucrative career going through many years of problem drinking. It finally caught up with me and I'm sick of it.

              I've been here at MWO for almost 1 year. I made it sober for 60 days, then thought I could try moderation which didn't work for me (and I knew in my heart it wouldn't...but I made a bad decision none the less) After a couple of other false starts, I'm back in the saddle for hopefully the last time - today is Day 27 AF. No more fooling around with notions of moderation or "just one." (eh em. I have NEVER wanted one. I want ALL of them. )

              I take the recommended supplements, with the exception of no Kudzu or L-Glut for now (although I used them with success before). I tried L-Tryptophan and that works even better for me - helps the mood and the craving. No prescription meds, but lots of people do very well with them. I also use the CD's. Subliminal and Sleep Learning daily - the Clearing and Hypnosis less than the recommended plan. It's cool to understand the baseline plan, then tweak it to find what works for you.

              And of course a determined mind is the most critical component IMO. There is no magic bullet.

              WE CAN DO THIS!! Glad you are here. Read and post lots!!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                About to begin the program

                Thank you

                :thanks: Wow! thanks for the support have given me the courage to call my doctor today. Here it goes!!


                  About to begin the program

                  Hi Rachel....FYI, I've started a new thread (Newbies Unite) as a way for us newcomers to grow into this together should you be interested......Renewal

