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    Hello everyone...........I'm new here! Hopefully I will be here for a long time! Have been looking for someplace to call "home"........with new friends who understand what I am going through. Just a little history.....have been sober since 6/9 and struggling! Have been there so many times. As a matter of fact I went 13 years sober quite a few years ago....developed the good old breast cancer and decided...."what the heck".....gotta go through radiation, might as well relax and enjoy it! That took me to 1995 and it has been on and off ever since. Have tried AA meetings with no positive results but of course the meetings are not the fault.....its the member (me) who did not bring anything to them. So, hopefully I will find some kind of help here to keep me sober. Would love also to find someone in my area to lead me on the straight and narrow path whenever I need a boot in the butt.
    Thanks for reading this and God Bless You least I know that you guys all understand what's going on and how difficult it is. Any help would definitely be appreciated!!

    :hiya: Will sign off as: latenightlady


    Latenightlady - I just want to say hi and Welcome!




      :thanks:Thanks so much for the speedy welcome!! My goodness...what time is it right now in Australia?



        2.50pm Wednesday!



          :welcome: late nite

          You have come to a great place for support and information. Have you read My Way Out? That's how I started, and that's why I usually suggest that!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



            Welcome LateNightLady,

            This is an awesome site with awesome people who all stand together to help one another....

            all the way from South Africa 3:20pm
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



              Welcome! I wish you success!



                Hi There Latenightlady

                Welcome, you're in the right place everyone is so supportive and non-judging it's brilliant and with MWOers from all over the world even if it is late night with you it isn't with someone else!




                  :colorwelcome: latenightlady! This is a great site for support. Wow - 13 years. If you did that once, there is no doubt you CAN do it again.

                  I too highly recommend starting with the My Way Out book that you can download from the Health Store for $12.95 (US) I think it really helps to understand the baseline program as RJ designed it.

                  Mean time, read and post lots. Look forward to getting to know you!

                  Celebrating 28 Hangover Free Days
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.



                    Welcome HOME,You will get TONS of help so stay close....Evie
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                      First of all THANKS!

                      Thanks to all who welcomed me to this place and in reply to many of you..........I have had the book for quite a while. Along with all of my other 'ailments' and addictions I have something called "procrastination"!!!!!:bang And I'm sure that many of you already know about that!! Will get to it tonight.....or maybe this afternoon. Last 9 days were not a matter of fact they were a bit too easy. Today is not good. Very resentful about a certain circumstance here at home and feel like exploding. Now that the 'tummy and head' feel better, the thought of that horrible 'high' feels real good! God, give me strength to refrain and say no!lease: Will try to at least catch a meeting tonight even though I don't usually do them very often. Maybe with support there, listening and coming back to you guys tonight will help me get through this. Thanks again everyone!!:groupluv:


