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Tried Failed

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    Tried Failed

    Hi there all
    I have to say that I got to 36 days of AF and was feeling absolutely great. We then got invited to a dinner where I didnt want to appear "boring" and so of course drank (thinking that I could do it moderately) and of course the wheels fell off, the wine went straight to my head naturally and I was as sick as a dog for about 3 days afterwards. But the desire was back. That was on the 6th June and have been struggling since. I'm on all the supplements and topomax (up to 150mg) which was initially fine up until that "slip" but the cravings seem stronger but every evening is a battle. I have gone up to 200mg of Topomax today in the hope that the cravings will ease and that I can start Day 1 today. I AM DETERMINED NOW. Is there anyone out there who can join me? I feel so disappointed in myself, weak, that i let myself down after doing so well. I guess maybe this just proves that I will have to abstain for much longer than 30 days before I decide if I can moderate or not (at this stage I think it is NOT). My problem is that it is coming up to a 2 month holiday season where a lot of social drinking happens so there will be an awful lot of pressure especially from being a past social drinker. Everyone is immediately "suspicious" if you dont drink! I kid you not! Also, on the subject of the Topomax, my hair seems to be falling out at a rapid rate .........................AND AM VERY CONCERNED.......ANY POINTERS?????
    So an AF buddy would be great - any takers???? My crunch time will be South African time. And advice on the hair loss much appreciated.:l

    Tried Failed

    Wow Time!! 36 days Af is more than I have had in a consecutive run congratulations and well done!!!!!. I am AF again on my 17th day.

    I am on Antabuse......takes that decision to drink right out of your hands (as long as you keep taking the tablets in the morning). Topa didn't work too well for me....had MASSIVE mood swings??!!

    If you can reflect and learn what triggered you this last time you can start again and be better prepared to deal with any sticky situations.

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Tried Failed

      Hi Time2fly - 36 days AF is awesome

      i got to 19 then had exactly the same thing happen and did about 10 days of various drinking levels. got to 6 days AF and have done 2 days drinking again - aaarrrggghhh - I am not taking any sups. was really strong during the 19 days but was a pretty calm time for me. life been throwing some challenges which i am wrong in using as excuses for drinking...

      there are some fabulous people who are on our time zone so no shortage of people to chat and message ... - im also in

      look forward to hearing more from you !
      love ced


        Tried Failed

        Hi Time2Fly. I had a similar experience to you last year - went 60 days AF then let the "maybe I can moderate" / "let's have just one" tape play in my head. I was right back to full tilt daily excessive drinking within a matter of days. (even at the time I knew in my heart moderation was a fantasy for me). After several fits and starts I'm back here on Day 28.

        Do you want a bunch of AF buddies? There are several folks at various stages of AF time (including the first few days!) posting on the Booze Busters weekly threads in the Monthly Abstinence section. So if your goal is to go for 30 AF (once, or more than once) you are welcome to join us for daily support!

        The best advice I can give is to get back on the wagon right away - don't let this stretch into more weeks, or even months like I did. That was just wasted time, wasted health, etc.

        Best wishes,

        Celebrating 28 Hangover Free Days!
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Tried Failed

          Thanks guys! Seem to have got over the craving for the 1st night but GOSH AM I GRUMPY!!! Think I will join the Booze Busters thread, very good idea. Cedar why don't you do the same? Ok, so its Day 1 AGAIN for me! Cedar I am actually not in SA at the mo, but will be returning there for a 6 week holiday in early July so you can imagine what it will be like with all the catching up and socialising and the South Africans are knowns fo their drinking skills. Also, my problem will be that our house there doesnt have a phone line so I'll have no access to internet which scares me a little as its the evening after I've put the kids to bed thats obviously the "dangerous" period (my hubby only joins us at a later stage). Thats when I would need the support and of course all my friends see this confident outgoing capable super Mum! (If only they knew!!!) I guess I just need to be positive now and get through the next 2 weeks "clean". The further I get, the more positive I will feel. I really feel that I may need that support though. Let me think it through. Any idea's. Anyway, how you doing? Keen to join me on the journey? Thanks everyone for all the advice x


            Tried Failed

            Good luck

            Awwe I am sorry. One time I went 3 1/2 months and then messed up. I was not taking anything and still am not yet. I am waiting on the Topomax. I am very scared too. I am on my 3rd day right now. I went 20 days in December and then started back. I was sneaking and drinking. Now I am just trying not to drink. This weekend will be my real challenge. I have even had some at lunch before.


              Tried Failed

              Hi Time2Fly!

              Welcome- I just noticed that Renewal has started a new thread over on General - Newbies Unite - June '08. Looks like there are several newbies all starting yesterday or today. So you are not alone starting out here, and there will be lots of support there! It always helps to have a group to start out with!!! Also, the Drink Tracker is a good way to visually track your progress - at least I find it useful, watching all those zeros line up in a neat little row!!! I myself am on day 18AF - first time ever going that long without a drink since my last pregnancy and that boy's almost 17 years old!!!

              So good luck - you've done it before, you can do it again!!!


                Tried Failed

                Hey, there! I'm on day 16 today - man, I hope I can get anywhere near as much sober time as you did!

                I'm on 200 mg. of topa too - working well for me. I'm taking biotin; that's supposed to help with the hair thing. I haven't started losing, but I'm so vain that I'm taking it as a preventative measure!

                Look forward to seeing you on the 30 days thread and elsewhere!


                  Tried Failed

                  FYI, I've started a new thread for us newcomers that wish to do this together, should you be interested.......Renewal

