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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning lovely ODATers!! I am SO much happier back in my Bessie skin. Who was that Walnut?!!:H She meant well.

    Anyway, it has been troubling me for a little time now that I am not being very supportive of the new people that are coming on here. It is not that I am being unsupportive but I often only just have the time to do this ODAT thread (which is ESSENTIAL for me!) and update my signature and drink tracker. That is how I need to do it.

    So, if any newbies are reading this - and I hope many do because it is a good tool to get your attempt at sobriety under way - please know that you really do have my utmost support and I wish you great success. You have made such a huge step coming here and if you follow the advice here you will do well. There! Conscience slightly salved!

    As to the ODAT 'frequent fliers' :H get on board and observe the seatbelt signs. It might be a bumpy flight but you will be safe with ODAT airlines!! I'll be coming round soon after take off with snacks and drinks. AF of course!! Now I'm getting silly! Better get out and feed those animals. Found a dead chook yesterday - oh dear. And a lame pig the day before that. Wonder what I will find today. Keeping animals makes you paranoid!!

    Love to all to come.

    Extra hugs. :l

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    :welcome:back! Bessie!
    Just to reply about the newcomers, it is difficult to support everyone. I sometimes don't even get a chance to post in, just to read a few posts. Hopefully someone usually manages to welcome them.
    I've had a busy and rough few days. Feels like I make some progress then slip right on down again. Af day for me today and aiming for the rest of the week.
    Have a good day all who are to come and Bessie of course!
    love Evie:h
    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Bessie I am one of your star nuts here. So glad its Wednesday! The middle of the week i am at my best! :happy:


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Too right Ripple! You are a shining star on here! Probably a planet actually! Planet Ripple. Let's all go there! We're on our way. Hope you stay at your best every day of the week.

        Bessie xxx


          ODAT - Wednesday


          I don't know what you are talking about girl! You start this ODAT thread every day which is one of the biggest supports to all don't beat yourself are a huge benefit to us all and we all love you!

          I'm doing well - June has really been my month! Day 11 for me this month today, another AF day yesterday and when I have drank it has been very successful with the mods. (Like I said yesterday, finally feel like I got it! - Topa is really working for me!)

          Anyway, busy day, didn't sleep so hot last night so I"m tired - glad it's hump day too. I have a busy weekend (and it's my B'day on Sunday!)

          Hope everyone has a great day!

          Love and Hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Good morning from Nebraska, USA!

            Ok, Bessie, since Greenie's at Lenair, I gotta ask---"Chook"? Or is it a typo for chick?

            Hot and stormy here. Hot all day, and storm warnings at night. But, the garden is growing, i still need to replant some beans, and I'm going to try some buffalo grass in some dryer areas. I'm not too hopeful, but I have the seed so we'll see.

            Bessie, don't beat yourself up about the newbies. What I love about this site is the "circle of life". As new ones come here and get better, then they help the new, enw ones, etc, etc. Of course us Seasoned ones :H need to do what we can, but it's also a healing process for the newer members also. If I'm on, and someone hasn't gotten too many replies yet, I'm sure to jump in so they don't feel ignored. It really can be time consuming. But we need to remember to take care of ourselves too.

            Well, speaking of time consuming, I still have a few things to do before I'm off to VBS this morning.

            Have a great hump day all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              ODAT - Wednesday


              Oh Bessie, I am sooooooooooo glad you are back too.

              I lost my lovely rooster, Mike put him down on Mon, he was just so weak and sick(from what I have no idea, old age??) So I know about losing animals, it sucks to put it nicely.
              I intend to get a batch of chicks soon, so that will be very exciting for all of us.

              I have a few days af for me again, not too upset about my slip over the weekend, just all the bad news, Daivd shoplifting, tells us he is gay, my rooster dying, shitty weather, so didn't get out to ride........................BLAH!!!:upset::upset:

              I wasn't going to share that my son said he is gay, but figured there may be some wisdom here to be had w/ others dealing w/ the same thing....................I told him I love him no matter what, we talked at length about it on Friday night and Sat...............he (I think feels comfortable talking to me about it, not dad so much, and his brother has no idea, David wants to keep it that way). Funny, well not................we went to Costo on Sun and Zachary made SOOOOOOOOOO many comments about gays and stuff, I need to talk to him about how insensitive that is..................will do.

              Gotta go, have a REALLY busy day, but will check in when I can....................

              lots of love,:l:h

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi ODATs

                Didn't manage to get on yesterday - soo busy!

                I think chook is chicken, maybe, don't hold me to that tho'.

                Really miss Greenie hope she is getting on well at lenair. Glad Bessie's back, walnuts are too wrinkled and that's not the picture I have of you Bessie. Day 3 AF for me this week and that makes 7 AF this month I think. which for me is good and like Universal I feel that I might be getting into all this at last!

                Welcome to all new and hi to all not so new!!!



                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hi Everyone

                  Bessie, good to see you back. I second everything you say about the newer newbies. I find that life is going at such a hectic pace I just dont seem to get as much time online and offer as much support as I would like to. Check into this and another thread or two and thats about as much time as I have. So if any newbies are reading come join us, dont be shy.

                  Miserable day here so getting a lot of housework done!! Hate it!! Oh well, it has to be done so I had just better get on with it.



                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Hi Everyone! Late night again for me as today was really busy!

                    Wrinkled Walnut...very funny. Storms again running through the central U.S.! I think this climate change thing is getting serious. Very strange weather.

                    Hope everyone is af...


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Good evening fellow was a good day and I will have some time off work for awhile. Yes, I took my antabuse this AM and that makes this Day 11. Physically, things are looking up, but I still have the habit/pattern of thinking "...ya, I could sneak a drink right now" and, of course, laughing at myself.
                      P.S. I love chickens!! xxx g.

