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    I am hungover, depressed and have a meeting to go to and I found this site and thought lets give it a go.

    I really need some advice - I have tried to stop and when I do I then go on a see food diet! I am extremely aggressive when I am drinking and my relationship is hanging on with a single cotton thread at this stage ... AND I am on an antidepressant ... whew!

    Please help!:new:


    Hello Extremist and welcome, This is a great place to start. Read as much as you can. The MWO book is very helpful to begin a plan. For me a great therapist is also a necessity.



      There is great support for you here.Have you tried Antabuse?If you take it you have to THINK BEFORE YOU CAN DRINK...It takes a real comitment so maybe your partner will see that you are willing to do whatever it takes to stop...
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!




        So glad you found this site. I feel that for me, finding it was an act of devine intervention. I really needed it, and like you, so did my relationship. I either slinked off to bed- interacting with no one or was nasty when I drank. That is no way for anyone to live.

        Bought the book, CD's, went to the Dr. armed with information about this site and started on topa, which I took for about 6 mos. There are many tools to be used, these as well as others. We are all unique and must find the correct combination of what is effective for us to attain our goal. Be it moderation or sobriety. I CANNOT moderate. Let's just say, I'm an all or nothing kind of gal. And when I say all, I mean down to the last drop! So I choose sobriety. After many attempts, I am 72 days Alcohol Free, today! And, by the way, all aspects of my life are improving greatly, especially my realationship!

        You will find loads of support from non-judgemental friends who understand EXACTLY what you are feeling and experiencing. Come here often, read and post alot!

        Welcome and best wishes for success!

        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



          I've started a new thread for those just starting out right now (Newbies Unite)....just and FYI should it interest you.....Renewal



            Hey there Extremist,

            Welcome to our world and there is much here to help you on your AF way. If you haven't already, talk to your Doc!!! Stopping drinking is a *major* mood shift and since you are already on antidepressants this shifting of your mental gears will be significant and a Doctors review of what your are doing would be prudent.

            Prepare yourself for this vacation from booze and prepare your significant other for this change as well as their support and understanding of what you need to accomplish can assist you greatly and avoid any unnecessary additional pressures you may otherwise encounter.

            I wish you smooth sailing ahead!

            Stay in touch!

            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....



              Dear Extremist,

              Whooooo, Glad you found this site! Meetings are great, they have helped me a bunch (/(AA meetings that is...if we are speaking the same terms...)

              We are all in the same boat, we drink way to much for our own good!

              Stop drinking on the anti -depressants. They don't work, or the ones I know anyway don't work, while drinking! You have to give them 2 - 4 weeks to get them started in your system. A bummer, I know! But once you start and stick with the diet and supps they all work together! It just takes awhile....just like everything else. It doesn't happen over night. It takes willpower and want along with everything else!

              We are all in this together, and together we can do this!
              God Bless and Take Care,
              Hugs, Bambi
              "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney



                Welcome Extremist. I hope all the information available here and the support will help you as it has so many others. You can do this, and your depression will improve too.

