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New Here!!

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    New Here!!

    I just found this site today. I decided on Sunday that my drinking has been out of control and wanted to do something about it. I joined the the AA online group, but I have found it rather depressing. Hoping that this program will work better.
    :thanks: for getting me started

    New Here!!

    Hi loewe, This is the best place to get started and the VERY best place to keep you moving on!! Fine people here...welcome. g.


      New Here!!

      Welcome to MWO,
      I think Kate has just about summed up everything.
      It is a great relief to know you really aren't alone with your problem and there are many people to give support.
      The programme works very well, but you will need to do a fair amount of work yourself. But gee it feels so good when you've gone AF (Alcohol Free) for a week! One big thing to remember is not to beat up on yourself if you make a slip.
      So, join in and I wish you well.


        New Here!!

        Hi Lowe and Welcome to MWO,
        This is the best place to come for support. What Kate said is absolutely true. We have all been where you are right now.......we know exactly what you are going through. We are at all different stages of recovery, 1 day, 1 week, a month and over 3 years without alcohol!! And we are not suffering in our lives without alcohol!! We are truly LIVING as Non-drinkers!!

        The best suggestion that I have is to read the book My Way Out, by Roberta Jewel. It is inspiring and it will give you all the tools that you will need to create your program! Though there is comittment and work involved in doing this, you do not have to white knuckle it alone!!

        Best Wishes,
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          New Here!!

          Welcome!! You will find MWO upbeat and personal! I have found it to be a great community filled with people sharing a common journey! Read and post!! Best Luck to you.
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            New Here!!

            Just Starting....

            Hi all. Not only is this my first time posting to this site, but my first time every posting to anything online. I need help with my drinking not just for me and my health but for my two teenage children who are fast losing respect for me. I would try something like AA but dont like the idea of the group thing. I can go days without drinking but its like in my head I decide that I will drink a certain night and once I start I just keep drinking till I pass out. Lately, I have started drinking the next day and am staying in bed a lot. I am totally giving up...tried moderation, obviously hasn't worked. Any help you can give me along the way I would really appreciate. Here goes.....


              New Here!!

              welcome to both of you, go to the tell us your story site, or the newbie thread. meanwhile read
              everything you can and congratulations for taking the first step.



                New Here!!

                Welcome! I found this site about a month ago and can't believe how much it has helped me. I've had a few slips since I started, but the support has helped me get right back in there. Not getting drunk every night makes the mornings better and has given me some self-respect back.


                  New Here!!

                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    New Here!!


                    I have been a member for 11 days and I have been alcohol free for 11 days except 3 sips of wine.

                    I can truly call that progress since I have not gone for more than a few days without getting drunk and mostly every night.

                    You have found the right place.
                    Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                      New Here!!

                      Hope you'll visit us at our new thread....Newbies Unite....all the best,


                        New Here!!

                        Hi living In Hope,
                        So pleased that you found this site! MWO is a great place for support so keep coming back here.
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          New Here!!

                          :colorwelcome: loewe and also Living in Hope!! You have come to a great place. I second? third? the motion about downloading and reading the My Way Out Book (from the Health Store off the top menu bar). Armed with the My Way Out tools and this great support community, we CAN be free of the Booze Beast if we want it, and are willing to work for it. Glad you are here!!

                          Celebrating 30 Days Hangover Free (AF)!
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            New Here!!

                            Hi Welcome,

                            It's the place to be - it's kept me going . . . . .
                            Short term goal 7 days AF

