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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Mornin' all

    Hope everyone on this thread has a great day.

    I'll be honest, I'm feeling super stressed and anxious atm - nothing big but lots of little stuff, mostly to do with other people and too many things to do in not nearly enough time. It could be a lot worse and I really should be counting my blessings, which truly are many, but sometimes it is difficult to step back. Gave into cravings last night as a result. Took 2 x LGlut and it did nothing this time. I should have just stuck it out. Let myself be affected by others and their needs. Gack! (I think that's what Greeny would say!! Hope she's doing well at Lenair)

    So, I'm going out to ride my Neddy - that should help (as long as he behaves himself! :H) Once I am in the saddle I can move away from what's in my mind and focus on the horse and the countryside.

    Love to everyone.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning ODATers

    Bessie - you and me both!! Ditto with the too many things and unfortunately ditto with the giving in last night. So feeling desperately dog dayed today which is not what I need when I have so much to do.... So WHY DO I DO IT???

    Also took my baby boy (10) to Secondary School today for induction day - that is so wrong he is my baby, he's too little to go to big school

    Any way struggle on

    Love Bx


      ODAT - Thursday

      Morning Bessie and Mad mummy and all to come,

      My head feels strange as if I've been drinking heavily all week. Well just had 1 last night and 2 previously, and I just can't pull myself up. Its so wierd cos last night I fell asleep at 8.30 just as if I'd had a load of drink (after 1!), woke an hour later then went straight to bed. Today I feel like I hardly got any sleep and feel tired again.
      Anyway enough of me. I'm sorry you 2 are struggling. I've got the high school thing to come in a year or so (seems only yesterday they started primary school). It is a big adjustment so don't give yourself too much of a hard time mad m!
      Bessie I hope the horse ride clears your head, sounds lovely to me!
      love Evie:h
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Thursday

        Good Day Bes, Mad, and Evie,

        Sorry to hear that you have had some minor slips but I am sure that you will be okay today. Darn AL picking on the three of you. Kick him in the arse a good one for me today!

        I am off to another busy day of fixing up the lake house. Getting it ready for the big party that will take place on Saturday. It is finally Summer here in Minnesota and the lakes are buzzing with activity. Need to get the boat ready, the dock in the water, and all of the toys ready to go! Can't wait to get the water tube out and pull people around the lake. However, with gas at high prices I may have to charge for rides or take some donations!

        I hit day 40 AF yesterday which was somewhat a non-event. I think that is a good thing. But I did notice that I can really smell AL lately. I wonder if that is because I quit taking the supplements the other day for no particular reason. I think I am going to restart just to make sure that I don't have any slips.

        Well, off to work. Good wishes to all to come!


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hello ODATers! God these names are a trip! Nice to see everyone up and shinning brightly this lovely morning! Reality has sent in for me along. :H


            ODAT - Thursday

            Morning everyone, I know, I was stringing the names into a little song as I read down the line. Another day, ODAT, except for the antabuse which saved me at least 10 times yesterday!! It would be a beautiful morning to take a horseback ride around here, but there are none nearby. Don't know why! This is my last day of work for 3 FUNFUNFUN (which translates to a trip to the city and a lot of work in the garden)
            I am beginning to realize that my 18 year habit of sneaking a swallow, whenever I could and downing a bottle or two, has been my way of expressing my unhappiness with my marital relationship. He has booze everywhere, it's like a trophy display or something to him. He doesn't overdo much anymore himself. Like I was really hurting him instead of myself???
            Anyhow, I'm glad to have your daily updates about your lives and families. My eldest just turned 38 and it plain blows me away to think about it! xxx g.


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hi guys,

              Really late check in for me today - 2:30 my time. Been super busy, still AF during the week though. Went to a movie last night with the BF then home for a cup of tea and then to bed. This weekend will be fairly easy to mod if I choose to because I am so busy I don't have time to be hungover - the thought of that makes me ill at the moment actually. If I make it through this month, it will be the first month in probably 10 years (besides when I was pregnant) that I haven't been hungover! I'm pretty damn proud of myself!

              Hope you are all having a great day.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT - Thursday

                Uni - I am proud of you too!! Really. You are an inspiration and really have got into your stride this month. I thought I had too but have been a bit side lined.

                Sorry that Evie and MadMummy are with me in the struggle atm - must be something in the air on this side of the pond!!

                My ride didn't turn out to be the restful event I planned. I rode with a friend and our horses spooked at a car driver who was gesticulating at us. I think he was trying to be funny but the outcome wasn't. My horse got kicked by the other and got a nasty cut so it was home and the vet out. He's ok but it will take a time to heal as it's at the top of the hind leg and needs slathering in cream to stop the flies. It's something called Summer Fly Cream and it's bright yellow. Stains the fingers which turn nicotine brown (iodine I guess) Looks like I have a 20 a day habit now!

                Then I was flat out with catching up and other stuff until about 10.30pm when I got in and logged on.

                I'll be on tomorrow but if anyone else wants to start ODAT Friday I shall be grateful.

                Bessie xx (who hates having a poorly horse and vets bills .....! But the two go together)

