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Giving it another go!

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    Giving it another go!

    Hi there, I spent some time here about 6 months ago and found it very inspiring but unfortuately I haven't been successful on my quest to stop drinking. For the past 4 months I have basically drank everynight. I usually drink about 4 glasses of wine a night, sometimes more. I hate that drinking has taken over my life. Today I will start trying to go AF. I can already here myself trying to justify why it's o.k. to drink as it is my day off work but I am going to be strong!!!

    Giving it another go!

    Welcome Back

    :new:Come to General discussion.. Newbies June 08....Best of Luck to you.


      Giving it another go!

      Welcome and good luck!


        Giving it another go!

        Welcome here onthegrand, read and post and stay close. You will find very knowledgable people
        here who can help.

        Good Luck


          Giving it another go!

          Hey everyone, so of course I was not successful tonight. I had 4 glasses of red wine. The only good thing is I am able to stop at that. I am incredibly sorry that I was not able to follow through with a AF night. I think stress got the best of me. Got a call from my child's school that she had head lice (it's rampant through her school) so that was the perfect excuse to drink. I am working at self control though and think I have a pretty good handle on it!!! Will try AF again tomorrow although I here the excuses already!!!


            Giving it another go!

            I too hope you will visit us at our thread Newbies Unite.....we're all just starting out together. Reach out and let us offer you some support. All the best,


              Giving it another go!


              Don't beat yourself up - hook up with the rest of us and we'll do it together!
              Short term goal 7 days AF


                Giving it another go!

                long life

                funny as it is you dont even no your moderating 4 glasses of wine, well cut back to 3 tonite then 2 i think that is this program i dont no if i can, even tho ive moderated in the past i just got out of treatment 30 days its a new way of life good sometimes not so good at others but that isnt the worse scenario if you drink to nuch you can poison yourself im tryin to be blunt with you but gentle to hope to talk again gyco


                  Giving it another go!

                  by the way treatment where i went is not nice very intense tho


                    Giving it another go!

                    On the Grand...........

                    Great to see you back girl - I missed you.

                    You always win when you try're never a quitter if you never stop quitting - don't forget that.

                    Welcome back.

                    Love and Hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

