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new guy

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    new guy

    Can't seem to drink in moderation. I don't drink everyday, but I find myself blacking out about 2 times a month. I have a 15 month old baby and another one coming in December. I've tried to come up with different options to keep me from going overboard, but I just can't seem to limit the amount i drink when I do drink. I'm living overseas running a successful business, but I don't have access to the american support system like rehab or AA. I hope this helps.

    new guy

    Welcome Todd! Congratulations on the babies!! There are many great people on this site willing to help!! Stick with us and you'll see a change in that drinking habit.
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      new guy

      This place is excellent if you can't access aa or councelling etc, I've found it has really helped me as I too can't get to either. So glad you have found us, I really empathise with you on the realisation that you can't seem to control the alcohol intake even when you decide to just 'have a few'. You will soon realise you are not alone!
      Keep reading and getting support and I hope you will find the help you need to get the old al problem in check.
      The fact that you have 1 baby (toddler)already and 1 on the way means you have a lot of responsibility on your (and partners) shoulders and i imagine that is overwhelming especially as you have a successful business too. (Me I have 3 young kids and am a stay at home mum so can empathise). Al takes the edge off! Not a great way to go which is why I'm here too!
      All the best to you
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        new guy

        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          new guy

          Oh my, good you found MWO. You must stop drinking. You must stop, not only for the health and safety of your toddler, not only for the health of your new baby, but for yourself. Everything that is good and wonderful about your life depends on you finding a way too get over the AL now. There's just got to be some professional help available to you. I'm saying this to you because of the mess I made of my own life. Yes, I managed a business, ran a home and raised 3 children. I thought I had held it all together, but, talking to them now as adults, I am learning about all the messes and close calls I never even knew about because I was drunk. Keep reading and posting here and make up your mind to do whatever it takes to stop. With best wishes and a prayer, g.


            new guy

            Todd, I want to extend an invitation to you to join us in the 'Newbies Unite' thread...I just started it yesterday, but it is on fire with a great group of people all starting out together....all the best.

